During the panel at Long Beach Comic Con, director Shane Black talked about his upcoming project
Iron Man 3. While it is nothing major, he also shares his thoughts on writer Drew Pearce and what is his main focus for the movie. Thanks to
@RIMBreaks for the heads up.
* There will be references to the Avengers in Iron Man 3, but this will be Tony's movie.
* 'Is Iron Man 3 going to take place during Xmas?' Shane Black - 'It's negotiable.'
* Black wants Jon Faverau to return as Happy Hogan.
* Black thought that the end of The First Avenger: Captain America movie was a big mess.
* On not giving away too much Iron Man spoilers: "Do you want to know what happens when you die? Just wait till you'll die."
* On his IM3 co-writer, Drew Pearce: "These British people...they are really are something! We should have more of them!"
* Shane Black on green screen: "The biggest problem is the actors. Because picturing a non-existent set can make for flat performances."
* His main IM3-related focus is "realism and the potential for evil in all men".
Starring Robert Downey Jr.,
Iron Man 3 is set to hit theatres on May 3, 2013.