It seems Kei Kurono and his companion, Yoshikazu Suzuki, has survived many missions while being summoned by Gantz. As newly deceased people enter the “Gantz Room,” it seems that Kato Masaru has been sighted and recognized out and about in regular day life. Kato indeed does return by mysterious circumstances, but it seems that he is against Kei rather than coming to aid his cause. To make matters worse, Tae Kojima seems to be the next target for Gantz’ mission. Also, to top it all off, investigations towards Kei Kurono’s disappearance have led to a new string of antagonists getting tossed into the mix.
A lot is being added into this sequel. With some of the best special effects that we have seen in Japanese cinema, awe-inspiring action, an amazing soundtrack, and stellar acting from the entire cast, it seems like “Gantz: Perfect Answer” will become a blockbluster just like its predecessor. The film is set to be released in Japan on April 23 and will follow in America.