A Sequel To Legend of Korra, An Idea For A 3rd Avatar TV-Show

A Sequel To Legend of Korra, An Idea For A 3rd Avatar TV-Show

Legend of Korra is coming to it's end, but I really hope there will be a 3rd show, that will continue the epic story of the Avatar. But this time there will be a twist: 2 Avatars, new bending. This is an idea for a 3rd Avatar show, enjoy...

By dcmarvel86 - Oct 10, 2014 03:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

I’m a big fan of the Avatar shows, both Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, and I actually hope that the creators of these two shows (Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino) will make a 3rd show, that will continue the Avatar saga.

Since the last season of Korra just started, most of the things that I’m writing here are just my ideas, and most of them can change when the show ends.  

So my idea is that the 3rd show will take place after Korra’s death, and the Avatar cycle will continue. Technically the next Avatar will be at first an Earthbender, but something very different will happen this time. The next Avater will actually be two people, twins.

My story is that a Firebender male got married with a Earthbender female, and the two got married and when the mother gave birth, they found out that they have twins, and these two brothers are the Avatar - the Avatar conscious somehow was split into two different people, and so  these two twins are the first “Avatars”.


Vin, who was born first has more connection to Earthbending (since the next Avatar was supposed to be and Earthbender at first), this is way his Earthbending is much more powerful and he can Metalbend straight away (but his Firebending is far less powerful).

His twin brother, Khan (Khan!!!!!), who was born only few minutes later, is a naturel born Firebender, and he masters the Lightning generation and Lightning redirection when he is very young, but he can’t Metalbend. Because his Firebending is so advanced he learns how to use his bending to “fly”. He isn’t actually flying, but he uses his Firebending like jet fire (like Iron Man), he later combines this skill with some Airbending, and he can fly really high and fast.


I know that these two brothers might be little similar to Mako and Bolin from “Korra”, but there are very different. Their relationship is little similar to Professor X and Magneto/Thor and Loki. Vin believes in good and always tries to do the good thing, he believes that being an Avatar means he has to keep the peace and the balance in the world. Khan on the other hand is much more aggressive in his beliefs. He thinks that being an Avatar means that he has to save the world from evil and injustice, and he is ready to do the wrong things to achieve his goal. He believes that the world’s Kings and leaders are not needed, and he is the one that needs to rule, not because he wants the power, but because he is the Avatar, and he is the bridge between all nations and benders.    

The story of the show picks up after the two brothers already mastered all the bending skills, and they are both very powerful benders and Avatars. Korra died when she was in her 60’s, and the two brothers are in their late teens, so it’s been almost 60 years since the events of “Korra”. The world is different, and is a mixture of present and ancient times (like it was in Korra, a mix between different eras).

When it was revealed that Vin and Khan are Avatars, their teachers decided to split the two, and teach them separately. And so the brothers reunite after not seeing each other for years.

The first book/season is called “Brothers”. It will mostly focus on the two Avatars. Khan will be revealed as a anti-hero, as he will try to take power and become the king of all kings. Khan also believes that benders are superior to non-benders.

There will be more than one villain in book 1, and the first one will be the new Earth monarch of the Earth Kingdom. He sparest his Kingdome into two, Earthbenders that can also Metalbend are considered to be superior to benders that can only bend the Earth. Non-benders are the lowest class in this new society. This operation of the Metalbendrs will eventually cause a revelation in the Earth Kingdom.      

  Once Vin will find out about his brother’s conspiracy we will get an Avatar vs. Avatar fight. Vin will manage to defeat his brother because he has a more powerful connection to the spirit world. After the fight, Vin will take Khan’s bending away, and then Khan will be exiled, as Vin promising that he will do anything to keep the peace and keep the people of the world free, even if it means he will have to fight his own brother. 


Book 2 is called “Split”, and it takes place little more than a year after the first book. Vin tries to selvage the mess that his brother did. The world lost their faith in the Avatars, after one of them tried to kill the president of Republic City.

In the same time, a scientist, Dr. Yan, shocks the world when he reveals that he can turn any non-bender into a bender (for the right price of course). With a surgery, Dr.Yan can give any man the powers of one of the elements. Non-benders start paying for this surgery and they become benders, and that creates a whole new chaos, because now everyone is a bender.

It is revealed that Dr.Yan is working for a group of benders, who are led by Zane, and he shares Khan’s ideology about benders and non-benders.
Zane is a Firebender, he and Khan became like brothers years ago, when Khan was getting his Firebending training. They both started a group of benders that believe in a new world order. Zane’s group believes that non-benders should be their slaves, because they are sub-humans.

Zane wants to turn more people into benders, he also hates Vin for what he has done to Khan (taking his bending away). In their first battle, Vin is able to defeat Zane, and this makes Zane to order the scientist to start testing on benders, trying to give a bender more than one element.
Most of the test subjects die, but then Zane goes through the presider, and he learns that now he can control 2 different elements. After many surgeries, all the member of the group can now control all 4 elements, and now they go to take over the world, but only 5 of them survive the surgeries. Vin can’t stop them alone, and so he goes to find Khan, hoping that his brother can help him.


