EDITORIAL: CW's Reverse Flash Explained

EDITORIAL: CW's Reverse Flash Explained

EDITORIAL: CW's Reverse Flash Explained

I felt the need to resubmit this after seeing everyone's "theories" after it was confirmed that *SPOILER* IS the man in the yellow suit...and that Eddie's name is important....this post clarifies (I would hope) ... who the two of them are....I will if you want and enjoy my content....add to this an in depth analysis of Eddie

Editorial Opinion
By TheRockmore - Jan 11, 2015 02:01 PM EST
Filed Under: The Flash
EDITORIAL: CW's Reverse Flash Explained 

I felt the need to resubmit this after seeing everyone's "theories" after Tom Cavanugh cofirmed that he IS the man in the yellow suit...and that Eddie's name is important....this post clarifies (I would hope) ... who the two of them are....I will if you want and enjoy my content....add to this an in depth analysis of Eddie

Harrison Wells aka The Reverse Flash
*Disclaimer…this will be long…but informative and will touch on nearly every aspect of the show to prove its point…please read it…and enjoy - Arrowverse*
To begin, I would like you all to do me a favor and pretend like you know nothing of Harrison Wells, if you have a conflicting theory, it may skew your belief to what seems to be quite clearly placed in this analysis. Clearly the Arrow/Flash writers may have some huge twist in store for us fans and Harrison Wells may not be The Reverse Flash, but as a fan of the comics, as well as the series, I will be taking the time to explain my very logical conclusion as to who he is, while also addressing and disproving some theories that I see floating around the web.
Prior to even delving into theories I would like to clarify some things for everyone, as I have seen that many people still don’t understand this. The name “Reverse Flash” is more of an overarching category name; Eobard Thawne was the first Reverse Flash (if you ignore Jay Garrick’s “Rival”) but he also went by the name “Professor Zoom”. Hunter Zolomon, the second Reverse Flash also went by “Zoom” and lastly Daniel West, the Reverse Flash of the New 52 has been the only Reverse Flash to use the former as his codename, and so:
Pre-New 52
Eobard Thawne = Reverse Flash = Professor Zoom (also goes by Zoom in The Flash: Rebirth)
Hunter Zolomon = Reverse Flash = Zoom
Thaddeus Thawne = Technically a Reverse Flash = Inertia 
Edward Clariss = Technically a Reverse Flash = Rival
New 52
Daniel West = Reverse Flash
Most of those names you don’t need to know for this write up, but I figured if I was going to explain, I might as well not cut it short.

The Reverse Flashes in order as named above...
The second I would like to address is a “red herring”. A red herring is used to refer to something that misleads or distracts from the relevant or important issue. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or characters towards a false conclusion. A red herring might be intentionally used, such as in mystery fiction or as part of a rhetorical strategy, or it could be inadvertently used during argumentation.

