Despite a few impressive looking trailers and clips, many on CBM don't seem to have high hopes for Gary Ross' adaptation of the wildly popular first novel in the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. But if there are worries that we are looking at another Twilight type disaster, maybe these very positive first reactions will raise your expectations a little..
I asked a few of them how they thought the movie would go over with those that haven't read the book (I haven't myself) and I was assured that it wouldn't make a difference. Of course we won't have a proper sense of the critical reactions until the full reviews hit, and remember
John Carter also received the same initial good word. Now while I personally happened to enjoy that movie a lot, those early reactions ultimately proved not to be an accurate account of the final critical consensus. So, has this changed your mind or validated your opinion at all?
We will update with more reactions if we get em.
The Hunger Games hits theaters March 23rd.