The Megas is a new comic series co written by Jonathan Mostow with television writer John Harrison ("Dune"). The series is being released by Virgin Comics, part of their Directors Cut line of comics, which is developing stories from directors such as John Woo, Guy Ritchie, Terry Gilliam and Ed Burns.
Here's the story of The Megas as described from their press release; "The storyline of The Megas revolves around Detective Jack Madison and his race-against-the-clock investigation to uncover secrets behind the mysterious sex-fueled suicide of a Prince in The Megas royal family. Meanwhile, the King is on his deathbed at The White Palace (yes, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!), and society is bracing for the inevitable chaos that will surely ensue once he dies. As one controversial truth after another is revealed, Detective Madison finds himself entrenched in lies, corruption and. well.. I guess as much as things change, they still stay the same."
Mostow is shopping the property around and working to develop it for production very soon.
[Thanks to CBR
for the press release and additional information on The Megas]