TERMINATOR GENISYS Star Matt Smith Recalls Thinking What The F*** Is Going On? While Shooting First Scene

TERMINATOR GENISYS Star Matt Smith Recalls Thinking "What The F*** Is Going On?" While Shooting First Scene

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Feralwookiee - 10/23/2019, 9:16 AM
Hollywood just can't help digging up old franchises and shitting all over the lore that made them fun and popular. Why not just take these franchises in a genuinely new direction? (I.e. Terminator, Aliens, Star Wars etc.) But no, we have to keep dredging up the old characters, then cheapening all they've done with dumb retcons. *shrug*
Mrcool210 - 10/23/2019, 9:24 AM
I'm sorry that sounds like hot garbage, derivative and generic for Terminator. I know i'm in the minority when it comes to this movie but I actually liked Terminator Genysis. I thought it was an interesting new take with certain characters (John excluded) But Arnie was at the top of his game playing the T 800 in that movie. And I really wish we could have seen where it would have continued had it actually been a success.

SpideyPuffsMJ - 10/23/2019, 9:25 AM
SpideyPuffsMJ - 10/23/2019, 9:25 AM
This is what you guys are giving four out of five stars??
Feralwookiee - 10/23/2019, 9:30 AM
"He now goes by "Carl" and has a family he protects after saving his partner from an abusive ex."

asherman93 - 10/23/2019, 9:56 AM
@Feralwookiee -
Sounds like that actually continues from Judgment Day's themes - the idea that a killing machine can develop a soul.
NormanVOsborn - 10/23/2019, 9:35 AM
I'm sorry WHAT? This sounds like [frick]ing trash.
Pitydafool - 10/23/2019, 9:35 AM
So they kill John Conner so they can redo T1? JC sent Reese back to protect Sarah and now Nu-John Conner sends cyborg back to protect people in the past just like T1 while they plan on stopping Nu-Skynet from doing Nu-Judgment day like T2.

Bold new direction
PsychoManiacJacky - 10/23/2019, 9:49 AM
The entire Terminator timeline is making The Flash show timeline look like Sesame Street. I don’t even know what I just read or if I have enough psychedelics to endulge in to read any further.
CLTMAN29 - 10/23/2019, 9:51 AM
Oh. Just [frick] off.
foreverintheway - 10/23/2019, 9:58 AM
Why the damn hell would you post a spoiler-filled review a whole week before anyone has actually seen it?
relentless1 - 10/23/2019, 11:53 AM
@foreverintheway - its your choice to read or not read the article man, there was plenty of heads up in the title that you'd be spoiled reading it soooo its on you bud
IronGenesis - 10/23/2019, 10:10 AM
Leave it to Mortal Kombat to write the most satisfying ending to the war between man and the machines.
bkmeijer2 - 10/23/2019, 11:36 AM
The only thing that I learned is that there isn't a Terminator reboot/sequel/prequel/whatever without Arnie or a Terminator who develops feelings
LadiesmanBumble - 10/23/2019, 1:15 PM
This series should have ended with Judgement Day.
4N6 - 10/23/2019, 10:05 PM
"It's hard to understand how [Arnold] could return."

He's been killed in all 3 of these movies. He plays a robot from the future. It's very easy to understand how he could return.
Scarilian - 10/24/2019, 3:19 AM
This is pure [frick]ing trash. Luckily everyone knows it and this film will bomb and be remembered as the thing that secured the death of the franchise.
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