The Simpsons live-action movie cast!

The Simpsons live-action movie cast!

I just did this cast for fun and pass some time.i to see them come to life. Maybe that would be the kick in Bart's shorts that would prevent the need to eat them. those my suggestions for live action-movie...

By TANKGIRL - Jun 26, 2010 05:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: comicvine

History of the Simpsons:

Eighteen seasons have passed since The Simpsons became independent from their shorts on the Tracey Ullman Show in 1987. The family members' animated bodies have changed shape a bit since, but they have not aged much, aside from shows that looked into characters' futures. In fact, most people would agree that Matt Groening's goofy humor hasn't gotten old either.

Numerous Simpson-related comic books have been released over the years. So far, nine comic book series have been published by Bongo Comics since 1993. The first comic strips based on The Simpsons appeared in 1991 in the magazine Simpsons Illustrated, which was a companion magazine to the show. The comic strips were popular and a one-shot comic book titled Simpsons Comics and Stories, containing four different stories, was released in 1993 for the fans. The book was a success and due to this, the creator of The Simpsons, Matt Groening, and his companions Bill Morrison, Mike Rote, Steve Vance and Cindy Vance created the publishing company Bongo Comics. Issues of Simpsons Comics, Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror and Bart Simpson have been collected and reprinted in trade paperbacks in the United States by HarperCollins

The simpsons are one of my fav show ever well fox is crazy she can make anything she wants I hope they do a simpsons a real live action my be in GCI with and all of the voice actors who work on the series will get to keep their jobs.

Ready for cast:

homer simpson as paul giamatti
Homer was originally 34 years old, however as the writers aged they felt that Homer was more of a 38-year-old man. Homer is alcohol addict who has a wife, Marge and three children - Maggie, Lisa and Bart. He also eats a lot. His boss Mr. Burns is a 104-year-old power plant owner and faithful assistant Mr. Smithers who would do anything for Mr. Burns. Homer is quite smart if he didn't have a crayon stuck in his brain. Homer has a lot of different jobs e.g. Power plant worker, teacher, judge, part of a jury and many more.He has few skills except for occasionally okay in hand-to-hand- combat.He is usually out of shape but in an episode as a bounty hunter he performed many acrobatic flips.He has a drinking and eating problem.He tends to strangle his son allot. He has been Mark Hamill's bodyguard.
the only one that come to my mind when i remember doh! He can handle roll like this fact he is popular cast as home simpsons even totally look nominated him for best look

Marge Bouvier would meet her future husband, Homer Simpson, in high school. She was turned away by his crude behavior, but drawn to his sincerity. She and Homer would parent 3 children together: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. Marge is a sweet, caring woman who always thinks of others before herself. She is somewhat naive, tending to be optimistic and only seeing the good in things. She will do anything for her family.
Joan Cusack has been in cool flicks, like Working Girl, Say Anything..., High Fidelity and Grosse Pointe Blank.and voiced Yodelin' Cowgirl in Toy Story 2.

talented actress. To be honest, though, the main reason i picked her is because i think she kind of looks like Marge.

Bart Simpson, an underachiever and proud of it. When he's not making the entire town having a mental meltdown, he takes on a superhero-persona and fights crime, spreading his own mischief-brand of justice.

Jimmy Bennett why this guy he is the most hilarious thing i ever saw
You my recognized from star trek he plays young cap.kirk he is bart

Lisa Marie Simpson. Lisa is an extremely intelligent girl, with an I.Q. of 159 or so. She plays the Saxophone. Many fans of the show claims that Lisa's birthday is September 28, although in "My Sister, My Sitter," we learn that Lisa is 2 years and 38 days younger than Bart, which would put her birthday on May 9, 1981. Lisa is also a Buddhist, and a vegetarian much to her fathers dismay. Lisa is the most intelligent person in the school and in one of the episodes she was the only person in the school's history to graduate.
Elle fanning

Dakota fanning who

Dakota was my pic for lisa
During Pheobe in Wonderland i know she was truly spectacular. She picks better roles and does them just as well. I wish she plays lisa
And She was only 6 on The Door In the Floor"he was so serious,so...professional. I was rewinding and pausing to look careful even the little details she was making with her face expressions,her reactions.

