x-men origins:rogue storyline for movieby tankgirl girl u want

x-men origins:rogue storyline for movieby tankgirl girl u want

After the incident with Carol, Rogue's personalities are locked away. But one of them decides he doesn't like being locked up. And he's willing to go to extremes to be free. Can Rogue and the X-Men stop this vengeful ghost? Or is she doomed to die? Romy

By TANKGIRL - Apr 08, 2010 05:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: ComicBookMovie.com

rogue storyline :face to face

Ah was standin' in a field. The breeze was gently blowin' muh hair an' ah shut muh eyes just enjoyin' it. Ah felt like ah had been here before, but ah knew that wasn't possible. These probably weren't even muh memories, but someone else's. Whose they were, ah didn't know an' ah wouldn't know thanks tah the Professor's mind barriers. After the incident with Carol, he thought it would be best to lock up all muh personalities for muh safety. The voices were still in muh head, but much quieter now. More often than not, ah got dreams in which ah experienced people's memories. This was probably one of them.
"Anna-Marie!" Ah turned around. Who was callin' meh? Ah didn't see anyone. "Anna-Marie!" Ah kept spinnin' around trying tah find the source of the voice, but there was still nuthin'.
"Hello?" Ah called. "Who's there?"
"Don't cha' ya know, Anna?" It replied, a mix of anger an' sadness in its tone. Ah realized that it was a boy's voice an' it sounded so familiar tah meh yet ah couldn't place it.
"Come out." Ah ordered. "So, ah can see yah."
"Nah," He replied. "You forgot me too, then?"
Ah didn't answer.
"Who are yah?" Ah called desperately.
"I'll give you a riddle, Anna." He said. "Figure it out." Ah waited an' the voice suddenly surrounded meh.
I am what you want me to be
And I'm your worst fear, you'll find it in me
Ah kept turnin' around, coverin' muh ears from the noise. Then, it went on evilly.
Come closer
Come closer
Ah got up an' tried tah follow the source of the voice when the ground started tah shake uncontrollably. Ah screamed as ah fell into the dark abyss. As ah fell he hissed:
"Until later, Anna-Marie."
Rouge saw a dream a voice :

