2010 has proven to be one of the best years as far as Comic Book Movie news, with all sorts of information coming out regarding some of our favorite comic book characters and their respective films. We've learned who will be playing one of the most iconic comic book characters in Captain America. We were all shocked by the news that Sony would be rebooting the Spider-Man franchise and subsequently, who would be playing the wall-crawling hero. Along with that news, we had to read literally hundreds of Spider-Man reboot fan-casts. More recently, we have witnessed tow of the most anticipated trailers in some time with The Green Lantern and THOR, sparking a heated debate as to which would be the superior film.
I am looking for Editorials, Fan-Fic and Top News Stories currently. You will have your opportunity to pick your favorite comic book movie when the actual article is posted!
The 2010 Best of ComicBookMovie is your opportunity to take part in choosing the best of the best here at CBM.com. This is just a sneak peek at what will be coming in the next several weeks, so keep an eye out. In the mean time, I'd love to hear about some of the best Fan-Fiction stories you've come across this year. CBM has some incredibly talented writers and this will be your chance to give them the recognition they deserve. I also want to hear about some of the great Editorials we have seen this year. Has there been an article that blew you away or sparked a debate for the ages?
Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section below or send me a quick email! Be sure to include a link to the article and/or story. Please have your suggestions to me by December 25th. Your chance to vote for the
2010 Best of ComicBookMovie will arrive shortly after the beginning of the year. As per usual, your help is greatly appreciated and I'm sure I can speak for my fellow Editors, Volunteers and the Almighty Galactus in saying thank you and we look forward to a fantastic 2011!