It will be revealed that after his bending was taken, Khan went on an odyssey. He was all over the place, and eventually he joined a pirate crew, sailing the world. The pirate ship was attacked by a massive sea monster, and the ship was destroyed and all the crew was killed. Khan wakes up on an island that looks very different. Khan realizes that he has arrived on a new continent that somehow appeared out of nowhere. Khan starts exploring this new place, and he eventually finds a new race.

This race is a strange hybrid between humans and spirits. They look little like Elves, and they can use a new form of bending: Forestbending. This bending allows them to bend trees, branches and weeds and more. They can also control any wood around them. The Forestbending is similar to Earthbending in many ways. They live in a city made of big trees that their bend to make like beautiful buildings.

Khan learns that Korra action all these years ago in the Harmonic Convergence cussed a shift in the world, and this is also why there are 2 Avatars now. The leader of the Forestbenders explains Khan that the world is now very different, because now there are new races and benders out there. The leader tells Khan that this is a new continent, and only the Avatars can find it. And of course there is a hot girl that helps Khan become a better person through love. The Forestbenders use their powers to give Khan some of their magic, and he becomes a Forestbender.

When Vin finds his brother he is shocked to learn about the Forestbenders and the new continent. At first Khan won’t help Vin, but when realizing that his ideology is getting innocent people killed, he joins his brother. Khan sees Zane as a brother from another mother, but now he has to take responsibility for his actions and stop Zane. 

The super-benders are very powerful in this point, but they never faced a Forestbender, and that throws them off-balance, but they are still very strong and they control all the elements, and the 2 Avatats fail to defeat them.

Khan betrays Vin, and joins the super-benders. Zane welcomes Khan back as a brother, and Zane allows Khan to do the surgery that brings his bending back. It is revealed that it was a trick by Khan, he just used Zane to get his bending back, and he soon teams up with Vin again to stop Zane and the super-benders.   

The Avatars use their powers to defeat the super-benders, and they save the world, but during the battle Yan, the scientist, gets killed. Vin thinks that it was an accident, but it was Khan who killed him to prevent his surgeries to continue. The people of the world are now very angry with the Avatars because now non-benders can’t transform into benders. Vin realizes that the world needs some space from the Avatars, and Vin joins Khan in the new continent. Vin believes that there might be new benders there and he wants to find them.


New World Wallpaper

Book 3 is called “Elements”. Vin and Khan go on an adventure in the new continent, searching for other “new” benders. The first new race they find is the Lightbenders. They live in a floating city that is very Cyberpunk kind of city. The Lightbending creates a powerful energy rays, that are little like electricity but far more powerful. The Lightbenders use there bending to power their machines and floating city. Most of the Lightbenders are inventors that are constantly building and inventing new technology. The Lightbending can be used in combat like lasers, and a Lightbender can create energy blasts, similar to Firebenders that use Combustion (but without the 3rd eye thing).


The two Avatars meet later on a 3rd race of benders, and it’s the coolest one yet – Gravitybending.  Like Lightbending and Forestbending - Gravitybending is also based on one of the original elements: Air. Gravitybenders can control gravity around them, and they actually manipulate gravity around them. It little similar to the ability that “Windrunners” have in a fantasy book series called “Stormlight Archive” (read it, it’s a great book series, it’s from Brandon Sanderson, who is currently writing some of the best fantasy books out there).

A Gravitybender is able to change the direction of his/her gravitational pull and its magnitude, so for example a Gravitybender can change his perspective of the direction, so if he bends the gravity around himself, he can turn the ceiling to the floor, and so he can walk on the ceiling just as if it was the floor. For anyone else it will look like he is walking on the ceiling somehow, but the Gravitybendr’s prespective will be that everyone is upside-down. The Gravitybender can also walk on walls, and he isn’t restricted only to walls.

A skilled Gravitybender can also change the gravity of objects and people around him, so a fight against this type of bender will feel like the fight scene from “Inception”.
A skilled Gravitybender can control the gravity around him, so the Gravitybending effects objects and people, a very skilled Gravitybender can control the gravity to the point the can fly.  

The Gravitybeners live in a strange city were roads are built vertically and diagonally, so the entire city looks like a crazy maze.

The 4th and final race of benders is the Emberbenders. The city of these benders is a city that was built inside a massive mountain. In the surface of the mountain there is a magical cave of gold crystals that are called Ember. The Emberbending can control the ember crystals and make it into a liquid. The Emberbending is based on Waterbending, however Emberbenders can’t bend water, same goes to the Waterbenders – they can’t bend Ember.
The Emberbenders can bend the Ember also to weapons, many of them create gold crystal swords and shield, and even an Ember powerful armor, and because the Ember is so strong, these Ember weapons are very powerful.  

The Emberbenders and the Gravitybenders are at war for the Ember. The Gravitybenders want a share of the Ember since when a bender drinks Ember his bending become very powerful for a short time.

The Gravity nation princess is called Zorra. Her father, the king, was killed, and now she is the leader of her people, and she wants vengeance for her father’s death, and she is ready to kill all Emberbenders to achieve her goals.        