Chérie meen honey

Je suis la i am here


That's when ah woke up an' saw three concerned faces hoverin' above meh. Relief graced their features when they saw muh eyes fly open.
"Rogue," Storm's voice was calmed and controlled, but ah could see the worry in her eyes. "Are you alright?"
"God Rogue!" Kitty exclaimed. "We like, all thought you were going to die!" She glanced at Storm.
"Yes, Kitty. Go get them." Kitty nodded and dashed out the door. Storm gently pressed a cold compress on muh head and spoke tah Jean, her eyes never leavin' muh face. "You should get the infirmary ready, too."
"Of course." Jean replied and she too left.
"What happened?" Ah mumbled.
"You had a nightmare." Ah felt ashamed.
"Ah'm sorry." Ah whispered. "How bad?"
"Bad." Storm replied honestly. "You began to scream and convulse in bed."
"Well, that's new." Ah replied sarcastically. "Who is Kitty goin' tah get?"
"Hank, Logan, the Professor, and Gambit." Ah cursed muhself in muh head. Ah hated worryin' people an' ah had been so well with muh dreams until tonight. This was muh first nightmare in weeks. But, from the look on Storm's face ah could tell that it had been muh worst one by far. Kitty returned with Hank, Logan, Remy, and the Professor in tow. Remy took one look at meh an' ah saw the fear fill his eyes. Ah must've looked pretty bad. Storm got up and made room for Remy who took her place and gently patted my forehead with the compress.
"How ya doin' chere?" He tried tah manage a smile, but failed 'cause the worry overcame him. Ah reached for muh gloves, but they were out of muh reach. Logan quickly gave them tah meh.
"Thanks," Ah managed tah say as ah put muh gloves on. Hank then walked over.
"Sorry, Gambit, but I'm going to have to examine the beautiful lady now." Remy reluctantly got up an' stood by the edge of the bed. Hank smiled as he looked over meh.
"Ah'm sorry that ah got y'all up." Ah apologized tah everyone.
"Rogue, you needn't worry." Hank replied, smiling. "You would do the same if it was one of us." He took the compress off muh head and placed it on the table beside the bed. Then, he pulled out a thermometer an' placed it in muh mouth. While he waited for it tah beep, he pulled out a light and checked muh eyes tah see if they were ok. The thermometer beeped an' pulled it out and frowned as he read the thermometer.
"What's wrong?" Ah asked. "Is it bad?" Worry tinged muh voice.
"No, it's quite the contrary." He put it away. "You don't have a fever." He got up an' Remy instantly took his seat an' held muh hand. "As far as I can tell, you have nothing medically wrong with you, but I would like to move you to the infirmary for the rest of the night." Ah nodded muh head an' he walked out the room with Kitty behind him.
"Remy, ya should go back tah bed." Ah lifted muh gaze from his eyes tah the rest of the people in muh room. "So, should the rest of ya. Ah'm fine, really."
"No way, Stripes." Logan said an' his tone told meh that he wasn't goin' tah let me get rid of him.
"Mon précieux, je reste exact où j'appartiens qui est sur votre côté." He gently kissed muh gloved hand an' smiled. The Professor rolled over tah muh side an' he too smiled.
"Rogue," He said calmly. "Would you like to tell me what happened?" Ah looked down 'cause the truth was that ah was afraid tah relive the nightmare.
"N'ayez pas peur, mon aimé." Remy whispered. "Tell da Professor, d'accord? Mebbe, he can help you." Ah still looked away.
"C'mon Stripes," Logan urged. "We're all here with you. You got nothin' to fear, kid."
Ah gave in.
"Ah was in a field."
"One you knew?" The Professor questioned.
"No." Ah answered. "But, ah felt like ah had been there before. Then, ah heard this guy's voice callin' muh real name."
"Did you know him?"
"No." Ah felt panic start tah fill up my heart. Ah took a deep breath in an' squeezed Remy's hand.
"You're doin' fine, chere." He told me calmly.
"Keep goin' Stripes." Logan said softly.
"But, he said ah knew him an' when ah asked who he was he gave meh a riddle, but it wasn't just a riddle . . ." Ah focused tryin' hard tah remember what it had been. "It was more like he was singin'."
"Singing?" The Professor echoed.
"Yeah." Ah replied. Logan an' Remy exchanged an odd glance. "He said: 'I am what you want me to be. And I'm your worst fear, you'll find it in me.' Then, he told meh tah come closer an' ah started tah, but then ah fell down a dark abyss an' while ah was fallin' he said: 'Until later, Anna-Marie.' An' then, ah woke up."
There was a moment of silence.
"Gambit, please escort Rogue to the infirmary." Remy nodded. "Logan, come with me."
"Is it that bad?" Ah asked the Professor. He didn't say anything.
