The fine folks over at The World's Finest have just learned that Bruce Timm and Darwyn Cooke are set to reunite and bring Batman Beyond back to the small screen. Unfortunately, it won't be returning as a series, but as a DC Nation short. There's no word yet if it's just a single episode or several, but you can expect it to air sometime in 2014 to coincide with Batman's 75th anniversary.
Darwyn Cooke is taking the design and story board lead for the short. If his name sounds familiar to you, it's because he is the man who designed the memorable introduction for the TV series. His comic book DC: The New Frontier was also adapted for the incredible animated film Justice League: The New Frontier. Bruce Timm has recently stated that if he could revisit any of his old material in an animated film, he would choose Batman Beyond. We can always keep our fingers crossed.
In the meantime, if you need your Batman Beyond fix, you can read Kyle Higgins' Batman Beyond 2.0 digitally. It has received some rave reviews and is also available in print as Batman Beyond Universe.
For nostalgia's sake, here is Darwyn Cooke's Batman Beyond intro.