After its April debut, Ultimate Spider-man cartoon was generally hated by the fans. In fact the fans hated so much that they started sending their complains to the show runners, mainly Jeph Loeb's facebook page (
Was located here).
The complains started few weeks ago and we checked on Monday and were surprised that number of complains was in the thousands, and two days later the Jeph Loeb facebook page was taken down.
Jeph Loeb was not the only person who received the criticism, both Joe
Quesada's twitter and
Man of action facebook page received their share of fan hate, but it was Jeph Loeb who had received the most.
You can check
our previous article here where we showed some examples of what fans wrote on Jeph Loeb's, now deleted, page.
Whether this means that Marvel has gotten the message and chose to ignore it or not remains to be seen. But this is definitely a first in the history of recent TV series where fans get to voice their criticism directly to the show producers.