Most of Book 3 will be about the two brothers actually becoming brothers, as they explore the new world, as they meet the new bender races, and they learn how to use these new bending skills. They meet new people and much more. Mostly it’s a brother bonding season, and the change in both of them, as Khan learns to be a better person, and Vin understands the burden of being an Avatar.

The brothers clash again when Vin learns that Khan killed Yan the scientist, and the two fight again (this time with the new 4 bending skills). The fight is very epic, because they both go Avatar mode. This fight brings some chaos all around, and the two stop fighting after they understand that their fight can destroy the spirit world.

At first the brothers split, but they team up again when the Emberbenders and the Gravitybenders go to war, and the two Avatars join forces to stop the war and bring peace to this new world.

The Emberbenders strike a deal with the Lightbenders, who build robots powered by Lightbending to help them in the war. The Forestbenders stay neutral, but the war eventually comes to their city too.

Vin gets injured during the fight and he drinks some Ember, because it has healing powers. Vin accidently goes into Avatar mode, and because of the Ember, the Avatar powers are enhanced to the point that Vin almost destroys the world. Vin can’t get out of Avatar mode, and the effects are felt everywhere. Earth and water moves, erupting volcanoes, cities are attacked by giant tsunami waves.

With some help from Khan, Vin is able to shut down the power, but it’s too late. The Avatars find out that the two continents clashed, the two worlds are now one. Ash covers the sky from the volcanic eruptions; the world is hit by nuclear winter. Book 3 will end on a cliffhanger, when the two Avatar realized that they just screwed big time.

Ruins burning city apocalypse artwork HD Wallpaper

Book 4 is called “Chaos”. The book takes place few weeks after the end of Book 3. The world is in chaos, the humans now must live with the spirit benders in the same world. The humans don’t like this new world, and same goes for the spirits benders.

Chaos is about to happen, when the two races are about to clash. The 2 Avatars brothers try to keep the peace, but the world now totally lost any faith in the Avatars. The fire nation had to abandon their Capital city because it located on top of a volcano that is no longer dormant.
The nuclear winter in the poles is so cooled that many can’t live there anymore. Ba Sing Se is in ruins and the people of the Earth Kingdom are in chaos. The Emberbenders and the Gravitybenders are still at was for the Ember, but because of the chaos, Ember is no floating all over the place.  

 The Air nation has been protecting the world ever since “Korra”, and they try to keep the peace in all of this chaos. An Airbender called Quan believes that the 2 Avatars failed the world. Quan is the son of Meelo, son of Tenzin, that makes Quan the great-grandson of Aang.

He and his air nation brothers have been protecting the world for many years, but the Avatars just keep breaking the world. Quan knows that if Vin and Khan die, the next Avatar will be an Airbender, and so he conspires to kill the two brothers, so there will be a new Avatar, an Air nation Avatar, and and Avatar that will bring peace and balance to the world, just like Aang did over 100 years ago. Quan doesn’t want to do this, but he understands that it his duty as an Airbender and as the descended of Aang to save the world from two Avatars that failed the world and brought only chaos and death.

Tension is running wild between human benders and spirit benders, and war is about to begin. Khan finds that Vin doesn’t want to do anything to stop the war, since he blames himself for everything that happened, and he is afraid that at this point he will only make things worse.

Quan finds out about the Ember and uses it to become a far more powerful Airbender.

Khan tries to keep the peace but he is attacked by Quan, who almost kills him. Khan realizes that his Avatar powers are gone. He can still bend all the elements, but he can’t go into Avatar mode and he can’t use his Avatar powers.  

The humans learn about the Ember, and they want some, but the Emberbenders won’t give any. The war between the Emberbenders and the Gravitybenders stops when the Emberbenders promise their enemies a share of the Ember if they will help them protect it from the humans. The Lightbenders build even more robots to fight the human benders. The Forestbenders understand that they must take a stand.       

A war begins between the races, and the Avatars can’t do a thing to stop it. Khan is able to convince Vin to help him find a way to get their Avatar powers back, so they could bring balance back to the world.   

As the two brothers try to find answers in the spirit world, but they realize that it is also in chaos. While they are in the spirit world, they are attacked by Quan. There is no bending in the spirit world, and Quan is far stronger. Quan is about to kill Khan, but Vin sacrifices himself to save his brother.  

The war continues in the human world, and Quan orders his Airbenders to start interfering, so they can stop this war. But Khan is now very angry after Vin’s death, and he goes after Quan.  


Vin wakes up in a very different place. He learns that he is in the Fog of Lost Souls. In the human world, Khan is about to kill Quan, but his conscious teleported to the fog just when he is about to deliver the killing blow.

Vin is the one that stopped Khan, because he doesn’t want his brother to be a killer. The 2 Avatars find themselves surrounded by all the old Avatars that explain them that their actions changed the world forever, but this change isn’t something bad, because every Avatar changes the world, but it’s their duty to bring balance to the world. Vin and Khan accept their duty as Avatars, and they embrace the Avatar powers back.

They return to the world and go into Avatar mode. With both of them united, they stop the war and bring balance to the world. They fix the world, and move the two continent apart, but create a bridge between them, so the two races will live apart but in time will learn to live in peace. Quan is banished to the spirit world.  

