KRAVEN THE HUNTER Producer Reveals Surprising Reason Sony's Latest Marvel Movie Was Pushed To December

KRAVEN THE HUNTER Producer Reveals Surprising Reason Sony's Latest Marvel Movie Was Pushed To December

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Reeds2Much - 5/27/2021, 8:08 AM
(And What We Can Expect In The Movie)
The1st - 5/27/2021, 8:17 AM
@Reeds2Much - Also, not this guy.

Repian - 5/27/2021, 8:30 AM
@The1st - Wow! Why does Spider-Man seem like a sex offender? xD
The1st - 5/27/2021, 8:33 AM
@Repian - He's trying to stay hidden in the MCU. Spider's gotta do what a spider can.
UXASIS - 5/27/2021, 8:09 AM
I would have preferred Brad Pitt, but he's probably a bit too old anyway.

Can't wait to see ATJ, Hardy, and Leto on screen together, so far the casting of SUMC has been really good (except Carnage).

Who could Kraven fight in his movie?
Kman - 5/27/2021, 8:20 AM
@UXASIS - I can’t imagine Brad Pitt would want to be in this movie
bkmeijer2 - 5/27/2021, 8:12 AM
As much as Kraven is a cool character, I have no interest in this movie whatsoever. Sony really has to come up with a surprisingly good plan, because right now my expectations are very, very low.
The1st - 5/27/2021, 8:28 AM
@bkmeijer - They're literally trying to make A characters out of B ones, but only the MCU has taken lesser known properties/characters and turned water to wine.





Amazon (currently):

bkmeijer2 - 5/27/2021, 8:40 AM
@The1st - yeah that seems pretty accurate
GhostDog - 5/27/2021, 8:17 AM
Sony can’t keep getting away with it
MrDandy - 5/27/2021, 8:19 AM
Who. Cares.
The1st - 5/27/2021, 8:29 AM
@MrDandy - Unfortunately, someone always does...entirely too much.
MarvelousMarty - 5/27/2021, 9:06 AM
Still can't believe they have pick ATJ. Utter joke on multiple levels.
TheWalkingCuban - 5/27/2021, 9:13 AM
Well it’s like I always say if you can’t get Gerard Butler, you get ATJ, dang boy, errbody know dat
Matchesz - 5/27/2021, 11:30 AM
@TheWalkingCuban - Gerard is the obvious choice, but these studios always gotta go with some controversial young actor nowadays to be hip. In all comic panels Kraven is portrayed as a middle aged 40-50 yr old man since he is suppose to be an experienced hunter.
TheWalkingCuban - 5/27/2021, 12:23 PM
@Matchesz - Haz el favor de flores de que

Sorry phone was on Spanish

I suppose a part of it is they want younger actors who can play a character longer, but dang, Kraven is a beast, so hire a beast! Or get Buff Bagwell, Razor Ramon, whoever, shut em up, and let em hunt, otherwise ATJ Gon need straight up steroids to look close to accurate. Buuut I bet he has the right metabolism to eat and lift for size. Say no to drugs. Just eat and lift!
tb86 - 5/27/2021, 9:50 AM
Nothing against Aaron Taylor Johnson but he doesn’t strike me as the type to play Kraven
JFerguson - 5/27/2021, 10:29 AM
Ah yes, Sony's very own version of a "Joker" movie.

JustAChillDude - 5/27/2021, 11:38 AM
my expectations are low, considering the writers also wrote MIB International and Transformers TLK...
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