Check out Mark Julian's article that features some great photos from last night.
SKIP to the 1 minute mark to see the Oldman Scene
Uploaded by sdog1973 on Sep 9, 2011
Christian Bale and Gary Oldman rehearse for scenes for the upcoming Christopher Nolan movie The Dark Knight Rises. This shoot was down at the LA River bed under the 6th street bridge.
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So apparently, Oldman and Bats had a deep convo. This was filmed at night, on the ice set, but with tons of lights on it. Oldman apparently walks out of the tunnel with his gun, lowers it. Then somehow as a conversation with Bats and pats him on the shoulder. Then they cut.
They came from the tunnel, confirmed from a friend. Batman was running towards it. Now they are shooting a solo scene with Oldman that is very dark and slow...
So now I guess Batman was running towards the tunnel when he heard the gunshots. And it was confirmed Oldman was there.
No, the set itself is built above the Los Angeles river. The LA river is like a gutter, its a huge ravine full of garbage water that is probably no more than a foot deep. The set is built to look like an icey platform. So when JGL's stunt double feel through, he needed somewhere to fall. They build a mini pool under the ice under where he was falling through to fall in. Make sense?
I saw the JGL scene right there. The PA kicked everyone out but me haha. Um, from the details, I can tell you he was in a very fine suit, and was tip toeing very cautiously across the ice. They built a mini pool under the ice and when he stepped on it, it blew and he feel into it. There was a lot of wind blowing from the fan, making the snow move and what not.
The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters July 20th 2012 and stars Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Garly Oldman as Jim Gordon, Tom Hardy as Bane, Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake and Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate.
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