"Don't cha worry, cherie. You gonna be fine." His tone was so reassuring that ah almost believed it. He helped meh out of muh bed and took muh hand. Ah placed muh head on his shoulder an' together we walked tah the infirmary.
But, I had a feelin' that things were goin' tah get worse.
Much worse.
Ah hated the infirmary. Ah hated it cause ah always felt trapped an' it didn't help that Hank watched meh much closer than the rest of his patients. So ah had sneaked out a few times, big deal. An' maybe ah had hidden Hank's needles once or twice so, he couldn't give meh a shot, but who hadn't? It wasn't like ah was a troublemaker or anythin' . . . fine, I'll admit it. Ah am a trouble maker, but you would be too if you kept getting sent to the infirmary where Hank played mad scientist an' ran test after test. Okay, that was a little harsh. Hank was after all, just doin' his job. He was a doctor and doctors ran tests to see what was wrong with their patients.
Remy an' ah walked inside the room where Hank was drinkin' some coffee, tryin' tah wake up.
"Mornin' Hank." Ah greeted. He looked up from his coffee.
"Ah yes, hello again Rogue." He quickly got up an' opened a curtain which revealed the bed ah was goin' tah sleep in.
"Ah'm not tired." Ah said stubbornly, crossin' muh hands over muh chest.
"Chere," Remy whispered. "You need da sleep."
"Gambit's right." Hank agreed. "Besides, it's best for you to sleep here where I can have equipment monitor you and your dreams."
"Yah make meh sound like a science experiment." Ah informed him.
"Anna," Gambit chided. "Give da good doctor une chance." Ah sighed, but got in the bed anyway.
"Sorry, Hank." Ah apologized. "It's just that you know how ah hate this." Hank smiled apologetically.
"Yes, I know and I'm sorry."
"Don't cha' yah worry about it." Ah informed him. "Let's just get through this." Ah had muh gaze go tah Remy. "Yah gotta get back tah bed."
"Non," He argued. "Gambit's stayin'.
"No, you're not." Ah glared at him. "Go on now; yah can see meh in the mornin'."
"Perhaps you should do as she says, Gambit." Hank intervened. "It might be the better for her to sleep if she doesn't have to worry about you getting some sleep." Hanks words sunk in an' Remy sighed.
"D'accord." He pouted. "Mais, Gambit will be here first t'ing in da mornin'."
"Ah'll be countin' on that sugah." Ah assured him. He knelt down an' kissed muh gloved hand an' then straightened up an' left.
"Just try to sleep, Rogue." Ah nodded an' shut muh eyes, prayin' that muh dreams would be quiet.
For once.
Ah was back in the field again. Cept, it was really cold. Snow covered the entire area and ah wrapped muh arms around meh tah try tah keep warm. Ah didn't like where this dream was goin'.
"You're back, Anna." It was a different voice. "I was afraid I wouldn't be able to talk to you." Ah shivered an' waited for her tah come out.
"What do you want, Mystique?" Ah hissed as she stepped out from the shadows.
"I came to warn you." She replied simply.
"About?" Ah questioned.
"Him." She said, silent anger filling her features.
"Who?" Ah asked.
"I—" She looked around nervously. "I can't tell you; he'll hear."
"Mystique, ah'm not gonna fall for your—"
"This isn't a lie, Anna." She replied seriously. "I'm warning you."
"What's there to warn meh 'bout?" Ah inquired desperately.
"The Professor really blocked the memories, didn't he?" She sighed an' shook her head. "Listen to me, you are in danger."
"What do you mean? The X-men will—"
"They can't help you with this, Anna." She insisted. "This time, the threat is within you."
"A psyche?"
"Yes." She answered.
"But, the Professor blocked all of them after the incident with—" Muh eyes widened in fear as all the memories of Carol Danvers came back into muh mind. "Is she loose?!"
"No, not yet." Mystique replied an' ah sighed in relief. "But, she's not happy."
"Ah figured," Ah muttered. The Professor had tah lock Carol up after she had tried to take control of muh mind. Ah felt bad, but there was only so much sympathy yah could give to someone who wanted yah dead.
"The point is, Rogue, Carol wants revenge." She folded her arms over her chest an' took a steadyin' breath in. "And she's willing to do anything to get it."
"How am ah supposed tah stop her?" Ah asked her.
"I . . . I don't know." She admitted. "Talk to the Professor. Maybe he can isolate the psyche before—"
"Come now, Mystique, it's hardly fair to tip the girl off before the party starts." Ah recognized the voice as his. Mystique looked around nervously.
"Who are yah!?" Ah yelled.
I am more than memory, I am what might be
I am mystery
You know me
So show me
The voice cut out an' Mystique vanished.
Ah was left standin' there in the cold.
