Hello ComicBookMovie community! Obviously if you clicked onto this article, you have an idea of what it'll be about. I keep hearing the various different "plans" that Warner Bros. could have for their DC cinematic universe thrown around by fans, and I decided to share my opinion on the subject at hand. This article will ignore the "if Arrow's universe becomes canon" because I don't think it will, even if I'd like it to. Anyway, like Bane says:

Okay many, if not all, of us have been wondering since the announcement of the Superman and Batman movie: What is Warner Bros. doing when it comes to the DC cinematic universe? Some of us think Warner Bros. should have taken the Marvel approach, and introduce each Justice League member they are going to use in that said hero/heroine’s individual films. Others think Warner Bros. plan is them skipping the individual films and heading straight towards the Justice League, then spinning off the most popular heroes into their own films. Then there are those (myself included) that think Warner Bros. should build their DC cinematic universe in the same way their doing the Superman and Batman movie – introducing two heroes in one film. Imagine a Green Lantern and Flash movie, or a Wonder Woman and Aquaman movie. This is the fastest, and I believe the easiest, way to get to the Justice League without rushing into it, and at the same time catching up with Marvel. It's also unique and something Marvel hasn't tried doing, yet.
Flash and Green Lantern Film.

I know what you might be saying: “It’ll be too much story for one film to handle”. Now let me tell you why it isn’t too much for one film to handle. First let me start with the Green Lantern and Flash movie, or as many will call it “Brave and the Bold”. Okay, sure, all of us want to see Green Lantern be a space cop and not be on Earth, and the last Green Lantern didn’t do well on neither fronts, but it is really a bad movie? I personally don’t think so. Call it fanboy-ism if you want, but I expected something as bad as Batman & Robin and it wasn’t that. Sure the movie isn’t a good movie, but it does have it moments that show it could have been a great film. I’m not saying make Green Lantern canon to the DC cinematic universe, but semi-canon. We already have a Green Lantern origin film, we don’t need another one. This is what Warner Bros. is doing for Batman, they’re making Batman Begins semi-canon. That just leaves introducing Flash, which is what they can put most focus on. This also gives Green Lantern a purpose to be on Earth most of the time, rather than in space or on Oa, along with there being something interesting happening on Earth while Green Lantern is in space. The only thing they need is a director who can balance Earth and Space, without making one side of the coin more interesting.
Wonder Woman and Aquaman Film

You might be saying: “Okay, this surely is too much for one film to handle, since both characters mythologies are huge”, but that couldn’t be more wrong. The films doesn’t need to be a full out origin of neither Wonder Woman or Aquaman, like it’d be for any other hero since they can explain it, or better yet show it right away. Wonder Woman can be explained to be the princess of Themyscira and a great warrior in one scene, while leaving out who her father is, but dropping hints of him throughout the film. Aquaman can make a grand entrance on Themyscira and say he’s “Aquaman, King of the seas!” or we could be introduced to Aquaman in a scene where they're trying to form a peace treaty arrangement for both Themyscira and Atlantis since more likely both these places, and people, would have known of each other and they could have been at war for sometime. Ultimately both these characters share the same Greek mythology, so I don’t see why it can be that difficult to make and introduce both these characters into one film. I think this is the fastest way to get both Wonder Woman and, especially, Aquaman onto the big screen. Afterall one is a popular heroine, while the other is an underrated hero. Then again, it all goes back to getting the right director and writer for the film. I already have a writer in mind for this film in Steven S. Deknight, whose work on Spartacus makes him a great fit. Ultimately the director is the one who would, like I said with the Green Lantern and Flash movie, have to balance both Themyscira and Atlantis with out making one more interesting than the other.
Now of course this is all my opinion, but what do you guys and gals think? Should Warner Bros. use the Marvel way, head straight for Justice League after the Superman and Batman movie, or use the “Two heroes per film” like they’re doing for Superman and Batman to build into a Justice League? Thanks for your time and leave your opinions below in the comments section!