Margaret "Maggie" Simpson is a character The Simpsons. She is the youngest and least seen of the five main family members, and is eternally a baby. She first appeared in the Tracey Ullman short "Good Night" and was quite prominent during the Ullman days, often being featured alongside Bart and Lisa. Maggie has since become the least seen of the five main Simpsons.
Maggie's worst enemy is the one eyebrowed baby from across the street. She doesn't like other babies for unknown reasons. In one of the episodes it turns out that she will grow up to become a punk. In the same episode she was about 15 years old though she never spoke because she kept getting interupted.
In another episode she showed great team work skills and got her and the other babies dummies from the locked locker.
In the comics, Maggie was tag-a-long with Bart Simpson and Lisa Simpson on their adventures a Stretch Dude and Clobber Girl, and of course, got in the way. So in order ot make Maggie useful, Lisa and Bart had Prof. Frink take a portion of each of their powers, Clobber Girl's invulnerability with Stretch Dude's bounce ability, and became the Bouncing Battler Baby.Maggie is also seen in quiet a few episodes as she escapes from her crib for some strange reason.

Unknow baby

Grampa Simpson Don Rickles

Baraham 'Abe' Simpson is Homer Simpson's elderly father who lives in an old folks home. He was born in the early 20th Century, and therefore lived through both world wars. He claims to have participated in both wars, although he did have to lie about his age to get into the first.
He moved to America as a young boy, but cannot remember where from. He joined the army and made a pact with the Hellfish. The last remaining Hellfish (who was alive) would get the hellfish bananza, full of painting worth millions. Grampa and Mr. Burns were the only two left, and Burns tried to kill Grampa, but failed.
When they got the paintings, they were taken by the police and given to the descendant of their rightful owner.
In other universes, he has had superhuman strength and been a member of Oldblood.

On one occasion, he became very rich when he inherited the fortune of an elder lady he had been dating. He held auditions for people who wanted the money. However, he ended donating the money to the care home.

In words, he has the perfect combination of talents to pull off Grampa with unparalleled elan.

Patty Bouvier and Selma Bouvier Rosie O'donnell
Selma Bouvier is Marge's older sister and Patty's twin. Selma has a strong passion for Macgyver. She always longs for a husband. She has a pet iguana named Jub Jub. Selma dislikes Homer, but not as much as Patty does. Selma works at the DMV and smokes often.

Come on give me break Rosie O'donnell got balls for part

Flanders family: doodlies" and "diddlies"
William-H Macy as Ned flanders

A God-loving, God-fearing, God-obsessed neighbor with endless patience. Ned's wife is actually dead

his turn as The Shoveler in Mystery Men that he's got comedic as well as dramatic chops. Macy's work on Mystery Men also gives him a bit of a leg up when it comes to The Simpsons, as one of his costars was Hank Azaria, who provides the voices for many of Springfield's finest.

And just look at this video

Maude Flanders sally field.

Maude Flanders and her family are extremely religious freaks of the Springfield area. When Maude died after falling hundreds of feet off a sports stadium, her husband ned made a theme park maude had once designed based around god. People didnt like it but when they were leaving, hallucinated that maude gave people visions when it was really gas.

Doodlies sally field yes she seem look for the part I love her performance the one she plays tom hanks mom and she is new series brother and sister .
Jimmy 'jax' Pinchak as Rod Flanders and Todd Flanderas Jonah Bobo

The flanders brother just like the above
The two of them are really great Jimmy 'jax' Pinchak he acted with a-list star like tom hanks and other and for bobo he just look for the part

C. Montgomery Burns Anthony hopkins

Charles Montgomery Burns, normally referred to as Mr. Burns, but also known as Monty Burns, is a character in The Simpsons. He is the owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant (SNPP) and Homer Simpson's boss. He is attended to at almost all times by Waylon Smithers, his loyal aide (sycophant), adviser, confidant and secret admirer. And the most rich person in springfield