Not Merlyn the Archer (left) and Misled Deathstroke (right...3rd image)
The final thing I would like to address is the “Wells as Reverse Flash is to obvious”…I see these comments every now and then on forums, comment threads, and Facebook and would like to point something out. To whoever is commenting…YES…Wells is the Reverse Flash “obviously” but given the number of theories regarding his identity…and the number of separate theories surrounding others being Reverse Flash…it isn’t really as obvious as some seem to think…on top of this…was revealing Malcolm Merlyn as The Dark Archer in/prior to the mid-season finale of Arrow (Season 1) when they could have left the speculative screen up (as to whether Tommy was Merlyn the Archer) “to early” or “to obvious” as well? No…nor was it seen as such.
Now, for the TV show…. prior to addressing my own theory, I must also touch on one possibility that doesn’t make sense to me as a fan of the comics, and a fan of pure logic. Clearly adaptations take liberties, but when it comes to “big bads”, both Arrow and the Flash have stayed true to the characters at their core, and because of this I must begin by saying. 
I think seeing Hunter Zolomon on this show is highly unlikely given the circumstances. Zolomon is the Pre-New 52 Wally West's Reverse Flash, and it has been confirmed that the take we will be getting is more of a post New 52 Wally. To boot, in the comics Zolomon has never faced Barry Allen one on one, the only time they have ever crossed paths is on various occasions where Barry and Eobard, travelling time, run across Wally and Zoom, and even in this case the longest these 2 Flash 2 Reverse Flash battles have lasted is 2 issues. Therefore, rather than putting Zolomon to waste, or using him for no reason, the writers took some of his character traits and divided them among two likely candidates, Wells and Eddie, to create a better red herring for the fans. It wouldn’t be the first time they had done this, they used Isabel Roshev’s character but gave her elements of Slade Wilson’s daughter, Ravager, because Ravager was/is unlikely to show up. They also seem to be doing the same for Barry, taking drawing a lot of the comedic elements from Wally West’s time as the Flash. On top of this, Geoff Johns aka DC’s Head Consultant Honcho among other things has said that this show sticks close to general comic book canon. 
So from that I would like to present you with my theory…
My Theory:
Eddie = Malcolm Thawne aka Cobalt Blue, BUT with some Zolomon traits...rather than being a janitor at the station...he is the top cop...like Zolomon was...among other things
Wells = Eobard Thawne aka Professor Zoom, BUT with some Zolomon traits...being confined to a wheelchair, the time when he snapped his fingers (Zolomon fans will get this)...among other things
Now before you write my theory off as one you have seen before…I bid you to keep reading…as I have done my research, I know the show, and I know the comics
Evidence - Episode Breakdown:
Episode 1 – The Pilot: The second I saw this shows pilot when it leaked in July I felt something fishy about Harrison Wells, and my mind immediately jumped to the fact that he could be the Reverse Flash. It was made quite clear by the end of the pilot that Harrison Wells knew something of the future, as seen by the paper from 2024, and that his paralysis was clearly a sham. Eobard Thawne aka "Barry Allen's Reverse Flash" is from the 25th century. The wheelchair however, seemed to draw elements from Hunter Zolomon or Zoom. In the comics Zoom, in his Zolomon persona is for a time trapped in a wheelchair, and then after gaining his powers keeps the ruse up to throw Wally West (the Flash at that point) off of his scent, but as I mentioned before…I also realized that Zolomon most likely won’t, nor should he appear.

I will touch on the 2024 paper further down in detail.

A paper that showcases TWO Crisis on Infinite Earth easter eggs...this will come up more later :D
Another key element that fans seem to overlook is that Eobard Thawne, in some most appearances is significantly older than Barry, to the end that he even has grey hair. Although he did at one time, before hating him, have his face modified to look like Barry’s, in later appearances and storylines he still looked significantly older. His last unmasked appearance was in The Flash: Rebirth, seen belowWells is also, clearly, significantly older than the characters on the show whom he spends his time with.

Eobard Thawne with his mask off as seen in his most recent appearance in The Flash: Rebirth


The final battle of this episode against Weather Wizard Beta (as in the comic his brother is the true Weather Wizard) also provides evidence that Wells is Eobard Thawne in what he says to motivate Barry. As a final push Wells says “Run!, Barry, Run!”…this could be pure coincidence, but the same phrase is also used in the past when Nora Allen is killed by none other than Eobard Thawne (although Barry is there as the Flash…but that’s a whole different write up). Granted, it was said by Barry’s father…the only people who could have heard him say this were both past and future Barry, Henry, Nora, and the Reverse Flash (who according to Rebirth and Flashpoint in this case IS Eobard Thawne).
"Run Barry Run"
Much like the paper, I will touch on Wells’ motivation to “help” Barry later on…the two tie together and deserve their own section
One thing many fans have used as backing in their (in my opinion) false arguments is a quote from Geoff Johns that they seem to have misunderstood, they claims that because Wells is a new character as proof that Wells isn't Reverse Flash...BUT the actual quote from Johns was... "Harrison Wells is a new character that was created, the name obviously is brand new. I don't think we can say anything else about it," says Johns. " ... the NAME IS NEW...the character is not...John's takes care to rephrase and hint quite clearly that it is the name, not the character that is completely new. Some may have noticed that this name is not uncommon; it is actually a play on the name H.G. Wells, who wrote...wait for it...The Time Machine. This illusion to the author of the Time Machine also implied to me that Wells was a traveler of time, not someone who was from the present but had knowledge of the future.

H.G. Wells: The Time Machine


Finally, some fans may not have noticed, especially if they didn't catch the pilot when it was leaked, that Harrison Wells being "engulfed" by YELLOW lightning to close the show was the only obvious effect added after the leak, this is something that seems to close out a few Wells' based scenes since then as Well.

