Just in case you've had enough Star Wars for today, we have some juicy details about one of the big fight scenes in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. You'll surely recall those shots from the latest trailer of Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) in full-on battle mode against a mysterious opponent? Well, apparently that's none other than Doomsday, who has been rumored to be one of the movie's villains for quite a while now.
You may have already guessed that it might be Superman's old enemy - or at least an equally powerful being if they're going toe-to-toe with Diana - but how about some extra info about what happens during their scrap? According to heroic Hollywood's El Mayimbe, at one point Wonder Woman is able to sever the beast's hand with her sword, only for it to grow back as a bone blade! Presumably at this point the two clash swords and continue the fight, but nothing else is revealed about that.
What's your thoughts on this? Did you figure it was Doomsday throwing down with Wondy in the trailer? Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice will be with us on March 25, 2016.