Book 4 ends with the Avatars finally getting some love from the people.


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kinghulk - 10/10/2014, 4:06 AM
I had a similar idea but in mine they are both Earth benders. In mine due to a glitch in the avatar state caused by korra and ravva being separated then reunited the avatar spirit is split in 2. i would have them be opposites with 1 of them being more peaceful and spiritual while the other is more about the strength of bending. in book 1 after the final battle they would go their separate ways forming their own team avatars. then in book 2 i would have their mother killed by the villian which changes both of them, for the more spiritual one he would lose faith and belive that it was due to him not being strong enough, and the other would accept it and go to a spirit world to grieve and try to become more enlightened.

the death of their mother would push the one brother over the edge and he would become power hungry and he himself begins to cause unbalance and starts a war in the earth kingdom. the other brother would then return from the spirit world having learned what he must do, he confronts his brother and after a epic battle he would use his new knowledge to unite him and his brother into one being restoring the balance of the avatar spirit.
kinghulk - 10/10/2014, 5:15 AM
i would love to see a series based around the journey of avatar wan after his battle with vaatu. it would be interesting to see what happened before he died in that battle.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 10:19 AM
I'm also trying to imagine a new Avatar series. I want the next avatar to be twins but I don't want it to be a fight between good and evil between the two of them, that's not interesting. It's a cliche. I'm trying to find a cool aproach to the Twins idea but I haven't thought of any yet. I'm trying to figure out what happens when two people have the same destiny without having to compete with eachother. I know that I want the Twins to be of different genders. Since we've already had two series with male firebenders in the main cast the female will be a Firebender. I want an interesting, unique personality for both of them. I hate all the suggestions for new elements to bend. Waterbenders already control the water inside plants so forestbenders are a bad addition, lightbeding and gravity bending just don't fit with the avatar universe and ember beding is cool but belongs as a sub ability of waterbending not the whole thing. The lightbending nation idea could be used as one of the futuristic cities that has appeared but not floating and with with lightningbenders instead. The gravity benders are an awesome idea for the new air nation. The airbenders use the air to move fast in the walls and the ceilings for a few moments and the cities could be designed like you said. There's only actual new bending type that should be featured and it has already been introduced in the series, energy bending. Between my series and Korra many non benders started to learn how to energybend and now the energybenders are a reasonable minority within Republic city and the new communities with all the bending types. They are treated as spirits themselves within the spirit community so unlike airbenders they don't admire the spirits. All the other benders are capable of energybending too but they have a really hard time. I haven't figured out what abilities the energybenders have but it's nothing like those energy blasts that Vaatu expelled. They are all about controlling the chi which is what the spirits are made of and what we have in our bodies so that's what their abilities should be. They can't control a person though. There are two characters accompanying the avatars in my idea. One is a spirit that normally looks like spirits in the original Avatar Series but ocasionaly is changed to those energy spirits in Book 2 of Korra (I have no idea what he would look exactly like but Dee Bradly would have a lot of fun voicing him speaking english but making tons of animal sounds between words) and the other one is an energy bender that wears make up thay makes it impossible to figure out what gender she is and it would never be revealed in the series. I don't know what she would wear but I only picture something like Asami. There's another character in a supporting role like Tenzin and he's non bender member of the Order of the White Lotus who has been a guardian to the twins ever since they were born. The twins don't know they're parents and they will never know them. I don't want any drama with them searching for their parents. I haven't thought of what happened to them but they probably don't know either and never discuss it. In my show the Sandbenders created they're own nation called the Desert State after the revolution in Book 3. Many citizen's from the Earth Nation ran away to the Desert State because they wanted to be free. The Desert State (I know that this name won't make sense since they're called a state but I really like it) doesn't have leaders and it's made out of small comunities that leave isolated. No one can establish a goverment there of any kind because the land is always changing and very hard to travel. You can't even make a map of it. There are also the spirits lands which is a huge mass of land freely inhabited by the spirits. At the center of it is the Foggy Swamp. The only humans allowed in the spirit lands are the plantbenders (who have grown a lot since the first series) because they are in tune with nature. The Forgetful Valley has changed immensely too. It's like a forest in autumn now. Much hotter. There are waterbenders there that control vapors and torture people. They are the stereotype of a firebender and think of themselves as such to the point that they hate all other nations besides the Fire Nation including the water tribes. There's a city in the Earth kingdom city made out of stone that was built by a single earthbender and he is the king there. All the citizen's are happy but what they don't know is that he can see like Toph and is constantly spying on them. The Fire Sages have moved to a floating nation city like a dirigible but not a machine. I really want to explore crystalbenders because I think they should be the spiritual side of the earthbenders and I want them to have special spiritual abilities like waterbenders, firebenders and waterbenders have. I have tons of ideas for minor villains some of which I've already mentioned. For example a weak waterbender that spent her childhood being made fun of because she could only controll small quantities of water but she found out she was very talented in bending those quantities around her body and learned many awesome abilities like bloodbending her own body making ice gauntlets around her arms and a kind of spirit bending that works with with spirits and humans. She is an assassin that does jobs involving energybenders because she can use the spirit bending technique to protect herself from they're powers.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 10:26 AM
kinghulk - 10/10/2014, 11:04 AM
i would read what you wrote but it's just so long with no spaces lol, but yeah i liked the idea of 2 twins where we are made to like one of them more than the other one only to see him lose it, whilst the brother kind of sorta pull's a zuko.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 11:42 AM
