What it was like putting on the suit?
“It’s extremely cool. There’s no other feeling like it. They just put it on, I turned around and look in the mirror and you can’t really play it cool – you sort of guffaw and laugh. I thought ‘OK, holy hell, this is real, it’s not a joke anymore. This is it…you’re doing it, you’re right in the middle of it.’”
Preparing his body for the role?
“I’m on 5000 calories a day… You’ve got to eat protein first, then a little bit of carbs…you’ve gotta keep your hunger levels going. I’m training two and a half hours a day, pushing my body beyond its normal limits, putting on a lot of muscle mass and just making myself look like Superman.”
Would he ever consider being James Bond again?
"That would be absolutely amazing. If they approached me on that I’d leap at the opportunity to do it. But that’s of course well away for the time being…”
Glad to hear that Mr. Cavill is so excited about the role and committed to making his body so super. 5,000 calories a day? That has to be pretty unhealthy for your body to transform it so quickly, right?
I'm intrigued about him playing James Bond. I know he was up for the role when Daniel Craig won that British sweepstakes. He was too young for that role, but in a few more years I think he'd be a great choice. He has the good looks of a Pierce Brosnan, yet a smooth quality of Sean Connery, quite a lethal combo. What do you guys think?
Man Of Steel, starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Michael Shannon, Antje Traue, Julia Ormond, Russell Crowe, Laurence Fishburne with Christopher Meloni and Harry Lennix, the reboot is slated for theaters Mid-December 2012!