Batmans "The Riddler Chase" was announced already, but here are some new ones! There are no pictures except for "The Riddler Chase," so you just have to read the description and use your imagination.
The Penguin Face-Off (76010) – Minifigures include Batman, the Penguin, and two robot penguin henchmen. Batman comes with a jet-ski type vehicle and the Penguin has a duck-like flotation vehicle like the one in Batman Returns. This set is the smallest set of the wave.
Man-Bat Attack (76011) – Minifigures include Batman, Robin, and Man-Bat. Batman’s vehicle is a Batcopter looking vehicle. This is a small-to-medium sized set.
The Riddler Chase (76012) – Minifigures include Batman, the Flash, and the Riddler. Batman has a Batmobile and the Riddler has a green drag racer type vehicle. This set contains 304 pieces and will retail for $29.99.

The Joker Steam Roller (76013) – Minifigures include Batman, the Joker, a possibility of Nightwing, and two other villains. Batman has a jet with wings that have similar functions as the Republic Striker-class Starfighter (9497). The Joker has a Steam Roller with a lot of colors.