The yellow lightning effect that closed the first episode 
After the pilot fans saw this happen...this photo (below) was “leaked”, making it seem pretty clear that the chin of the finalized version of Reverse Flash matches that of Tom Cavanugh who has facial features that are very hard to replicate.

His jaw is a very distinct thing, the lines on either side in his face, the length of his lower jaw...
Episode 2 – The Fastest Man Alive: The second episode of the Flash further showcased Wells' "helping" Barry through his trails and tribulations. Although in the pilot he acted as if he didn't want Barry to become the Flash...by the second episode he has done a complete 180, and was pushing Barry to be the Flash. Then BOOM that ending...Harrison Wells killed the first person in his attempt to ensure Barry Allen becomes the Flash. This episode and its predecessor sparked the belief that Wells was characters like... Future Barry Allen, Rip Hunter, Booster Gold, Pariah or Bart Allen, all of these theories and more are touched upon or questioned at the end of this post, so if you are interested read after my theory is concluded. 
Again Wells’ motivations/need to help Barry are touched on later
Episode 3 – Things You Can’t Outrun: The third episode of the Flash contained a few minor hints that Wells is Eobard Thawne in things that he says, such as “I have waited for this day for centuries”, again Eobard Thawne does hail from the 25thcentury, waiting for centuries does not imply being from the past and waiting for the future, it can also be applied in the opposing direction. Wells also says, “The future will be here faster then you think”, another allusion to the future. “Surprised what you can get used to”, another one of his lines, to me referred to two things, the first being trapped in the past whereas the second is Wells’ adjustment to sitting in a wheelchair despite being 100% mobile. The final scene of this episode, in which we see Wells watching a recording of Barry in his lab prior to the lightning also made it clear that he knew WHO Barry was prior to the accident, and he intentionally created the accident so that Barry would become Flash. In the comics, one thing that Eobard Thawne recognizes, especially prior to Flashpoint, where he attempts to take Barry’s place in history as the Flash is that HE (Thawne) CAN NOT exist unless Barry Allen becomes the Flash. This scene also made it clear that it was not the “future room” that had granted Wells’ his mobility in the first episode, he was simply and is simply faking his need for a wheelchair. 
Note: Thawne DOES exist in the Flashpoint universe where Barry isn’t the Flash, BUT this is due to Barry’s accidental tampering with the time stream NOT Thawne. We also learn that Thawne is a paradox in this case, he technically should NOT exist, but since he was inside of the time stream when it was tampered with, he was unaffected

Episode 4 – Going Rogue: As another time traveler based throwaway reference, the writers choose to give Wells’ the word “foresaw”. It is in this episode that we see the emergence of Wells’ “mad” side, yes, he had killed prior to this, but in a calm and collected manor, in conjugation with this “mad” side of Wells…one might think Wells’ is insane as I did. Of all of the Reverse Flashes Eobard Thawne is known for his mentally “breaking” at a few points in his career and having residual effects of his temporary insanity popping up at various points. There are even points in his career where he forgets his hate for Barry Allen, something that, especially after episode 9 could be a certain character trait of Wells, it is possible not even he knows of his hatred for Barry at this point…and is slowly beginning to remember or have Flashes of said hatred.
Episode 5 – Plastique: This episode established that Wells had been in the present time for at least 10 years, OR that he has an established fake history for 10 years. If this history is real, it could mean that as Eobard, Wells’ went back in time, killed Barry’s mother and then stayed in the present timeline. Wells also uses the phrase “Reversing one’s fortune” another nod to his probable identity. In this episode we also see Wells being extremely manipulative something that Eobard Thawne is known for being in the comics, always attempting to manipulate everyone’s beliefs to fit his own agenda. One thing fans point out as “evidence that Wells is Hunter Zolomon” is his connection to Gorilla Grodd that is established in this episode. In my theory I state that Wells does draw minor influence from Zolomon, since he is unlikely to appear, but Wells is indeed, Eobard Thawne. Zolomon’s connection to Grodd in the comics is that it is Grodd who cripples Wells, we have yet to see HOW Wells’ gets crippled, but we know he is faking…so even they may chose to use Grodd as some form of a ploy in his crippling…HOWEVER, it is not only Zolomon who has connections to Grodd…at one point in history Eobard Thawne is known for making changes to Gorilla City, Grodd’s homeland.
Episode 6 – The Flash is Born: It is in this episode that we learn Wells history, or fake established history dates back 14 years, to when Nora Allen was murdered, and that this is when he moved to town. This episode ends with Reverse Flash destroying the evidence of Nora Allen’s murder and threatening the life of Iris West, all after Wells was accused or being involved. Despite initially wanting to be Barry Allen at first in the comics Eobard Thawne soon made the shift to villain, but even then, for a time he wanted Iris West, so threatening her to many fans seemed “out of character” if this was Eobard, but if we look to more recent comics, we will see that in The Flash: Rebirth, Eobard actually attempts to kill Iris, exactly as the show foreshadowed. 