The vibration of Mr. Burns comes to me when I always watch Hannibal lecter

Moe Szyslak hank azaria

The owner of Moe's Tavern. He was also a boxer in his past. In his younger years he was an actor. Moe's most popular role was Smelly in the original Little Rascals. He got fired after killing the original Alfalfa. Moe has money, at times, but that money is usually limitless. Moe has lady problems. He's always on the look-out for a date. He falls in love a few times, most noteably to Rene. However, he loses her after attempting insurance fraud. Homer Simpson was involved, and that's never a good thing. Moe is a member of The Stonecutters. For a good period of his life he was a boxer. He fought under various names, namely Kid Gorgeous, Kid Gruesome, and Kid Moe. Back when he was Gorgeous, everybody wanted a piece of him. He never made to the big times as he was knocked out 40 times in a row.
Moe is also involved in various illegal activities. Some of these include running a Russian Roulette match in the back of his bar. He also has been known to smuggle endangered species into his bar. Some of these animals include giant pandas and orca whales.
In the Simpsons TV show, Moe is voiced by Hank Azaria so why not play character in real live

Edna Krabappel Jane Lynch

Edna is a teacher at Springfield Elementary. Most of her problems include her love life. She dates various people. She dated Bart Simpson for a bit, if you can call it dating. Bart simply created an imaginary man and wrote letters to her. Through the years she has been seen with Moe, but her main man is Seymour Skinner. They have an on-off relationship. They date, they get engaged, and so on. Edna lives alone with her one cat, name pending, in an apartment. She's a tad smart, and apparently sexy. We often find her revealing her body in one way or another.

After her performance in glee I think jane can play type of those teacher

Reverend Lovejoy David Schwimmer

Rev. Lovejoy is the Pastor of the Church (of uncertain Protestant denomination, mentioned as "The Western Branch of American Reform Presbylutheranism" in one episode) that almost everyone in Springfield dutifully attends. In one episode, Dr. Hibbert and his family (who are among the wealthiest in town) decide to attend a storefront gospel evangelical church.

When comedy comes David should be in it

Seymour Skinner tim allen

Skinner is the principal at Springfield Elementary School. He and Bart Simpson are enemies and he is constantly giving Bart dententions.
Served tours of duty in Vietnam. Where he was captured and spent time as a POW.

Actually I never like tim act but he looks likes the character

Chief Wiggum jack black

Springfield Police Chief Clancy Wiggum is law-enforcement incarnate. He really doesn't care much what happens, as long as he can eat donuts.
His son, Ralph (Ralphie) Wiggum, attends Springfield Elementary with Bart & Lisa Simpson. Ralphie has...issues. He is....special. He has two cops that assist him.

Jack black can do anything lol!!!

Milhouse Van Houten Bill Milner

Milhouse and Bart Simpson are best friends who are constantly getting in trouble for Bart's stupid ideas.
Milhouse is pretty much a follower, as opposed to a leader. His parents are divorced, and his father is pretty much as unsuccessful as it gets. For instance, his dad sits at home in his underwear crying & making jiffy pop on the stove.
His mom has actually moved to Capitol City, and Milhouse went to live with her for a short time.
Millhouse and Bart once ran the Android's Dungeon comics store, when ComicBook Guy had a heart attack.

Without a doubt. This kid is incredibly talented. The majority of child actors simply say their lines and try to look cute, but this kid is a great actor. He blew me away in Son Of Rambow

Comic book guy kevin smith

Best cast ever

Lenny paul rudd

Lenny is one of Homer's fellow-workers on the Springfield's PowerPlant, alongside Carl. Carl is also a member of the StoneCutters in which his number of hierarchy is #12 which means he's one of the most important members. Once, Bart paid 1000 $ to Lenny and Carl to convince them to kiss each other. In many episodes, Lenny and Carl act like homosexuals but there are mentions of their wives and kids in various episodes. One of Lenny's more astounding feats is his carving of Carl's head in a big mountain, now known as Mt. Carl. Evern though Lenny is a low level employee at the plant, he once had it all! Lenny is put in charge of the plant, replacing Mr. Burns. However, his reign of terror quickly ends, upon Mr. Burns return. Lenny changes appartments often. He used to live on the other side of a racketball court! Marge Simpson likes Lenny, along with the Simpson children. Whenever they hear that something bad has happened to him, they say, "Not Lenny!"

