Will Joss Whedon Direct Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Movie?

Will Joss Whedon Direct Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Movie? Will Joss Whedon Direct Sony's Marvel Spider-Man Movie?

I believe Joss Whedon will direct Sony/Marvel next Spiderman movie and I didn't have to hack their emails to figure it out.

Editorial Opinion
By Gab - Dec 19, 2014 05:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

   With all the recent talk about Marvel trying to get Spider-Man back from Sony, the emails being leaked and the constant internet debating... Will they? Won't they? Will Spider-Man be in Captain America 3? Is Andrew Garfield coming back as Peter Parker... I know it's easy to get quite confused, but when I get lost I just do like the rich folks and follow the money. Right now Marvel Studios are the hot new chick on the block that everyone has had their eye on for quite some time now. Sony's more like the pretty older lady that everybody already knows, she's proven but old news. The two companies have been in talks for some time now with Marvel taking over the creative duties of the Spider-Man franchise while Sony will keep most of the money made off of the joint film... so Marvel would have to make plenty plenty money off Spider-Man to make up for their smaller portion of the deal. Translation bring in their big gun...Joss Whedon. 

        The director who helped make The Avengers one of the highest grossing movies of all time and for sure Marvel Studios top seller. Now lets be clear I didn't get this off of the internet, I don't have a source or anything, I read the signs, like when I told you Chadwick Boseman will be Black Panther before 42 had even hit theaters.In January 2013 I told you Avengers 2 would introduce the Black Panther... All guesses for sure but now proven right. Peep game let's follow the moves. Joss Whedon is finishing up 'Age of Ultron' at the same time Marvel and Sony are talking about teaming up for Spider-Man right? Marvel announces new movies to end phase 2 and throughout phase 3. How convenient the Russo Brothers are taking over The Avengers franchise Infinity Wars after Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The Russo Brothers show they are more than capable of running The Avengers while Joss Whedon and Marvel have kept quiet about their plans for him. I believe those plans are Spider-Man. Marvel can release the movie under one of Sony's movie slots. Kevin Feige and Joss Whedon will have complete control over the casting story line and effect of the character and movies. Joss Whedon's first solo character Marvel movie who bigger and better than Spider-Man. The Rolls Royce of Marvel superhero characters will finally get the Marvel royal movie treatment and its King movie director. For good measure I've even decided who should play Spider-Man. 
      Dylan O'Brien, the 23 year old actor who just starred in the hit movie Mazer Runner. If Marvel signs him he will probably be playing Spider-Man until he is at least 30 years old. I mean this kid just screams Peter Parker. Go get him Marvel. P.S. And he's from New York like Peter Parker. P.S. Don't forget you heard it here first etch this date in your mind. Please leave your comments and be sure to share my article with others. God Bless hope you enjoy! -Gab
Let's hope this makes the main page.
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TheEpicJuicebox - 12/19/2014, 7:03 PM
I'm surprised that no one has suggested that Marvel uses Moles Morales
Emblemmaniac - 12/19/2014, 7:06 PM

When you have Spiderman, you do want the spiderman that make's most butts on the seats, which in this cause is Peter Parker. They could have Miles take the mantle but they will never use Miles before Peter. Peter Parker is the on the sale's
Baka - 12/19/2014, 7:08 PM
This is more of an editorial than news
staypuffed - 12/19/2014, 7:13 PM
C'mon, spelling Spider-Man as Spiderman?
FirstLady - 12/19/2014, 7:22 PM
@EVERYONE Now your making me feel bad I typed this for Gab as he dictated this to me and I didn't know the rules about Spiderman I mean Spider-Man, and josh I mean Joss my bad lmao.
FirstLady - 12/19/2014, 7:40 PM
ThedamnBatman - 12/19/2014, 7:47 PM
I'm here because of MrMartinMarvel....
MileHighRonin - 12/19/2014, 7:53 PM
Good thought. My fantasy pick would be Mathew Vaughn, Kick-Ass and First Class were really good in my opinion.

I actually hope Marvel can convince Whedon to direct Captain Marvel or the Inhumans.

I would also love to see him (Whedon) take a turn at an X-Men film. I loved his run on Astonishing X-Men.
Wolf38 - 12/19/2014, 7:57 PM
This sounds good to me, idea-wise. I've kind of been thinking that Whedon will go off the grid of big films for awhile after Age of Ultron, but if he does stick with Marvel, then this would probably be a fairly ideal plan for both him and the studio. Not quite as much work as the Avengers for Joss, and Marvel gets their big gun on it.

@FirstLady If it's any consolation, this was easy to read (which is more than some editorials can say) and an idea that I hadn't thought of before personally, so it's cool with me.

@MileHighRonin I would love to see Whedon direct Captain Marvel.
imkennypowers - 12/20/2014, 11:08 AM
Let Favreau direct Spiderman but give him the same control/freedom he had on Iron Man 1 not Iron Man 2.
imkennypowers - 12/20/2014, 11:19 AM

Lot's of folks have. However, I believe there is no chance Sony would let Marvel use Miles Morales because what happens if Disney's Ultimate Spiderman is better than Sony's Spiderman movie?? It'd make Sony look even more incompetent/clueless and ultimately give Disney leverage to regain Spiderman film rights.

I suggested Disney help Sony with an Ultimate Spiderman in exchange for using Spiderman in the MCU. Of course, with Disney have majority of creative control, Disney folks write/produce/direct and Disney & Sony share financing/merchandising.

VikingFuneral - 12/20/2014, 1:37 PM
Drunken texts from high-school dropouts are better written. How do you think anyone will take your notions seriously when you can't put together a single coherent sentence? I actually think the idea is pretty cool. Too bad it's buried in that complete mess.
Gab - 12/20/2014, 3:16 PM
@Vikingfuneral Eat ah Fat Dick! Clown
FirstLady - 12/20/2014, 3:31 PM
This is so funny that these college professors are on cbm getting butt sore over some Grammer mistakes in an article damn get a date then your ass wouldn't be trying to proof read. Proof read these nuts!
FirstLady - 12/20/2014, 3:33 PM
That was to @vikingfuneral
DrKinsolving - 12/20/2014, 6:57 PM
I'm totally down for this but I'm still hoping Logan Lerman gets casted as Parker/Spidey
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