Glen Powell Says He Has A Wild Take On BATMAN After Revealing Superhero Role He Missed Out On

Glen Powell Says He Has A "Wild Take" On BATMAN After Revealing Superhero Role He Missed Out On

BATMAN: THE LAST HALLOWEEN - Jeph Loeb Will Conclude Acclaimed Saga With New 10-Issue Series
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BATMAN: THE LAST HALLOWEEN - Jeph Loeb Will Conclude Acclaimed Saga With New 10-Issue Series

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MisterBabadook - 1/16/2013, 9:22 AM
This is the longest DC animated film I've EVER seen. 1:36:00
Ceejay - 1/16/2013, 9:25 AM
And practically anyone who knows how, has seen it already and in high def!
bigdaddy73 - 1/16/2013, 9:26 AM
Can't wait. I love DC animation.
DarthVenom - 1/16/2013, 9:29 AM
The batman and superman fight was so sick
GetsugaTensho22 - 1/16/2013, 9:37 AM
@monkeyballs3 : Word up!
I'm as dirty a pirate as they come, but DC Animated is something that deserves my money! :) I'll pick it up from my store when It drops! :D
GetsugaTensho22 - 1/16/2013, 9:38 AM
Also, CeeJay is like an Archie comic. Every sentence of his ends with an exclamation mark.
GoILL - 1/16/2013, 9:40 AM
I'm buying this, gotta add the joker to go with the Batman figure I got with Part 1.
MutantEquality - 1/16/2013, 9:40 AM
My money is on that a month after the release of this they will release a SUPER DOOPER SPECIAL EDITION 2 MOVIE COMBO PACK PRESENTED AS A FULL LENGTH THEATRICAL MOVIE!!!

lol. You know it's going to happen folks. More bang for WB's buck.
lefrank - 1/16/2013, 9:45 AM

Ur welcome :p
CavEl - 1/16/2013, 9:46 AM
They did a great job showing Frank Miller's unwarrented hate for Superman with the nuclear explosion scene.

Frank Miller hates Superman so much he considers Superman a parasite/cancer on Earth. Superman literarily sucked the life out of the planet so that he could live.

Frank Miller's hate for Superman is something else, and to think all this started because DC gave the rebooted Superman to John Byrne over him like it was Superman's fault.
CavEl - 1/16/2013, 9:49 AM
I also love his quote about this movie. Apparently, he wanted to make Batman badass again because he hated how the silver-age had neutered him by making him campy and family friendly.

So to give Batman back his proverbial balls back, he decided to cut off Superman's instead. -_-
GoILL - 1/16/2013, 9:57 AM
Did any of you guys read Kevin Smith's tweets about this?
fortycals - 1/16/2013, 10:15 AM
Part 2 was good but part one was better. The whole sup-buster armor fight with superman was good, but i enjoyed how he took the mutant leader down more. Its just, imo, the fight with joker didnt feel right to me, maybe because of the voice acting. Maybe i'm spoiled by Mark H job handling the joker.
GoILL - 1/16/2013, 10:15 AM

It's basically what LEVI posted here's one

KevinSmith ‏@ThatKevinSmith
Every BAT fan needs to lay hands on THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Pt2! So fulla shit-kicking awesome, I nutted without help!
GoILL - 1/16/2013, 10:28 AM

No problem man and yeah that thought is definitely not a great one but reading it is hilarious.
DukeAcureds - 1/16/2013, 11:10 AM
"Every Bat fan needs to lay their hands on The Dark Knight Returns part 2"
Where was that quote when we were arguing the merits of a "Fan" who hasn't read The Dark Knight Returns, on the recent article about the possible introduction of Carrie Kelly to The New 52?
mattboesch8907 - 1/16/2013, 11:15 AM
the first photo of batman kinda has that bruce timm animated series look.
Zordan - 1/16/2013, 11:18 AM
"mr. fich's" voice was great for joker until they actually did it... it doesnt work somehow... or im use to finch..
Zordan - 1/16/2013, 11:19 AM
btw epic superman vs batman fight... i love how this story ends!
MarkV - 1/16/2013, 11:45 AM
Badass! The fight with Mutant Leader was sick as F uck.
DukeAcureds - 1/16/2013, 2:51 PM
They should stick these both together and give them a thaetrical release. Just add a few little touches to make the fans who already own it go the cinema and they've got a winner. Shit, I don't care if they ust show the exact same versions put together, I'd love to see this on the big screen.
DukeAcureds - 1/16/2013, 2:52 PM
Optimus83 - 1/16/2013, 5:28 PM
cool Joker. ...the best villian of Batman
Battabing - 1/16/2013, 5:35 PM
The movie was phenomenal and surprisingly brutal!
continuezero - 1/16/2013, 6:01 PM
Wow this was awesome, I love how well DC Animated delves into Supes'/Clarke's and Bats'/Bruce's relationship. Would be killer to get a bit of that in Live Action. Always cool when they call each other by their actual names.
Howlett - 1/16/2013, 6:33 PM
I hope the WATCHMEN comes next, the live action movie was a bit of a letdown.
Ceejay - 1/16/2013, 7:57 PM
@monkeyballs3 - who said I'm not buying it "douchebag"? Despite the moaning of the movie industry about piracy, they make increasingly larger profits year after year. Even through the recession! Î've seen Avengers 5 times in the cinema, the Hobbit 5 times too Skyfall twice, Silver Linings Playbook twice, I pay to see more movies in the cinema AND i buy everything on like on blu ray regardless if i see them on pirate or cinema first, so go frak your presumptuous self!
TheRealDorkKnight - 1/16/2013, 8:14 PM
i downloaded this a few days ago and have watched it several times already (@Ceejay knows what im talkin about)
but I too am going to buy it on bluray when it is released, i mean I've got part one without it my collection is incomplete ;)
TheGothamKnight1939 - 1/16/2013, 10:16 PM
Preordered a copy and saw it online. Great movie.
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