Why not paul rudd

Carl Carlson Orlando Jones

Carl Carlson is a character in The Simpsons. Along with Lenny, Carl is not just Homer's co-worker (sometimes identified as Homer's supervisor) at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant but one of his best friends since childhood, and he likes to call himself "an urban Lenny". He also attended Springfield A&M University. Carl is very aquainted with Lenny Lenord, not that they are gay or anything. In fact, it is eluded that both have either had wives, or lady friends, at the least.
Carl is an African-American, and a Buddhist with a master's degree in nuclear physics, fond of bowling and drinking at Moe's Tavern. (Carl demonstrates his talent for science in the episode Fat Man and Little Boy).

Orlando Jones + paul rudd=great due

Barney Gumble Kyle Gass

Barney is a loveable, drunken oaf. He spends every waking hour at Moe's Tavern.HE in fact is he was so addicted to alchol that he lived right above Moe's tavern.
His most distinguished accomplishment is probably starting the Plow King business, a direct competitor of Homer Simpson's Mr. Plow business. Barney had a slight edge, due to his larger plow and his commercials featuring Linda Ronstadt.
Who can play a drunk and rude person better than kyle

Waylon Smithers Rainn Wilson

Waylon Smithers is the personal assistant of Montgomoery Burns, owner of Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. He is absolutely loyal to Mr. Burns, and appears at times to actually be attracted to him.
Smithers is a Malibu Stacey collector, and actually helps to run the fan club for the popular girls' doll. He owns the largest collection of them, and even wrote, and starred in, a Malibu Stacy play.
His father also worked with Mr.Burns, but was killed in the nuclear reactor. Mr. Burns stuffed his corpse down a hatch, as was the rage back then, and told Waylon that his father was killed by a tribe of savage women.

He was steve carell right hand why not right hand of mr burns

Sideshow Bob crispin glover

Sideshow Bob first worked for Krusty the Clown, as his sidekick. However, this was not enough for Bob. He framed Krusty in an armed robbery of The Kwik-E-Mart. Homer was a witness and identified Krusty as the criminal. While Krusty was in jail, Bob took over the show and made it more educational. Bart Simpson and Lisa Simpson were not pleased with the police's work and took on

the case. They discovered that Bob was the real crook, and had him put behind bars. Since then, Bob has attempted to kill Bart, kill his aunt Selma, and destroy TV. All attempts have failed. That's what makes them attempts. He also saved the town from his evil brother, Cesil. He now resides in italy with his wfe and son.

Trust me crispin is psychonis e-nuff

Mayor Joe Quimby Alec Baldwin

Mayor Joseph Quimby, nicknamed "Diamond Joe," is a recurring character from the animated television series The Simpsons. He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta, and first appeared in the episode "Bart Gets an F". A member of the Democratic Party, Quimby is the mayor of Springfield, and is a composite parody of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy and certain other members of the Kennedy family who have entered politics.
Just watch 30 rock

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon Irrfan Khan

Apu owns & runs the Springfield Kwik-E-Mart. He probably works close to 24 hours a day, close to 7 days a week, close to 365 days a year. Springfield hooligans are basically waiting to loot his store when he lets his guard down, so either he or his brother have to be very alert most of the time.
His most famous creation is probably the Squishie, a frozen sweet beverage very similar to a Slushie, but much much better. Apu tried to make his own flavor once, the Chutney Squishie, but it did not go over too well.
Apu has many, many, many children, and a loving wife (the product of an arranged marriange in his home country ot India).
Did I mention he can sing?
"Who needs the Kwik-E-Mart?.........I....dooooooooooooooooooo"
Apu is shot almost 8/9 a year.

Wacth the namesake and slumdog millionaire

Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon aishwarya ray

Manjula is Apu’s wife and mother of their octuplets.

She can be anything

Agnes Skinner Rhea Perlman

Agnes is the mother of Seymour Skinner and Seymour still lives with her. She is very controlling of Seymour and keeps him from living a normal life.