Eobard ALMOST kills Iris before her first date with Barry
Episode 7 – Power Outage: When I first saw Wells frantically searching his computer program GIDEON to see if the future was unchanged and looking for “all signs of Barry Allen”…I thought that Wells was trying to make sure the Crisis happened. Then I realized that Wells had asked G.I.D.E.O.N. to search for ANY trace at ANY time of Barry/The Flash...and something began to process. Maybe...just maybe the Crisis isn't a huge event Wells is trying to make sure occurs...but that particular paper is his guarantee that Barry Allen existed...his past self (from the future) gets his powers, and then Barry Allen disappears. In taking the DNA from the meta, it showed that Wells wanted want to synthesize a failsafe, or maybe even a neutralizer for Barry. All this "pushing Barry to be faster" may just be to ensure Wells becomes Reverse Flash. As many people may know Eobard Thawne’s original plan was to be "the next Barry Allen"...at points he even went as far as to try to replace him in the comics...gaining speed and then allowing the Flash to lose his speed would serve this purpose as well. It was in this episode that I realized the over analysis people had been placing on the papers significance, something I will touch on later.  Lastly, as a sort of mini-theory within this grand scheme of things, many fans originally believed that Wells’ computer having the name “Gideon” was a reference to Wells’ being a new god…but upon further reading I confirmed my thought, this Gideon is nothinglike the new god Gideon, not even “its” gender is the same. Then a thought hit me…Wells’ name is comparable to that of H.G. Wells, writer of the time machine, although up until this point, the acronym simply stood at H.Wells…but the name Gideon seemed to be chosen on purpose…Gideon…had subtly filled the place of the “G” in the acronym. This little mini theory may be completely off basis and not what the writers intended BUT it also has no effect on this overall theory either way. 


Gideon the New God (left) vs. G.I.D.E.O.N Wells' future seeing tech assistant ([voice of] right)


Episode 8 – Flash vs. Arrow: This episode has noticeably less focus on Wells, but concludes with Oliver noting that something is wrong about Wells. Also earlier on we see Wells “deduce” Oliver is The Arrow, although this wouldn’t be a difficult feat, it could just as easily be explained that he used his knowledge of the future to deduce his identiy.

Flash vs. Arrow!
In a recent interview Grant Gustin said two things, "all fan theories are wrong" and that we won't see Reverse Flashes face because he will be using the same face vibration trick that Barry has been using. To touch on the "all fan theories are wrong", many should realize actors are literally paid to do just this...he can't come out and say "I have seen the rumors...some may be true"...because it takes a lot of the mystery off the table.
Episode 9 – The Man in the Yellow Suit: This episode concluded with Wells’ putting the tachyon particle creator on the Reverse Flash suit that is revealed to be in his keeping, we also see that he has a Reverse Flash ring that features clasps, a means that both Barry and Eobard use to store their costumes at points throughout the comic…this episode ends up being interpretable in two ways:
Option 1: The Reverse Flash they trap is a past version (from the future…I know it sounds weird) of Eobard Thawne aka Harrison Wells. The disturbance in the force field is the meeting of both a past and present Harrison Wells. The tachyon particles in this case give Wells’ his power back, something this theory says he lost when he travelled back in time to kill Barry’s mother. For a time, in the comic Eobard Thawne DID use an old, recolored Barry Allen suit, and replicated its vibrations to produce his speed. The issue with this theory is it denies basic time travel laws that nearly ever TV show and movie follow…the meeting of a past and present self would cause a lot more than a little disruption in a force field. On top of that…for a show in its first season it would seem insane to introduce characters from the past and the present, and have them meet. 

