SCARLET WITCH Rumored To Be Closing In On A Director; HAWKEYE Season 2 Reportedly Features Familiar Setting

SCARLET WITCH Rumored To Be Closing In On A Director; HAWKEYE Season 2 Reportedly Features Familiar Setting

WOLFS: George Clooney & Brad Pitt Team Up In New Trailer For SPIDER-MAN Director Jon Watts' Next Film
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WOLFS: George Clooney & Brad Pitt Team Up In New Trailer For SPIDER-MAN Director Jon Watts' Next Film

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AmazingFILMporg - 12/26/2021, 12:34 PM
Marvel absolutely dominated this year. They have been for the last few years but this year it was very obvious because other studios didnt really have a marathon of content to compete with💁

WakandanQueen - 12/26/2021, 12:35 PM
What If
Black Widow
Spiderman NWH
DeadClunge - 12/26/2021, 12:44 PM
@WakandanQueen -
2.Wanda Vision
5.Shang Chi
6.What if
8.Black Widow
9. Hawkeye
PhantomCelery - 12/26/2021, 12:39 PM
TFAAWS was such a terribly executed endeavor. Imagine getting a chance to produce a spy espionage thriller with the ex Winter Soldier, Falcon, US freaking Agent and Baron Zemo and coming out with this. Don't forget that Sharon Carter LED the team to her golden goose SUPER SOLDIER SERUM CRACKING SCIENTIST. Wtf writing man
Shivermetimbers - 12/26/2021, 12:51 PM
@PhantomCelery - seriously. It was the worst. I was so disappointed with it and my kids didn’t even want to watch it after the second episode.
tmp3 - 12/26/2021, 1:15 PM
@PhantomCelery - Yeah it’s a straight up bad show
Origame - 12/26/2021, 1:17 PM
@PhantomCelery - of course. But I'd still argue black widow was worse. The whole point of the character is to redeem her past actions as a killer, yet they had her partially responsible for burying a whole prison alive in a giant avalanche yet doesn't say a word about it or reflect on that. Wtf?

Oh and we can't forget about wandavision making their hero take over an entire town while the two villains are trying to stop her.
ReverseFlasher - 12/26/2021, 12:41 PM
Wandavision was a drawn out, poorly told story, the first two episodes CLEARLY could and should have been one episode. BW was definitely better imo.
Luigi - 12/26/2021, 12:42 PM
My list is
1. Shang-Chi
2. Spider-Man
3. Eternals
4. WandaVision
5. What If
6. Loki
7. Falcon & Winter Soldier
8. Hawkeye
9. Black Widow
Spike101 - 12/26/2021, 12:45 PM
@JoshWilding - Very close to my own list although I’d place Shang Chi much lower at 6 or 7, not as it’s a bad movie but because it’s so far from the source material when considering the two main characters.
Shivermetimbers - 12/26/2021, 12:51 PM
I agree with this list for the most part but I would swap black widow and eternals.
manofillintent1 - 12/26/2021, 12:51 PM
3.What if…?

3.Black widow
2.Shang Chi
1.No way home

Eternals pending…
VictorAlonzo - 12/26/2021, 12:52 PM
Easily the 2nd most entertaining product frim phase 4 (next to NWH).
VictorAlonzo - 12/26/2021, 12:53 PM
@VictorAlonzo - please bring back the edit.
OmegaDaGrodd - 12/26/2021, 1:02 PM
I've been struggling with my list for the past few days. Probably won't feel comfortable with a firm ranking until I rewatch NWH & ETERNALS, but it's a testament to how great they were this year that I'm not really comfortable putting anything aside from 'WHAT IF' lower than 5th.