I'm also trying to imagine a new Avatar series. I want the next avatar to be twins but I don't want it to be a fight between good and evil between the two of them, that's not interesting. It's a cliche. I'm trying to find a cool aproach to the Twins idea but I haven't thought of any yet. I'm trying to figure out what happens when two people have the same destiny without having to compete with eachother. I know that I want the Twins to be of different genders. Since we've already had two series with male firebenders in the main cast the female will be a Firebender. I want an interesting, unique personality for both of them.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 11:42 AM
I hate all the suggestions for new elements to bend. Waterbenders already control the water inside plants so forestbenders are a bad addition, lightbeding and gravity bending just don't fit with the avatar universe and ember beding is cool but belongs as a sub ability of waterbending not the whole thing. The lightbending nation idea could be used as one of the futuristic cities that has appeared but not floating and with with lightningbenders instead. The gravity benders are an awesome idea for the new air nation. The airbenders use the air to move fast in the walls and the ceilings for a few moments and the cities could be designed like you said. There's only actual new bending type that should be featured and it has already been introduced in the series, energy bending. Between my series and Korra many non benders started to learn how to energybend and now the energybenders are a reasonable minority within Republic city and the new communities with all the bending types. They are treated as spirits themselves within the spirit community so unlike airbenders they don't admire the spirits. All the other benders are capable of energybending too but they have a really hard time. I haven't figured out what abilities the energybenders have but it's nothing like those energy blasts that Vaatu expelled. They are all about controlling the chi which is what the spirits are made of and what we have in our bodies so that's what their abilities should be. They can't control a person though.
kinghulk - 10/10/2014, 11:43 AM
Alphadog- yeah it was easier to read sorry, so have you skipped the next avatar and gone straight to fire? if so why?
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 11:43 AM
There are two characters accompanying the avatars in my idea. One is a spirit that normally looks like spirits in the original Avatar Series but ocasionaly is changed to those energy spirits in Book 2 of Korra (I have no idea what he would look exactly like but Dee Bradly would have a lot of fun voicing him speaking english but making tons of animal sounds between words) and the other one is an energy bender that wears make up thay makes it impossible to figure out what gender she is and it would never be revealed in the series. I don't know what she would wear but I only picture something like Asami. There's another character in a supporting role like Tenzin and he's non bender member of the Order of the White Lotus who has been a guardian to the twins ever since they were born. The twins don't know they're parents and they will never know them. I don't want any drama with them searching for their parents. I haven't thought of what happened to them but they probably don't know either and never discuss it.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 11:44 AM
@kinghulk No, the male twin is an earthbender, should've mentioned it.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 11:46 AM
In my show the Sandbenders created they're own nation called the Desert State after the revolution in Book 3. Many citizen's from the Earth Nation ran away to the Desert State because they wanted to be free. The Desert State (I know that this name won't make sense since they're called a state but I really like it) doesn't have leaders and it's made out of small comunities that leave isolated. No one can establish a goverment there of any kind because the land is always changing and very hard to travel. You can't even make a map of it. There are also the spirits lands which is a huge mass of land freely inhabited by the spirits. At the center of it is the Foggy Swamp. The only humans allowed in the spirit lands are the plantbenders (who have grown a lot since the first series) because they are in tune with nature. The Forgetful Valley has changed immensely too. It's like a forest in autumn now. Much hotter. There are waterbenders there that control vapors and torture people. They are the stereotype of a firebender and think of themselves as such to the point that they hate all other nations besides the Fire Nation including the water tribes. There's a city in the Earth kingdom city made out of stone that was built by a single earthbender and he is the king there. All the citizen's are happy but what they don't know is that he can see like Toph and is constantly spying on them. The Fire Sages have moved to a floating nation city like a dirigible but not a machine. I really want to explore crystalbenders because I think they should be the spiritual side of the earthbenders and I want them to have special spiritual abilities like waterbenders, firebenders and waterbenders have.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 11:47 AM
I have tons of ideas for minor villains some of which I've already mentioned. For example, one is a weak waterbender that spent her childhood being made fun of because she could only controll small quantities of water but she found out she was very talented in bending those quantities around her body and learned many awesome abilities like bloodbending her own body making ice gauntlets around her arms and a kind of spirit bending that works with with spirits and humans. She is an assassin that does jobs involving energybenders because she can use the spirit bending technique to protect herself from they're powers.
kinghulk - 10/10/2014, 11:48 AM
Alphadog- ok that sounds cool the whole spirit companion made me think of Astral from yu gi oh zexal (recently watched a few episodes to see what it was like). i like the idea of instead of an animal guardian (appa, momo, pabu, Naga) we get a spirit following the team.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 11:48 AM
@kinghulk That's everything.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 12:08 PM
@kinghulk Actually the spirit is like that spirit in the Beginnings episode that hated the Wan at first. He would be as intelligent as a human. Not saying that Momo isn't smart.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 12:08 PM
Oh yeah, and the waterbender assassin moves a pool of water around her body to protect herself of attacks. If an earthbender throws a rock at her she moves water to the place where it will hit and freezes it. The bloodbending technique allows her to to stay in the air like when bloodbenders do to other people and even jump high and walk in the walls for a bit. The earth king that built his city is part of an episode of the first season that I'd like to do where the avatar team goes to his city and they find out about what he does but I forgot to say that he can control the whole city and by this point the twins aren't very powerful yet so it's really hard for them to fight a guy that can shape a city whatever way he wants. He makes walls crush them, earthquakes start and all kinds of other stuff. The steambenders can expell vapors from they're hands like gazers that burn people and they make the water in the air suffocating so it's hard to breath and you start to feel sick and maybe alucinate and there are holes in the ground where they can expel gazers from so they're really dangerous. This would also take place in the first season so the twins wouldn't be very powerful yet but they would eventually enter the avatar state at the same time and they would fight simultaneously and in coordination. The earth king episode would be about they're intelligence being tested and the steambenders episode would be about them having to learn teamwork. The lightningbenders use they're powers in pretty cool new ways but I can't describe it.
