The Walking Dead is an upcoming American series created for television by Frank Darabont and based upon the comic book series of the same name created by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore. The show tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse and follows a small group of survivors traveling across the country in search of a new home away from the hordes of zombies. As their situation grows more and more grim, the group's desperation to survive pushes them to do almost anything to stay alive!
"It's fun going back and writing the thing, because I don't remember very much from the early issues of the comic," Kirkman told
MTV News in a recent interview.
"The story in the comic moves so much, a lot of the characters die, and it's a frequent death rate in the book. So I'm getting to write characters that I haven't even really thought about for a long time, because they've been out of the book for a while."
"It's kind of like going back home again and getting a second pass at earlier stuff. It's a lot of fun."
The first episode of
The Walking Dead will premiere with a 90-minute episode on AMC on October 31st later this year!