Willie Gerard butler

Willie is from Northkilttown, Scotland. His past is vague, but we do know that his father was hung for stealing a pig. Eventually he came to America and found work as a groundskeeper for a school. He lives in a shack on the grounds. Willie has never really down anything with his life, though once he is made to be a gentleman, by Lisa Simpson. Willie is a strong lad. He often fights people, when he's not yelling at them. On one occasion he is greased up and sent into the school vents to get a dog. He catches the pup and remarks that no animal can outrun a greased Scotsman.

Apparently, Willie lost some of his hearing but claims that he can read lips.

Cecil Terwilliger Jay Baruchel

In The Simpsons Comics, issue #71, Sins Of The Brothers!, Cecil finally plays the main character part against Lisa Simpson. When he got out of jail he began thinking about a way to be a shining star in the world of crime, but he found that trying to kill Bart Simpson would have been too clichè. So he decided to murder his sister instead.

However, Lisa had become unsatisfied with her 'little sister' life, and when the two kids were kidnapped by Cecil, she used this topic to get the criminal's attention until police arrived.
Something strange happened: Cecil found in Lisa a younger mirror of himself. They shared a hug... before Chief Wiggum took Cecil away.

Superintendent Chalmers Larry Miller

Superintendent of Schools. Seymour Skinner's boss and potential step-father

Krusty the clown Jack Nicholson

Krusty has hosted a great kid's show, recorded in Springfield, for quite some time. There are a few notable things about his long-running series.

Krusty is a Jew and his father is a rabbi.
Krusty's show is the TV home of Itchy & Scratchy, and ultra-violent, mouse vs. cat cartoon. For the most part, it is Itchy (the mouse) doing most of the damage to Scratchy (the cat).
Krusty has also had some notable sidekicks on his show. Sideshow Bob is a murderous evil genius with plans to eliminate Bart Simpson. His replacement, Sideshow Mel, is less murderous but has a much more theatric voice. Krusty also uses an African monkey Mr. Teeny in his show.

Krusty is one of the richest people of Springfield, owning: the KrustyLuStudios, the KrustyCo., Krusty Burger fast food company and Kamp Krusty.
Krusty also owns the Krusty Burger franchise. He is a mogul, in this sense.
In one issue of 'Simpsons Super Spectacular', Krusty dress up in a identical Pie-Man custom like Homer and framed him for various crimes. Although he was caught, Krusty's High Price Lawyer managed to get away from justice but couldn't stop Pie-Man from giving Krusty his just desserts (AKA: A pie in the face).

It was revealed several times that Krusty has many children.

Sideshow mel Matthew Broderick

Sideshow Mel was brought in by Krusty the Clown to replace Sideshow Bob, after Bob attempted to frame Krusty for armed robbery, though Mel rarely speaks on air, he is actually a classically trained theatre actor and extremely intelligent. Mel has a bone through his hair. Its origins are mostly unknown, though he mentions that it may have gotten stuck in there while attempting to get gum out. Mel won a prize for entertainer of the year years ago, when he lived in London.

Ruth Powers evangeline lilly

Divorced mother living next door to the Simpsons.

Laura Powers jessica stroup

Laura Powers lives next door to the Simpsons and is the only child of single-parent divorceé Ruth Powers.

Gil Steve Martin

Springfield's biggest loser. The poor guy can never catch a break. He is constantly losing his jobs.

Professor Frink Anthony Rapp or Stephen Colbert

Voice and mannerisms resemble Jerry Lewis' "Nutty Professor" character of the 60's. His cool alter ego resembles Lewis' "Buddy Love" from the Nutty Professor movie.

Dr. Julius Hibbert James Earl Jones

Springfield's version of Dr. Cliff Huxtable. affable and joyous, tends to deliver bad news with a chuckle.

Captain McAllister Rip Torn

has yellow skin with white hair and a beard. He wears a sea captain's hat, a green sweater, a blue pea soup jacket, brown pants, black rubber boots and often carries a corncob pipe. He squints a lot, probably because he has two glass eyes Some people claim that his first name is either Horratio or Pete, but it's never been established which, if any. Handsome Pete is often seen with the good captain and McAllister once called Homer "Bottomless Pete," either of which could be the source of this confusion. Strangely, none of the Springfieldians have called McAllister by name since his court appearance in Instead, everyone just refers to him as the old sea captain.