kinghulk - 10/10/2014, 12:17 PM
the Aye Aye spirit, that's cool. i dont like bloodbending it's too overpowered there needs to be a way for the other bending types to resist it like through energy bending or unlocking alk the chakras or something.
Alphadog - 10/10/2014, 12:19 PM
@kinghulk She bloodbends her own body. SHe can't bloodbend other people, she can't even bend any water that's she's not in phisical contact with pratically.
kinghulk - 10/10/2014, 12:21 PM
ok that sounds good
silverhawk - 10/10/2014, 8:08 PM
Well I guess I should pitch my idea too haha. I want the next Avatar show to revolve around the White lotus instead of the Avatar. It'd be set 35 years after the Legend of Korra. It begins with Korra battling two individuals. Now here's where the two villains are similar to this fanfic since they both almost act like Avatars. After Vaatu and Unalaq were killed, a new "Avatar" line was started but with Vaatu instead of Raava. The Vaatu spirit goes into twins. One is a girl and the other a guy and they can both bend two elements each. The woman, Sora, can bend air and earth while the man, Kenta, can bend water and fire. They both can go into the evil avatar state and their minds have been warped by Vaatu. Anyways, they manage to defeat and kill the older Korra. Of course the avatar is reborn but being that it's only a baby, but the world needs someone to protect it. The whole Korra/ dark avatar scene is only a flash foward of the series as this won't take place until the last episode of the first season. Cue the "present" time and it begins with a group of young individuals being trained to be part of the White Lotus. Basically the whole first season will be structured a lot like ATLA where each episode was kind of like it's own adventure while still building up the overall story arc. It will follow a squad of five White Lotus trainees as they have to attend to different missions around the Avatar world.
silverhawk - 10/10/2014, 8:21 PM
The leader of the squad is a 26 year old female firebender, Yori, despite her young age , she is a great fire/lightning bender and one of the top recent White Lotus classes. The rest of the squad consist of a 22 year old male waterbender, he is strong and bulky , and often clashes with Yori as he tries to take charge most of the time (despite only being a trainee). Then theres a female airbender, she is 19 and was handpicked by master Jinora to attend the white lotus school. Her character is rather serious and acts like more of an adult than Yori, their squad leader.(By the way, only 15 bender get to attend the school every 5 years). Then theres the male earthbender, he is taller and leaner than the waterbender but equally as skilled in his own element, he picked up metal bending when he was very young. The last member of the squad is a nonbender. She is only 16 but was able to enter the school since she is a highly skilled chi blocker. Her father happened to be one of Amon's followers when he was in his teens. He later saw how wrong Amon's actions had been and once he had a daughter, he decided to teach her chi blocking so she could use it for good, hoping she'd enter the White Lotus.
silverhawk - 10/10/2014, 8:35 PM
The two villains, the dark avatars, have all the sub bending abilities of each element. Minus lava bending and flight. There is a minor recurring character that I want to introduce and he will serve as kind of a Zuko character. Starting off bad but ultimately joining the squad in mid second season to fight the dark avatars (by the way he tries to join them but they reject him, thinking him worthless as they see everyone else). He is a 24 year old water/bloodbender. as a matter of fact he is a great bloodbender. It turns out that he is Amon's grandson, Shin. When Amon was killed, he left a bastard 15 year old son behind. Amon never taught his son bloodbending as he didn't want to be like his father, Yacone. He would sometimes visit his son and promise that he'd take him to live with him but always said that he had to before. Amon's son always blamed the Avatar for his father's death and in a fit of rage, after being bullied by some "friends" learned that he could bloodbend. Given that he came from a line of strong bloodbender he excelled at it and planned on taking revenge but got sick and lost his ability to walk. As such he brough up his own son, Shin, hating the avatar. Shin clashes with the white lotus squad several times and wears his grandfather's costume but is defeated everytime. Each time he comes close but can never truly win. Anyways... I could go on and on about this since I planned three seasons but I'm starting to see it'd be too much. If yall read this let me know what yall think @kinghulk and @Alphadog and @Theunderdog
silverhawk - 10/10/2014, 8:43 PM
@dcmarvel86 - I like certain aspects of your Korra sequel. Though I'm not sure about forest and ember benders. I like the gravity benders I think that's awesome! As a matter of fact, in the spinoff show I've been planning, the villain of book 3 can bend space, and so he can teleport. Great job though, I like it!.
silverhawk - 10/10/2014, 9:11 PM
I wish i could edit some of that stuff haha I made several mistakes.
Alphadog - 10/11/2014, 1:07 AM
@silverhawk I love that idea that the twins can only bend two elements each. They could blend their bendings in awesome ways. I don't see how airbending could bend with earthbending so the firebender will also bend air and the earthbender will also bend water. The only way I'd want to see the evil Avatar again is if it's a normal Avatar (the one fused with Raava) that decides to conquer the world. I've heard people mention that idea before and I like it but I want another series before that. My series would also start with the avatars as babies and showing the White Lotus guardian taking them in and raising them while also showing the way the world has changed. This would either be the first two episodes or an animated movie leading up to the series. I want to see more of the White Lotus but I think that they could just be heavily incorporated into another series about the avatar like mine for example. I'm not interested in that Amon grandson character. Fans are creating way too many metalbending characters and they never have a new aproach to it. It doesn't feel special anymore. I have an idea for a metalbender too but I want him to use that power in a new way. Right now the only idea I have is that he has armor around his body that completely covers him and he can only move in it because he bends the arms and legs as he walks.
Alphadog - 10/11/2014, 1:14 AM
@silverhawk You're idea sounds like a cool series but I really like my idea (which I admittedly haven't described in the best possible way but it really only works if you see it) more and I prefer some of your ideas (like the Vaatu avatar) the way I described them and your basic idea with it being about normal people fighting an evil Avatar (who I think should already have conquered the world) is awesome but I would want to see that only after my series.
Alphadog - 10/11/2014, 1:25 AM
Yeah I can really see my series leading up to another series with the Evil Avatar Emperor. Unless the Book 4 ending somehow can lead to this I'm going to go with Raava and the Avatar being separated in Book 2 throwing the Avatar powers all over the place, first with the Twins and then with the Avatar being disconnected with the spirits and being free to conquer the world.