Ah woke up pantin'. Sweat rolled down muh cheeks an' ah carefully wiped it away. God, ah hated bein' in the infirmary. Ah hated havin' voices in muh head. Ah hated muh powers!
Ah pushed the sheets off of meh and glanced at the clock—3:15 am.
Ah decided that there was no way ah was goin' tah be able tah go tah sleep now so ah had might as well get up. Ah quietly lifted muh legs off the bed an' then silently checked the halls for Hank. Ah was in luck since it had seemed like he had stepped out for some coffee.
Which meant ah could sneak out of here for a couple of hours.
Muh head was strangely silent as ah escaped the confines of the infirmary and made my way towards the school's gardens. It was the place ah always went when ah needed some peace an' quiet. Storm was usually there in the day taking care of her tons of plants, but there was no way she'd be there this late.
Ah pushed the main doors open an' walked out into the frigid night air. A small breeze pushed muh hair back an' ah shut muh eyes just embracin' it.
Ah had completely forgotten about Remy. Of course he would be up. The Ragin' Cajun never seemed to sleep durin' normal hours.
"Remy," Ah muttered, turnin' around. "Whatcha' doin' up sugah?"
"Funny, Cherie." He replied. "Gambit was just 'bout to ask you dat."
Ah smirked an' he put away his deck of cards he had been shufflin'.
"Ah'm just gettin' some fresh air." Ah informed him. "Ah . . . couldn't sleep."
"Moi aussi, Chere." Gambit agreed. "Est-ce que je peux aller avec toi?"
"Ah guess ah don't have a choice since you'll just follow meh anyway." Ah sighed as Remy grinned.
"Qu'est-ce je peux dire, Chere?" He asked, grinnin'. "Je suis un voleur."
"Yeah," Ah answered. "Don't ah know it . . ."
Ah walked towards where the garden was accompanied by Remy, the most annoying person on Earth.
And yet, he was probably one of the sweetest too.
Yeah, ah knew he was.
We walked into the courtyard an' ah smiled as ah looked at all of the beautiful flowers. Strom definitely knew how to grow great flowers, something ah was nevah good at. Even in the dark, the flowers seemed to be radiating some sort of aura that made meh feel relaxed—much more so than ah had felt when ah was in the infirmary.
"Les fleurs sont belle." Remy remarked.
"Yeah," Ah replied. "They are." Ah walked over tah the yellow rosebush an' gently fingered the petals. Even with muh gloves, ah could still tell that the petals were silky.
"Alors, chere," Remy started. "You plannin' on sneakin' out every night?"
Ah sighed an' ran a hand through muh hair.
"Why, Remy?" Ah asked. "Yah plannin' on draggin' meh back to the med-bay if ah say yes?" Muh tone came out harsher than ah intended it.
"Non, chere, mais Gambit would feel better if you went back juste so we know dat you're back to parfait santé."
He smiled an' ah knew ah was forgiven for muh temper outburst, but . . . why did something still feel wrong? Ah felt like there was something ah was supposed tah remember, but ah couldn't think of it. It was something important, but muh mind was blankin'.
The name flashed into muh mind an' ah knew. Carol was tryin' tah get revenge an' Mystique had been tryin' tah warn meh!
"Remy," Ah said an' then ah stopped.
Everything was frozen—time had stopped.
"No, no, no." His voice came through. "We don't want you to spoil everything before the party starts."
"Remy!" Ah screamed, shakin' him. "God, no, stop!"
"Stop?" He questioned. "Why would we do that?"
"Leave them alone!" Ah shouted. "They have nuthin' tah do with this!"
"True, so let's not get them involved in this at all." He replied. "Tell anyone about what Lady Carol has planned and his life will be forfeit."
Ah didn't say anything; just stared up at the dark dismal sky.
"Deal?" He asked.
". . . Deal." Ah agreed.
A moment passed an' ah finally worked up the nerve.
"Who the hell are yah!?"
"When I appear it's not so clear if I'm a simple spirit or I'm flesh and blood,"
Then his voice faded out.
Time returned tah normal.
"Oui, chere?" Remy asked.
Ah snapped back tah reality.
"Ah love you." His eyes widened in surprise, but then he smiled.
"Je t'aime aussi, chere."
He wrapped his arms around meh an' ah wondered if this was the best course of action.
But then again, what else could ah do?
Qu'est-ce que tu as—What's wrong with you?
We walked back tah the infirmary in silence.
Ah wanted tah talk tah him 'bout the voice—it was killin' meh not tah—but ah didn't want tah risk the chance of him gettin' hurt. Ah needed tah figure a way out of this mess by-muhself.
By yourself?
Ah froze as a random psyche filled muh head.
You mutants can't do anything by yourself! You're pathetic and deserve to die!
