“Warner Bros. Animation: Studio 2.0 is in development with Warner Bros. Animation on two projects: an untitled “Batman” shortform series and an untitled project based upon “The Wizard of Oz.” More details on these projects will be announced in the future.”
“As I’ve often said, at our heart, Warner Bros. is a content company,” said Bruce Rosenblum, President, Warner Bros Television Group. “For the Television Group’s digital strategy to truly be realized, we are focusing equally on the creation of original programming specifically designed for the digital market and developing advertiser-supported targeted distribution strategies.”
So more Batman is coming our way, a nice addition to all the cartoons, movies and comics already out there. However we’ll have to keep our fingers crossed and our voices loud if we’re to get the content for a decent charge – preferably free, and on an advertising structure rather than a pay per view model.