Alphadog - 10/11/2014, 2:17 AM
@silverhawk Actually now that I've thought about it I'd really like to see that evil avatar series before mine because it woujld work better that way. The world in my series is very different from what Legend of Korra is indicating it will be so that series would be great to direct the world where my series would be. After Korra dies the Avatar is born and raised as a normal child but loses the connection to the spirits and is born in republic without a nation. He isn't controlled by anyone and is given the responsibility to protect the world so eventually he decides that he should rule the world and starts conquers it. He even changes the landscapes. The Desert State is founded as a separate nation where people run away to because it's the only place where the Avatar can't establish order. The White Lotus would be a part of the story but the main cast wouldn't just be their students. At the end of the series the Avatar is defeated with some intervention from the spirit world and that leads to the spliting of Raava and the most trusted member of the Order of the White Lotus taking the Avatar twins and raising them away from the world and very carefully to make sure that they don't turn evil. The world thinks that the avatar is the most evil person in the world and so the twins are also taught to hide their powers. The story would be about them proving that they are good while also having that incredible destiny that only mentions one Avatar which makes them unsure of how they will fufil it.
silverhawk - 10/11/2014, 8:39 AM
@Alphadog - Interesting, I like the idea of a rogue avatar who decides to become a conqueror. Also I love how the desert state separates as a brand new nation where there is no law. Kinda gives me a Tatooine/Mos Eisley feeling for some reason, I can see there being alot of gangs, maybe a militia. The reason why I want the White Lotus to be the main cast is because I don't really want it to be thought of like a sequel (though it does take place years after LOK). I want it to be a spinoff that doesn't focus on the Avatar. In my series (I'm talking like it's gonna happen haha ), Korra would only serve almost like a Cameo appearing only at the first episode briefly and at the last episode of Book 1 where she fights the two "Avatars" but is killed. Book 2 would see the White Lotus taking on a bigger task of keeping the world balanced while the new Avatar is found and trained. They would also hunt the sibling dark avatars. But mostly, I want it to be about the exploration of the Avatar world, like ATLA, I want it to be about them going through adventures in the Avatar world and now that that the Spiriti World is united with the human world, it opens the possibilities for some fringe supernatural type of stuff. Your series and mine could almost work side by side really...with a few tweaks. I really want the dark water/earth (actually works too) sibling to use water to harden parts of his body when he fights. Also I want both siblings to be able to negate other bender's powers. For example if a waterbender is fighting the water bending sibling, I want him to be able to in mid fight evaporate the opponent's water and condense it but now in his control. I like Amon's grandson character because he is the main antihero of the series, I want him to be a Han Solo/ Zuko type character and in by the end of book 3 is seen as an actual member of the White Lotus, with a squad under his command. Oh and I thought it'd be cool to have Meelo as a higher ranking member of the White Lotus. He'd a cameos here and there.
silverhawk - 10/11/2014, 8:51 AM
@Alphadog - but yeah as far as Avatar twins go, I feel like they both shouldn't have the full Avatar powers. It should be separated in two, 2 elements each. Then again I go back and forth with my dark avatar siblings since I don't know if Raava or Vaatu can be split in two. Sometimes I think that it'd be better for one twin be a full dark avatar and the other be more of a highly skilled energy bender.
Alphadog - 10/11/2014, 10:41 AM
@silverhawk I would want the White Lotus to be part of the main cast but not just them. I don't have any ideas but the characters would be the rebels from many places but with no relation to previous characters. I just want more color in the series than just the White Lotus. I just want more involvement from the rest of the world. I just want the characters to have a more diverse culture. Maybe the characters could still have that since they're still in training. Two or three of them would have to be brand new recruits but we could have like two members that have been there since really young and a 3 that have been there for a good amount of time. Characters from the past could appear but they don't stay for long. My idea for the Desert State can't have any kind of militia but gangs could work. The Deserts have massive storms that make it impossible not to get lost. Small communities can live there but you can't have more than that. There are gangs that go around but they can't take over communities. I just want that place to be somewhere that you go and just live everyday without planning the future and you never know what you will find. I just don't feel like Amon's son adds anything to the world. It just seems like something else that's there. Try to describe him in another way please because if there's anything that I'm missing that could make me like him than I'd be very happy to get it.
FirstAvenger - 10/11/2014, 6:55 PM
How good does Korra get? I wasn't feeling the first two episodes and never picked back up.
silverhawk - 10/11/2014, 7:51 PM
@Alphadog - I guess it would take too long to explain my series well enough for you to like them and I don't have most of my ideas written down haha. Oh well I just hope that there's more Avatar after LOK, I'm sure Bryke will come up with something years from now. And the Amon's grandson, Shin, I have him in the story because he ends up playing a big part in beating the dark Avatars, given that he is able to somewhat stop them (delay their attacks) with his bloodbending. He also, in an episode I got planned out, saves the whole team. He doesn't play a big role at first, and well I put him in at first because I really like Amon and it'd be cool to have him come back in a way as the group wouldn't know who was behind the mask. I think the viewers would also get a kick of it ( I mean everyone likes when an old character from ATLA shows up in Korra). The way I've thought of him interacting with other characters is what makes me like the character but I'm not about to write a script on here or anything lol. The way I see it, it's hard to describe a character and have him sound interesting. Like if Bryke were talking about LOK and they were like, oh lets introduce another Kataang kid, her name is Kya, she's a hippie waterbender. Yeah but what does she add to the series? is she just there to be there? Just because she is one of Aang's and Katara's children? Then once you see her on screen she's actually pretty cool. I loved when her, Bumi, and Tenzin were together in those vacation episodes in book 2 because of the way the characters interacted with one another. Anyways next week's episode should be great!! Can't wait to see granny Toph in action! I'm sure you're excited too!
silverhawk - 10/11/2014, 7:53 PM
@TheFirstAvenger97 - Oh man, you're missing out bro. You can still catch up with the rest of the fandom as we just begun book 4. Book 2 wasn't great but it was still good. Book 1 and 3 (specially) are great imo.
FirstAvenger - 10/11/2014, 8:26 PM

