Following up the success of their previous animated serial, "The Infinite Quest," the BBC has announced that it will be launching a brand new 10th Doctor serial entitled "Dreamland." The new animated run will consist of six six minute mini-episodes which will detail the Doctor's newest adventures in America.
Written by Phil Ford "Dreamland" will see the Doctor investigating an alien mystery at the U.S. Alien Country: Roswell, New Mexico. Though few other plot details have been released, the title itself may be a reference to the alternate name for the secretive Air Force base near Groom Lake Nevada: Area 51. However there are rumors that this animated adventure will involve the Tenth Doctor being trapped in a dream-like place, wherein he will encounter each of his past incarnations, taking advantage of the animated format of the adventure to bring back Doctor's played by actors who are now deceased. The deceased Doctor's voices will be performed using voice actors or, where possible, using archived audio clips. This will is how actor's who do not wish to return to the show (a rumored example being Christopher Eccleston) will be included in the special. The aforementioned 'hold-outs' have agreed that their likenesses can be used in the adventure. This plot could then be an adaptation of the Idea and Design Works (IDW) comic series "The Forgotten."
Presently in sadder news, there has been no indication whether "Dreamland" will be broadcast, or made available online (officially) outside the UK. Most original video content on the BBC website is "geolocked" and restricted to UK users only. It is assumed "Dreamland" will be likewise restricted. The previous animated serial, "The Infinite Quest," was never broadcast in North America or Australia, and remained unavailable there until its DVD release (more than a year later for North America). It remains to be seen if "Dreamland" will experience the same release.