Behold a Superman for the Twilight generation. This skinny, brooding hoody wearing incarnation of The Man Of Steel will appear in DC comics upcoming
Superman: Earth One, and will feature in a story set in the early days of the superhero as he comes to terms with his powers.
"We wanted to tell a story that's hip, sexy and moody," said DC Comics' co-publisher Dan DiDio.
"We wanted to show a younger Superman at the early stages of his career, struggling with his identity and his place. He realizes he doesn't belong anywhere and doesn't fit in."
This sounds pretty similar to the description Zack Snyder gave us of his plans for the upcoming reboot. But it does clash with what we heard from actor Armie Hammer the other day. He seems to think they are looking for an older Superman, 35 to 40. But if the film is indeed focusing on the early days of the character, how would it make sense to have him be that old? I think someone has been misinformed somewhere along the line. Either way, I really hope if they do decide to go younger, that this new look/attitude does not influence the movie too much.