SINISTER SIX Movie Rumored To Be Back On At Sony Pictures With Its Live-Action Spin-Off Characters

SINISTER SIX Movie Rumored To Be Back On At Sony Pictures With Its Live-Action Spin-Off Characters

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tmp3 - 7/24/2020, 7:04 AM
It's called the Sinister Six, not the Sinister Ten
Mrcool210 - 7/24/2020, 7:07 AM
@tmp3 - There is the sinister twelve....despite how stupid that is.

tmp3 - 7/24/2020, 7:09 AM
@Mrcool210 - At that point why even call them Sinister, just call it the Terrible Twelve or something to keep the alliteration going
Mrcool210 - 7/24/2020, 7:13 AM
@tmp3 - You hush, Mark Millar doesn't have time to be creative don't you know? He made scorpion venom, that's enough creativity in his book for that story.
RolandD - 7/24/2020, 8:30 AM
@tmp3 - Stan the Man would have appreciated that.
QuietStorm - 7/24/2020, 7:05 AM
I'd be down to see her in the MCU.
Odin - 7/24/2020, 8:02 AM
@QuietStorm - I don't know. Spider-verse did such a good job introducing her as part of that alternative lore, I don't want MCU to just snatch her away for Peter. Since Miles Morales is meant as a new and different take on Spiderman, I think he deserves to have his own unique version of the classic villain as well.
RolandD - 7/24/2020, 8:32 AM
@QuietStorm - And while Spider-Man 2 was a great movie, I would appreciate a more comic accurate Otto and by that I mean, evil to begin with. He was a great alternative take, though so I don't want to take anything away from that. They got his powers exactly right and we are talking about special effects for a movie released 16 years ago.
Mrcool210 - 7/24/2020, 7:10 AM
LEt's go real [frick]ing obscure with a sinister six team.

Give me Ramrod


The Spot

Or just give us the leigon of losers and make it a goofy comedy movie like 21 jump street. I'd honestly love that.
tmp3 - 7/24/2020, 7:13 AM
@Mrcool210 - Give me Stilt-Man
Mrcool210 - 7/24/2020, 7:21 AM
@tmp3 - Hell yeah Stilt man too.
RolandD - 7/24/2020, 8:38 AM
@Mrcool210 - Switching studios, but you're going to love The Suicide Squad. Aren't there rumors of Arm Fall Off Boy?
KWilly - 7/24/2020, 7:30 AM
Remember when Sony was legit gonna make a Sinister Six movie with Drew Goddard directing? I seriously wanna see how they would've pulled that off.

WeaponXCII - 7/24/2020, 8:34 AM
@KWilly - How Sony would’ve pulled it off?

TexasAvenger - 7/24/2020, 7:34 AM
I honestly rather see the ninth incarnation of the Sinister 6. Give me Boomerang as leader along with Shocker, Beetle, Speed Demon, Living Brain, and Overdrive please.
WeaponXCII - 7/24/2020, 8:30 AM
Yes to any of these- as long as Venom isn’t the SPUMC version.
NathanielX - 7/24/2020, 1:13 PM
I would mix the Spider-Man Unlimited versión of the High Evolutionary and the Jackal, and make the Siniester Six a group of animal themed villians,like Scorpio, Rhino, Black Cat, Lizard, AND Beatle.
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