WHAT IF was definitely my lowest ranked watch and that one was a 'that was fine' at worst
tb86 - 12/26/2021, 1:04 PM
1 & 2) Loki and Spider-Man: No Way Home (Still debating what I like the most)
3) Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
4) The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
5) What If…?
6) WandaVision
7) Hawkeye
8) Black Widow
Haven’t seen Eternals yet.
Ha1frican - 12/26/2021, 1:09 PM
For me it was

1: Spiderman: No Way Home
2: Falcon and the Winter Soldier
3: Shang-Chi
4: Hawkeye
5: Black Widow
6: Loki
7: WandaVision
8: Eternals
9: What If…

Spoilers for each thing play into why so stop now if you haven’t seen everything. Spiderman I think was obvious I mean it wins based on Matt Murdock and Andrew saves MJ alone. FATWS I really don’t get the hate for. I felt it was a prime example of meaningful social commentary and representation in a way I never thought the MCU would actually tackle. As a half black man (and someone who’s favorite Avenger is Captain America) I really resonated with the things it touched on and the way it moved the characters forward. Eternals I liked a lot more than some but in such a strong year is just kind of sank to the bottom. The only thing that was a miss for me was What If… I enjoyed the first two episodes but felt increasingly more bored as it went on so much so that I fell asleep during the finale and never bothered to rewatch. It felt completely superfluous overall and it’s the only MCU property I have not intention of keeping up with going forward.
tmp3 - 12/26/2021, 1:17 PM
Shang Chi
What If

Really only liked the first two, but of those I really really liked NWH. Didn’t see the other stuff
GhostDog - 12/26/2021, 1:23 PM
TFAWS really needed to give its villain more fleshing out because Sam and Bucky put the series on their backs. Mackie did exceptional work. But the villains were just ass unfortunately.

The more I think about BW, the more I think it deserves to be last. Not awful but way too standard when you consider how Shang Chi, NWH and Eternals really did some interesting and new things.
SauronthePower - 12/26/2021, 2:48 PM
@BlackBeltJones - liked the show but the lead villain was all sorts of terrible. They should have stuck w the original biological weapon storyline ti gove it ‘real world’ weight instead of the insipidly stupid super soldier serum nonsense that basically reinforces Scorcese’s ‘critiques’ with its elementary level threat.
GhostDog - 12/26/2021, 3:49 PM
@SauronthePower - I agree. The bio weapon sounded weighty and different. And topical given the current status of the world and the Blip as well. Was really hoping for the mad bomb.
thelastson18 - 12/26/2021, 1:24 PM
1. Spider-Man NWH
2. Hawkeye/Loki
3. Shang-Chi
4. WandaVision
5. FatWS
6. Black Widow
7. Eternals
7. What If

I thoroughly enjoyed Hawkeye, just some harmless world-building fun with the backdrop of Christmas. Loki was awesome to discuss with fans weekly and try to figure out what was coming next, plus adding Kang to the MCU is *chefs kiss. WandaVision was a good start, engaging but became kind of bleh by the end. Didn’t really care for FatWS or What If, never finished the latter.

Spider-Man NWH and Shang-Chi are my favorite Marvel movies of the year by FAR. Both extremely fun with a lot of heart. Black Widow was better paced than Eternals, but I found both disappointing and completely forgettable.

I will say, my favorite CBM of the year has to be The Suicide Squad. Absolutely fantastic, stylish, and a much needed palate cleanser from the awful 2016 iteration. Plus Starro being the villain was amazing! I look forward to next year with The Batman and Dr. Strange taking center stage.

This is a great community and it’s helped distract me a bit from the outside world, so thank you guys for an amazing CBM year!
Moriakum - 12/26/2021, 1:26 PM
1 - No Way Home
2 - Shang-Chi
3 - WandaVision
4 - Loki
6 - Eternals
7 - Hawkeye
8 - Black Widow
9 - What If?
HeavyMetal4Life - 12/26/2021, 1:27 PM
1. No Way Home

2. Hawkeye
3. Loki
4. Shang-chi
5. Falcon and the WS
6. Black Widow
7. WandaVision
8. What If
9. Eternals
DrReedRichards - 12/26/2021, 1:46 PM
9.: Black Widow
8.: Falcon & Winter Soldier
7.: Hawkeye
6.: What If
5.: No Way Home
4.: Shang-Chi
3.: WandaVision
2.: Eternals
1.: Loki
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