Dr Nick Riviera Steve Buscemi

Riviera is of Latin descent (in the European Spanish dub he's given an Argentinian accent) and has a medical degree from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College (there he apparently spent much of his time using his ability to acquire prescription drugs to impress a succession of attractive women back in the 1970s), and a great deal of luck; thus far, none of the patients he has swindled, maimed, or given useless or dangerous medical advice seems to have sued him (although a few have come after him in person, for example in "Homer's Triple Bypass" a large angry man grabs him, and Nick says "Well if it isn't my old friend Mr. McGregg - with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg"; the man literally has an arm where a leg should be and a leg where an arm should be). Dr. Nick is a stereotype of shady, immoral doctors who perform medical procedures for money with little or no regard for medical ethics, or their patients' well-being. In the episode "Much Apu About Nothing", he is seen taking a citizenship test, implying he is not a citizen of the United States. Some of his exclamations hint that he may be Argentinian, though the show offered no direct evidence of this.

Disco Stu Will Ferrell

Disco Stu is aman who like many music particular the funky and disco music.He work in a disco market who have a lot of disc. He spend more time to dancing and Disco stu is the whone of Springfield.
He doesn't like to life to day because he like to returnig the 70th age.

Lionel Hutz steve carell

Shyster lawyer in Springfield. His office was located in the mall at "I Can't Believe It's A Law Firm!"

Lunchlady Doris Pam Ferris

voiced by Doris Grau up until her death, and now voiced by Tress MacNeille, is a sardonic chef for Springfield Elementary. She can frequently be seen serving deeply unpleasant meals, such as animal genitalia and ground up gym mats, because of the school budget cutbacks. She has also made a handful of appearances acting as a school nurse, apparently due to budget cutbacks.
After Grau's death in 1995, Lunchlady Doris was retired out of respect for over 10 years. Due to the delay between recording some episodes and the time they actually air, Grau's voice was included in episodes airing as late as 1997 such as "Lisa's Sax." Lunchlady Doris

is seen as a silent background character until she speaks in the 18th season during "The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer," where she is voiced by Tress MacNeille, season 19's "The Debarted," where she is again voiced by Tress MacNeille but with a different voice, and season 20's "Father Knows Worst".

Otto mann russel brand

Otto is one of Springfield's busdrivers. He is known for his crash record without fatalities and his love of heavy metal, or rock music. Otto has various love interests. Crystal is one of his girlfriends, followed by Becky, his almost wife.

School bully:

Nelson muntez Angus T. Jones

Martin price Jacob Kogan

Sherri and terri the olsen twins lol

Ralph Wiggum Conner Rayburn

Squeky Voiced Teen Christopher Mintz-Plasse

Fat Tony robert de niro

Snake Benicio Del Toro

Bumblebee Man George Lopez

Jay Leno Kent Brockman

Duff man matthew mcconaughey

Hans mole man Mickey Rooney

Eddie and Lou Howie Mandel (eddie), Chris Rock (lou)

Jasper Beardly Edward Asner

Kirk Van Houten Jason Alexander

Luann Van Houten Amy Stiller

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1 2
secretasianboy - 6/26/2010, 5:45 PM
well um um um i guess the simpsons is a comic book

Cool cast
TANKGIRL - 6/26/2010, 6:01 PM
secretasianboy thank you the simpsons is comic gmae tv show evreything
airbeyonder18 - 6/26/2010, 7:50 PM
Wow. Very well done.
TANKGIRL - 6/26/2010, 8:05 PM
airbeyonder18 thank you
Saga - 6/26/2010, 8:33 PM
Good cast
emg504 - 6/26/2010, 8:40 PM
the simpsons are definatly one of my favorite shows ever anyway great cast :)
DDD - 6/26/2010, 8:45 PM
Good stuff!