Ah cringed as his words filled muh mind. Ah had absorbed him months ago in a fight 'gainst anti-mutant protesters. What was he doin' back in muh head?
Ah forced muhself tah keep walkin' in the hopes that Remy wouldn't notice anything.
Rogue! Like tell him!
Crap, Kitty was here now too.
But how was she still here?
Ah clenched muh fists at muh side and kept movin'. Ah focused on muh breathin' hopin' that it would make the voices stop.
Stripes, you need to relax.
Logan too? What was going' on here?
Ah was startin' tah become more panicked. Ah had a bunch of voices in muh head before, but they were the ones of people ah had just absorbed—not ones from 6 months ago! If this kept goin' on, ah was goin' tah lose it.
"Chere?" Ah turned tah face Remy who was a few steps in front of meh. "You coming?"
Ah forced muhself tah nod.
Anna-Marie, you need to keep your mouth shut!
Mystique brought the total tah four.
Not good.
Rogue, let me out!
Remy is cute; talk to him for me.
I want an ice cream!
Oh, that's what's going on here . . .
Ah didn't know who the rest were—random people who were somehow still in muh mind. But, ah did know that they were killin' meh by speakin'.
"Remy!" Ah cried, muh voice strangled by the many voice surgin' in muh head.
He turned around an' ah saw his eyes widen in fear.
"Anna, qu'est-ce que tu as?" He asked, worried.
Ah opened muh mouth, but the voices protested an' ah sunk tah muh knees instead. Ah grabbed muh head an' bit muh lip tah keep from screamin' out in pain.
"Hank!" Remy called frantically. "Hank!"
Ah looked up into his eyes an' tried tah regain some control.
I want some cards . . .
What's with the trench coat?
It was no good. There were too many of them!
"Remy, ah—"
Ah lost muhself before ah could finish.
Ah fell into the dark abyss of muh mind, all the while hearing that evil voice humming the tune that started this all.
Ah opened muh eyes an' knew rahgt away where ah was. Ah was back in muh mind. The dark abyss made it hard tah see an' the pain in muh head was makin' it hard for meh tah focus on wakin' up.
"Damn," Ah muttered, rubbin' muh temples.
"Does it hurt?" A sinister voice asked.
"Who are yah?" Ah questioned. The voice sounded familiar, but it wasn't the boy's voice. This one was definitely a woman an' it seemed familiar tah meh, like an old sweat shirt that yah lose in your closet, but find sometime latah. This woman's name was on the tip of muh tongue an' yet, ah couldn't place her. Ah got up slowly an' tried to find where the source of the voice was comin' from. "Answer meh!"
"Giving out orders now, Rogue?" She taunted. "That's very nice to do to someone who knows you all too well."
At that point, ah knew. Ah knew who this woman was. The memories that the Professor had suppressed to protect meh came floodin' back an' ah knew now. Images of a battle flashed through muh mind an' ah felt pain spread through muh veins as ah remembered muh past.
Ah met her blue eyes an' she smirked.
"Carol." Ah mumbled.
She smirked an' laughed.
Carol Danvers was back to kill meh.
Great . . .
"Rogue, it's wonderful to see you," Carol told meh sarcastically. "Really, I've always felt close to you." Ah sent her a death glare an' kept tellin' muhself that ah was in control an' not her. This was muh mind, not hers.
"Let meh out, Carol." Ah growled. "Yah can't keep meh here."
"Oh really?" She remarked. "You don't know anything, do you?" She clapped her hands an' a throne suddenly showed up. She walked over an' sat down in it. She smirked. "Would you like to meet the voice that's been singing to you?"
Ah didn't say anything. Ah just focused on keepin' muh temper in check. She had no real power here because this was muh mind. She then clapped her hands once more an' a light appeared on a young teenage boy. Ah felt muh mouth go dry.
"Oh god," Ah muttered. This couldn't be happenin'. He couldn't be here. This had to be a bad dream!
"Rogue, you remember Cody, right?"
His head instantly looked up an' his gaze met mine. Cody, the boy ah had killed by absorbin' him was back. Oh god, no!
"Hello, Rogue," He greeted icily. "Nice of you to drop by."
"Cody, ah—!"
There was a sudden shaking in the room an' ah lost muh balance as did Carol an' Cody. Ah knew what was going on an' ah quickly ran as far away from Cody an' Carol as ah could. As soon as ah was safe, two walls—mental barriers, to be exact—fell and locked then on the other side of muh mind. They were stuck there for now, but if they could break through the walls once, then they could do it ahgain.
His voice was far away, but ah knew that ah was wakin' up. Ah laid down on the ground an' waited.
Cause' the one place where the psyches couldn't hurt meh was in his arms.
Cast :
Leading role :

