TERMINATOR GENISYS Star Matt Smith Recalls Thinking What The F*** Is Going On? While Shooting First Scene

TERMINATOR GENISYS Star Matt Smith Recalls Thinking "What The F*** Is Going On?" While Shooting First Scene

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Feralwookiee - 10/30/2019, 9:24 AM
I really don't see where there's to go with this franchise. Other than replacing the traditional male future savior with a female, it's pretty much the same story over and over and over. No one seems to have anything fresh or new to say in this series.
hazapez - 10/30/2019, 10:27 AM
@Feralwookiee - that or take it into the future, which was already tried. but they didnt have the lasers... 🤔
zeon00 - 10/30/2019, 10:44 AM
@Feralwookiee - John Connor and Skynet doesn’t exists in the future in this movie
AnthonyVonGeek - 10/30/2019, 11:27 AM
It seems like after T2 each Terminator movie just got worse and worse. This one is a joke and a slap in the face to fans.
godzilla83 - 10/30/2019, 3:00 PM
This movie was like t2.5 but pointless as it makes t1 and t2 meaningless
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