COMICS: Publisher Dan Buckley Says There Is No Effort To Align Comics and Film Continuities
There are many who think that Marvel's comics are aligning to much with their films but now publisher Dan Buckly has gone ahead and dismissed those claims. Hit the jump to check it out.
Complaints of Marvel altering its comics to more closely resemble their on-screen counterparts goes as far back as when Grant Morrison put the X-Men in black leather. Though recently with the emergance of the Marvel Cinematic Universe those grumblings have increased. Also recent revelation during Marvel's AXIS event seemed to have validated these complaints.
In a recent interview Marvel Publisher Dan Buckley dismisses any assertion there’s a conscious effort to align continuity between the two mediums.
“We all remember picking up our X-Men books in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, the Professor would go in to put Cerebro on and he’d wear a helmet in a room, and whatever room that was and whatever it looked like was up to the artist du jour. But that room now, after the X-Men movie when he rolled into that big open area with the metallic globe that he is sitting inside of with the ramp, and then he puts the helmet on, you go into a Marvel comic now and that’s what that room looks like. The movie defined the mass market perception of what Cerebro looks like. The comics guys are looking at it and thinking, ‘That’s pretty cool, I think I’ll do that!’ So, to say that one medium does not influence the other a great deal would be lying."
“[…] So there’s no way that these movies, which are seen by millions of people, are not influencing what we’re doing in the books, but we’re not looking to align continuity between the two storytelling worlds because, frankly, that would be a venture into madness.”