In the latest edition of Empire, the mag describes a scene from X-Men: Days Of Future Past which they witnessed being filmed while visiting the set. The scene features Jennifer Lawrence as Raven/Mystique making her way to the airport to complete a task set for her by Magneto (details of this can be found HERE). On the way her old friend Charles (James McAvoy) appears to try to dissuade her. Here are the highlights of Empire's report, which also contains some dialogue from the movie. There's nothing too major here, but if you don't want to know anything about any of the scenes that will be in the film, obviously there's a SPOILERS WARNING.
As extras with suitably big hair glide past, the camera tracks with Raven, on her way to catch a flight. Out of the blue passengers start talking to her, warning her, dissuading her from her intention. She ignores them, rounds a corner and standing in front of her is Charles Xavier...
..Ten years have elapsed since the events of the previous movie, a decade in which Charles has disbanded the X-Men and let his school for gifted youngsters go to seed...
..Charles -- or an astral projection of Charles , hence the absence of a wheelchair -- pleads with Raven not to leave him once more. At one point McAvoy throws in the line, "We have to show them we're not al like Erik." But Charles' remonstrations have no effect -- Raven will not be swayed. The scene ends with a distraught Xavier promising, "Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will find you, Raven. If I have to, I will stop you."
There's much more to their report, so be sure to pick up the latest issue of Empire which is in stores now.