Cool, I'll catch up. I love Avatar: The Last Airbender so I'm sure I'll like it. ;)
ScottMontgomery - 10/11/2014, 11:16 PM
ontherealest12 - 10/13/2014, 5:04 AM
When I saw jinora's spirit powers I couldn't help wondering what it would be like if she was the avatar. Then I got to thinking about an avatar who had a spiritual connection as powerful as jinora's. So I had an idea about a female avatar(I'm not a girl, but I feel like we need a new female avatar who isn't completely useless, I just didn't like Korra) who can see and talk to the past avatars as easily as she can with regular living people, except no one else can see them of course, and its like she has voices in her head(a source for some humor by the way). The connection is so strong that they taught her the bending arts themselves, making her an exceptionally powerful avatar. They can talk to her like anyone else and give her unwanted advice on everything. This happened because she wasn't discovered at a young age and so the past avatars had to take over or she completely rejected her avatar duties, throwing the world into global war. World War in world of avatar, i'm talking cataclysmic events, sunken continents, no hope for mankind that type of thing. So they hounded her until she faced her destiny. It would either be based in the future or in current times, you know an update like BBC's Sherlock. What do you guys think. I was just sick of the whole team avatar format. If the avatar must have allies must it be the same thing over and over.
Alphadog - 10/13/2014, 9:53 AM
@ontherealest12 That's an awesome idea but it could only take place before the avatar Roku (you already have Kyoshi but I don't see her working out with that idea and the female airbender Yangchen who I could see fiting that but apperantely she already has a backstory that might be a little conflicting) or long after Korra since Korra lost all her past memories. That is unless you pull a deux ex machima and find a way to give her back her memories or Korra gets them back during Book 4. In my opinion that story would be great as following Avatar Wan. When he died the world was in the middle of a war that could've been that.
fireurchin - 3/11/2015, 8:36 PM
I like the concept, just get rid of the first season, it feels WAY too repetitive
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