Great casting!
TANKGIRL - 6/26/2010, 8:53 PM
Dragonzord thanx

emg504 me too i never liked the family guy thing

DDD thank you do you watch the simpsons
longbowhunter - 6/26/2010, 9:23 PM
I love William H. Macy as Flanders. He would own that role!!
TANKGIRL - 6/26/2010, 9:57 PM
longbowhunter couldn't think of someone else
valeriesghost - 6/26/2010, 11:16 PM
Damn, TankGirl! alot of these are dead on
JediJoker515 - 6/26/2010, 11:17 PM
Not really feeling Joan Cusack as Marge but other then that, great job Tankgirl. William H. Macy would steal the show as Flanders.
TANKGIRL - 6/26/2010, 11:21 PM
valeriesghost thanx i want to do more

JediJoker515 come on she makes happy when i watch toy story yeah William H. Macy is perfect for role
redson - 6/26/2010, 11:44 PM

Love the pick for Otto and Disco Stu. Russel Brand would be awesome and Will Ferrel would be hilarious.
TANKGIRL - 6/26/2010, 11:47 PM
RedSon thank actually the time i was going to cast otto he comes in my mind
OriginalPhysco - 6/27/2010, 12:17 AM
I love this cast! Very kool casting
TANKGIRL - 6/27/2010, 12:56 AM
Promorus thanx

Hamm3rtym3 didn't they made sean austin in lord of the ring like 16 years old i mean elf
TANKGIRL - 6/27/2010, 1:08 AM
Hamm3rtym3 oky no problemes
gnilemcire - 6/27/2010, 1:49 AM
Wow, could you imagine the budget they would need for that movie.
TANKGIRL - 6/27/2010, 1:56 AM
gnilemcire i know
Betty - 6/27/2010, 2:13 AM
I always thought Steve Buscemi would make a good Lenny. This is well thought out. Muy grande!
TANKGIRL - 6/27/2010, 2:16 AM
Betty Steve Buscemi can be moe
LEEE777 - 6/27/2010, 4:18 AM
TANK @ You've been real busy!!

I was thinking about doing one of these ages ago, as time went on, but i never bothered, glad you did!

Very funny and most spot on!

Top marks from me, great stuff and thumbs up!
TANKGIRL - 6/27/2010, 4:28 AM
LEEE777 thank you for reading why yo do one now
lc - 6/27/2010, 4:44 AM
yeah looks like a good one,

and lee no you aint doing one on
a sunday ffs wheres our time
together !!
TANKGIRL - 6/27/2010, 4:49 AM
lc big lol for and lee no you aint doing one on
a sunday ffs wheres our time
together !!
coolbeans - 6/27/2010, 4:52 AM
i got to admit i thought this wasn't gonna be very good, but its actually brilliant! you obviously put a lot of thought into it, i kinda want to see this made into a movie.
TANKGIRL - 6/27/2010, 5:20 AM
coolbeans evrebody approve that
StuckInPanels - 6/27/2010, 5:44 AM
@Tankgirl....NOW THATS A GREAT CAST. If they ever did anything like that it would be SO AWESOME.
TANKGIRL - 6/27/2010, 5:52 AM
Aki87 yeah thank you for step by
lc - 6/27/2010, 6:42 AM
um tank why did you
say what i said ffs
girl lol.
Bandrews1 - 6/27/2010, 9:08 AM
Interesting, alot of these are some good choices.
fanboy76 - 6/27/2010, 10:49 AM
TG That is one hell of a dream cast. Its not remotely possible but still it would be ridiculously awesome. No one could play Moe other than Azaria, good call.What about Gunter Schlierkamp as Duffman
blee - 6/27/2010, 10:50 AM
Ver awesome. I love Paul Rudd as Lenny. I also thin Gary Oldman with his mustache would make a good Ned Flanders =]
strilfe - 6/27/2010, 10:59 AM
Definitely a great cast.
LEEE777 - 6/27/2010, 11:54 AM
Lol, I'm watching THE SIMPSONS right now! : D
superbatspiderman - 6/27/2010, 11:59 AM
Great cast this would be an amazing movie I love the Simpsons the pnly problem I have is Azaria as Moe I think Buscemi would be a better Moe he is good at playing a sleeze. Great cast.
matt28 - 6/27/2010, 12:45 PM
i like
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