The iconic Action Comics #1 - featuring the first appearance of Superman, the Man of Steel - continues to break records with an incredibly valuable copy selling for $3,207,852.00 in a recent auction, the highest selling price for a comic book in history. The near-mint issue received an astounding score of 9.0 by the Comics Guaranty Corporation (CGC), containing white pages in pristine condition. Metropolis/Comic Connect made the highest bid, after selling the 'Nicolas Cage' copy of Action #1 for around $2.16 million in 2012; it is now the only comic to ever hit $3 million, and joins Detective Comics #27, Amazing Fantasy #15 and three others to break the $1 million sale barrier. Thought to be one of only 30 unrestored copies in existence, it was acquired several years ago from Darren Adams of Pristine Comics, who stated that the original buyer purchased the comic at the time of its release in June, 1938. Action Comics #1 was initially cover-priced at 10c, and, clearly, is worth a lot more to people now than ever before.