Rogue Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has become a veteran member of the X-Men. After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities, and memories of others through physical contact.
Cast :born in 21 February 1987, Jacksonville, Florida, USA Ashley Michelle Greene hollywood newest star her Height is 1.65 m she starting acting at sereis on tv in 2007 she showed on adaption twilight.ashley is very talented actress.and she is very attractive.and she seem rogue to me

Ms marvel Tabrett Bethell i have no info about her but you can see as tv show legende of seeker she is playing cara

Raven darkholme mystique jodi lynn o kfee Jodi Lyn O'Keefe was born in Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey in 1978.she began as model than in 1964 she play in "Another World"

James franco gambit James Franco was born in Palo Alto, California on April 19, 1978. you may know him from famouse trigoly of spiderman james franco is tottaly could pull off gambit.

Support casting
Jean grey bridget regan first i know i choose emily blunt but i think emily turn down evrey marvel roll for dc roles i think thats bad and bridget is my seconde choice for jean.

Kitty pryde leighton meester nuff said about leighton she is tottaly could pull this roll with ouy probleme

Hank beast john hamm nuff said tottaly beast

evreybodywait to see my ultimate thebiggest cast of justice league he will up tomorrow or after tomorrow

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TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 6:04 PM
i hope you like it guys
Ryden - 4/8/2010, 6:13 PM
I don;t understand what is "Ah" and Muh"...it looks alright I just seriously have no clue what that means?! :-O But good job regardless TANK, looks like you put some effort into it.
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 6:17 PM
Ryden i am sorry bad grammar i tried.

muh mean me

i try google tradiction
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 6:18 PM
mu mean my
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 6:19 PM
guys don't be grammar nazi
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 6:27 PM
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 6:36 PM
Joslezio85 - 4/8/2010, 7:20 PM
well I didn't read it. Just checking things out. But ah and muh are very common with Gambit and Rogue. They both have southern accents in the comics. So that works. Anyone else, it might be an issue.
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 7:23 PM
joslezio85 god thank you i know you understand it that awsome tell me about cast
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 7:33 PM
RomeyRome2002 thanx and i hope marvel knows about cbm or producer of marvel movie visit those kind of site to know what fans want
MarkCassidy - 4/8/2010, 7:47 PM
Yeah I got the "Ah" and "Muh"..Rogue especially was written that way back in the Claremont days to suggest her southern accent..I always thought it was kinda unnecessary but there ya go. Cast is good from who I know.
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 7:53 PM
RorMachine thanx dah i think it's necessary sugar because it's make rogue very sweet
chris915 - 4/8/2010, 8:13 PM
Yessss!!!! Ahsley Greene as Rogue! And James Franco as Gambit! I can see the chemistry already lol I agree with the pick 100%

John Hamm as Beast is the popular pick it seems on CBM, but i agree with it.

Ur picks are great and i agree with all of them bro
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 8:32 PM
chris915 thanx thanx dah
Breasticles7 - 4/8/2010, 8:44 PM
Great job. Sweet cast!!
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 8:51 PM
Breasticles7 thanx
GoGoGadgetsBruh - 4/8/2010, 9:02 PM
pretty sweet cast Tankgirl! :D

Love John Hamm as Beast!

and your Ms Marvel and Jean Grey picks!

Ashley Greene as Rogue hmmmm actually I like it :P
TANKGIRL - 4/8/2010, 9:04 PM
Gotbatman thanx for reading
THEHAWK - 4/8/2010, 10:53 PM
Well done, that was quite a good read. I'm impressed to see that you got the grammer that Rogue uses down perfectly, great job!

HAWK out
Joslezio85 - 4/8/2010, 11:16 PM
@Tankgirl. I don't love all of them. But, I don't hate any of them, expect for James Franco. He's totally too dry to play Gambit. He's actually a really good actor, but that role is just wrong for his method of acting. Hawk had a good choice though. Ian Somerhalder. I think he could nail the role good. I like Ashley Greene for Rogue, astounding choice. Keep Vanessa Ferlito in mind too. I've always had a thing for her and that part. Other than that. I don't really know them or I just don't have a problem with it. Jodi Lynne O'Keefe, I think I know her but not sure. Olga Kurylenko is my choice for Mystique though. Just throwing that out there.
DDD - 4/9/2010, 12:25 AM
Very good TANKGIRL@!

Like the cast a lot!

James Franco is my choice for Gambit too!

Tabrett Bethell is so hot she sizzles!
Roweeeerrrr!!! ;D

Never thought of Bridget as Jean but that
is a damm fine pick!

I'd love to see this movie with this cast!

Very well done!
TANKGIRL - 4/9/2010, 3:21 AM
joslezio85 -

james franco is charming and pull og gambit very well

jodi lynn o kfee born to be mystique

DDD thanx
TANKGIRL - 4/9/2010, 6:05 AM
Vafrous - 4/9/2010, 6:42 AM
This is awesome...Really good story!
Nice Rogue pick...I still prefer Taylor Kitsch as Gambit...
TANKGIRL - 4/9/2010, 7:22 AM
GambitAceOfSpades thanx
Vafrous - 4/9/2010, 7:25 AM
:- )
TANKGIRL - 4/9/2010, 7:30 AM
justice league member
LEEE777 - 4/9/2010, 9:56 AM
Very cool story and very cool casting, don't like ya GAMBIT though, keep the one in BORIGINS! : P

Great work!
TANKGIRL - 4/10/2010, 3:46 AM
wolverinesfury -

i will go with mary as rogue

and jared as gmabit
flames809 - 4/10/2010, 8:17 AM
cool story and great cast
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