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Latino Review
X-Men Sequels?
Álex González: When we all signed up for "X-Men: First Class" we signed up for three movies. Nobody knows if we're going to do the sequel of the prequel but I don't know. It all depends on the money and other factors, but I would really love to do another "X-Men" movie.
Reason for Returning?
Álex González: Another reason why I want to do a sequel is because in the first one my English was really bad and it was a little bit difficult for me to interact with the rest of the crew. I feel that it would be more enjoyable because now I can communicate better.
Getting a Chance to Play a Vilain:
Álex González: You know what, I don't usually have the opportunity to play a bad guy because they used to tell me that I look like a good boy and they normally wouldn't offer me the villain role. That's one of the reasons why I enjoyed playing Riptide in the film and also because when you play a bad guy you can allow yourself to do things that you wouldn't do in real life. You cannot be polite, you cannot be passive, you cannot do a lot of things that you would do in real life.
Fun Being a Villain?
Álex González: Yeah. I love it more because you can discover different things and you can explore different things that you cannot explore with a good guy. Somebody may offer you a role to play a killer and you might say 'Oh my God, no I can't do that because I'm not a killer' but then you find out the way they think and work. It's more enjoyable to play them.
Read "X-Men" Comics?
Álex González: Not really. Of course after they chose me I read a lot of the comics but before the movie no. The thing is that there's not too much information about Riptide in the comics because he's not a very popular character. The good thing about that is that I have the option to create my own character. The director (Matthew Vaughn) saw this and gave me the freedom to do so.
The strong, but silent type, eh? Not so fast. If your actor can't speak english quite so good, you are better off not feeding him any lines. I guess this is the eye candy for the ladies, and based on the reactions in the past, most of the women that frequent our sight seem very pleased that he doesn't ruin his good looks with any talky talky.
As for his performance? I don't know, I mean he did a fine job for what he had to do, but there really isn't any actor that could stand around looking sinister and have CG tornadoes appear from their hands. Well, maybe not Any Dick, but everyone else.
X-Men: First Class hits DVD/Blu-Ray September 9th!