Sean Young has expressed her feelings on the upcoming Blade Runner follow up in the past, and revealed that although she had meetings with the powers that be about possibly reprising the role of Rachael, she was told it was unlikely that any of the original cast would be back. This didn't go down too well with the actress who seems to feel that it would be "disappointment to the audience not to have Rachel in it." If it is a direct sequel, that may very well be true..but does that mean they'd want Young in the role again? While speaking to EW about her new horror movie Jug Face, Young had a lot more to say on the matter.
"Alcon—they’re the ones that own it and apparently they have Ridley to direct it — and when I met with them they didn’t make any offer-plans to include me. And when I called Ridley Scott’s office, he doesn’t call me back. So I guess they’re going to go, like, prequel or…I don’t know what they’re going to do. But my official opinion is that, if they don’t include me in it, everybody should boycott it. Because it’s stupid not to have me in it. It’s really stupid. That’s my opinion! I mean, you try to tell people something sensible in Hollywood and sometimes they just don’t listen, you know. And they usually pay the price too, because everybody’s an expert."
Okay! What do you guys think? Rachael could be an important part of the story if it will indeed be set after the original
Blade Runner, but would you want Young to play her again? If not, Katy Perry is interested too!