THOR: TDW: Jaimie Alexander On Wanting to See Evil Sif; Turning Down Tough-Girl Roles

THOR: TDW: Jaimie Alexander On Wanting to See Evil Sif; Turning Down Tough-Girl Roles THOR: TDW: Jaimie Alexander On Wanting to See Evil Sif; Turning Down Tough-Girl Roles

"'We’ll put you in a push-up bra and hot pants and you’ll run around and punch some guy in the face.' How about not." The actress says she gets a LOT of these type of role offers, but isn't interested. Plus, find out where she'd like to see her character Sif go in another movie..

By MarkCassidy - Nov 05, 2013 08:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Thor
Source: Cine Movie

Jaimie Alexander's Sif gets to see quite a bit of action in Thor: The Dark World, but because the movie is jam packed with characters all competing for screen time, she unfortunately disappears from the last act. Sif has been a fan favorite since her first appearance in Thor, and there's no doubt that audiences would like to see a bit more of her. But where does Alexander fancy seeing this character end up? Well, evil it turns out! “I would love to see her as Lady Loki. I would love for her to be evil.” she tells Cinemovie. But don't worry, she doesn't want Sif to completely turn to the darkside -- just a temporary Loki possession so she can battle her good side. The actress is also asked about the various "touch chick" role offers she must be inundated with since playing Sif, and she reveals that she turns most down because of the scripts. “'Oh, yeah! We’ll put you in a push-up bra and hot pants and you’ll run around and punch some guy in the face'. I'm like how about not." Of course if she does wind up playing Wonder Woman she may have to learn to love hotpants! But one would assume that'd be a different story script wise. You can watch the video interview at the link below.

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thebearjew - 11/5/2013, 8:50 AM
I think she may actually end up being wonder woman
remember when ben Affleck was just having conversations with warner brothers
thebearjew - 11/5/2013, 8:50 AM
fast forward boom batman
Enphlieuwince - 11/5/2013, 8:53 AM
I want Wonder Woman but a part of me is afraid of how they would change her to suit JA if she got the role.
Enphlieuwince - 11/5/2013, 8:54 AM
If Wonder Woman is on the table she'd be a fool to pass it up regardless of what bones they decide to throw Sif.
knocturnalzen10 - 11/5/2013, 8:55 AM
sif vs ww would be a [frick]ing brawl ........
Enphlieuwince - 11/5/2013, 8:56 AM
@beto, lol...
thebearjew - 11/5/2013, 8:56 AM

Superman21 - 11/5/2013, 9:02 AM
Maybe we'll see Lady Loki in Thor 3.
Enphlieuwince - 11/5/2013, 9:05 AM
That dress was sexy as [frick]...
JoeMomma29 - 11/5/2013, 9:05 AM
Good luck on Marvel giving Sif a major role! I am pretty sure she will be WW, she is not going to pass up an opportunity to play a leading role.
TheWolverine08 - 11/5/2013, 9:07 AM
@Batmaniac Oh, cleavage. *Licks lips* I hope Diana doesn't break me.
ruadh - 11/5/2013, 9:07 AM
She's in talks to play Huntress. (my guess)
dripdry - 11/5/2013, 9:08 AM
I hope she stays with Marvel....Dc Wonder Woman is ok but I just dont see how they will put batman, lantern, superman and WW on the same screen in all there silly

'get up' without it looking like bad comic con cosplay.

Wonder Woman cartoon was ok though ....she does have some nice b....oots too.

ruadh - 11/5/2013, 9:09 AM
"If she bulks up a bit and is actually good as well as masking her English accent, I'll take back EVERYTHING bad I've said about her. However, yeah, I hope she isn't WW. Makes WB looks really desperate."

English accent? She's 'merican!
Enphlieuwince - 11/5/2013, 9:11 AM
@Batmaniac, I totally agree. It's stupid to make the character conform to our opinion of tasteful attire because she's from an entirely different culture. Besides, once again, calling this version slutty is lkke calling most Olympic gymnastics teams slutty and I know JA isn't bold enough to go there.
ruadh - 11/5/2013, 9:17 AM
"HBO is owned by WB. No way will any Marvel TV show see the light of day on there."

Hey, money talks. Since WB is a business, and not a group of petty, competitive nerds, I imagine a Marvel show that might make them a sizable profit would be greenlit.
jlabatman - 11/5/2013, 9:18 AM
Damn, gusto!
Negaduck - 11/5/2013, 9:21 AM
Some of you people are ridiculous haha. She never said the WW outfit was slutty or anything like that. She was probably just talking about all of the generic roles she gets offered to be the eye candy in crappy action movies.
Vaportrail - 11/5/2013, 9:21 AM
I know exactly what kind of movie she's talking about and I'm glad she's smart about it.

Wonder Woman would be a much higher caliber and an excellent career move that takes her from "Ohh yeah she was that girl in Thor" to "omg Wonder Woman's in this movie".
SuperCat - 11/5/2013, 9:21 AM
I've seen Jaimie so much on this site, I think I'm falling in love with her.

ruadh - 11/5/2013, 9:22 AM
I guess you're right. Marvel and DC have never collaborated on anything, and they actively spit on each other when ever given the opportunity.

Come on, don't be so short sighted. again, they are a business, and they surely aren't. If a Marvel show came along, and HBO saw it as a surefire hit, there's no way they'd turn it away. Why let some other network profit when they can? Also, NO company has enough money. If they did, they'd close down their doors. Get real.
Negaduck - 11/5/2013, 9:26 AM
If HBO wanted a Marvel show they would make it without question. Business is business. The DC and Marvel cinematic universes are not at war with each other. Only online nerds are. They have all agreed that any comic film that does well is good for everyone's bottom line. It keeps the movies coming out and productive. The general public doesn't even always know which characters belong to which company.
ruadh - 11/5/2013, 9:27 AM


ruadh - 11/5/2013, 9:28 AM

I wouldn't want to see the pumas either...
DEVLIN712 - 11/5/2013, 9:31 AM
I brought back up!
DEVLIN712 - 11/5/2013, 9:33 AM
Not sure what I'd think of a TV show... It would be all watered down and family friendly. I want to see a show that's more like GoT
ruadh - 11/5/2013, 9:34 AM

That's not a really solid point, since there are absolutely no toys based on their family friendly ABC show.
ruadh - 11/5/2013, 9:36 AM

I'm sure they've have plenty of pitches, but HBO is pretty strict with what they'll go for. If it was the right project, and fit with the kinda stuff they put out, I'm sure they'd do one.
SuperCat - 11/5/2013, 9:37 AM

RexDartEskimoSpy - 11/5/2013, 9:51 AM
Why DOES she get offered tough girl roles? Because she's tall? Because she's from Texas? Being gorgeous doesn't automatically make you tough. Trust me; I'm a total puss.
dripdry - 11/5/2013, 9:52 AM
true they did do it in avengers but it was ONLY cap that looked a bit odd - until he took of the helmet .

I just have a horrible feeling about all those dudes in stupid funny outfits .

one in 70s disco / porn star gear

one in blue suit , red cape , huge S on his shirt and underwear on the outside of his trousers

one in a green gimp outfit with white bug eyes holding up a huge green gas light.

one in black outfit with pointy ears a funny voice and a cape.

bunch of weridoos DC movie gonna suck !!!!!!
ruadh - 11/5/2013, 9:56 AM

It's Ruadh. And I see that you feel it would be a stretch, but I suspect it's because you see a big rivalry between DC and Marvel, when it's really only between the fans. The companies have co-existed for several decades.


I keep pushing for shows that actually AREN'T in the MCU, such as Daredevil or Punisher. Both would totally fit on HBO. I don't have any wishful thinking at all, just saying it's possible. I don't really let my personal feelings or resentments get in the way of seeing creative or business potential.
ruadh - 11/5/2013, 10:00 AM

I really don't see how stubbornness would play into it though. Again, WB isn't a petty, childish person. It's a business, and making money is what they do. IF a Marvel thing came along that they could profit from, of course they'd play ball. The Marvel/DC line is something only fans won't cross. Look at the actors, it's not like someone who worked for Marvel is blacklisted from WB projects, and vice verse.

If Alexander plays Wonder Woman, I'd still expect her to be Sif in the next Thor movie.
ruadh - 11/5/2013, 10:01 AM

Also, thank you for your apology, I didn't mean to skip over that. I know my name isn't english, so it's tough for most. Also, I don't really see an HBO Marvel show, DD or what ever, happening either. But not just because it's Marvel vs DC.
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