A young Eobard receives the Flash costume he later dyes and makes his own in ONE of his many "origins"
The above theory states that Wells (as Eobard) lost ALL of his power when he went back to kill Barry’s mother
There is also the opinion that one of the two is Hunter Zolomon…again…illogical….

Option 2: Although I wouldn’t mind if they went with the prior option…this option can also be read in two ways, the first as if Eobard is using a power he was given in The Flash: Rebirth, his ability to create multiple after-images of himself, the second as read below:
The above theory states that Wells (as Eobard) lost some of his power when he went back to kill Barry’s mother, to the point where he could no longer travel time freely
Scene Analysis: 
The scene opens with them (Cisco, Cate, Wells, Joe, Eddie and Swat Team) watching a security camera feed of this place where Cisco has set up a force field to stop the Reverse Flash...then suddenly...on the camera...he is there...and then he is trapped. Next scene, all but Cisco and Cate go to the room, with Cisco and Cate monitoring from the control lab...Reverse Flash doesn't speak...and then Joe steps up to ask him a question...he ignores Joe and turns to Wells and speaks ONLY to Wells... Then Cisco realizes there is an issue with the forcefield... some fluctuation...it isn't going to hold. After this, Wells is "pulled" from is chair and beaten to a pulp by this so called Reverse Flash...but ALL in real time...no slo-mo like when Barry is running at top speed.Joe hits the generator keeping the field up to "save" Wells, and Reverse Flash escapes. Reverse Flash then kills all of Eddies men...but not Eddie...and then stares Eddie down...Why doesn't he kill Eddie? Because if Eddie dies...his ancestor...there is no Reverse Flash...No Wells...Then he speeds off and a battle ensues.
Reading the Scene: Please note I do take a film studies class...so I'm not just spewing random stuff...
First lets start at how they see Reverse Flash initially...over a security camera feed...something many of us have seen time and time again tampered with in both movie and film. There is no guarantee that what we saw...is what happened in REAL TIME.

This group shot was clearly done on purpose...it would seem to confirm EVERYONE was in this room...no one was in the same room as the tachyon device.
Reverse Flash appears on the camera feed
Reverse Flash on the camera feed
Again you can also read this as if he is using his power to create mimicking after images

Next let us move to the fact that even after Joe asks Reverse Flash "Why he murdered Nora Allen?" the RF takes no notice of him asking...instead he ignores him and speaks directly to Wells. If this was a prerecorded encounter, Wells speaking would know what to say...the timing...etc…because he asked the questions...and he couldn't account for what others would do or say...and that is why Joe's question goes unnoticed...

Also if it is a projection...this could be the reason why the face seems to change from each angle...it looks different each time they zoom in...BUT...once Wells is pulled in...there are significantly less close ups and clear shots of his face beneath the mask...


Joe asks "Why did you murder Nora Allen"
RF doesn't even look in Joe's direction..he looks only at Wells and speaks only to Wells
And "Wells" responds.....
Again you can also read this as if he is using his power to create mimicking after images


Next Eobard/Wells wasn't grabbed and pulled into the force field...he moved so fast all we saw was the speed...it is in this speed that Wells dons the costume himself...and the projection becomes Wells without costume.... and it is also here that we stop seeing the lower part of Reverse Flashes face as clearly...and his vibrations become faster and therefore he is more blurred...

Look at the shot...there is no body in that...its just a streak of red...it is just as possible Wells moved in...as Reverse Flash aka himself pulled him in
And then he was gone...
Again you can also read this as if he is using his power to create mimicking after images

***In conjunction with this, I also though that the disruptions in the field could be because Wells' was moving so fast and being in both places at the same time...now that I rethink it...it seems less plausible...BUT WE SHOULD NOTE...this ENTIRE SCENE TAKES PLACE IN REAL TIME...NO SLO-MO***
Then we see Wells beat himself to a pulp...how does he do this?...Speed...its all in the speed...this is all shot in real time...anything that is being tone at TOP speed...we wouldn't even see...he could just as easily be hurting himself. PLUS if you look at screenshots...something about the scene seems fake...

Something about his movements...or lack of them seems to suggest this is fake to me....
Wells just doesn't "look real" in these shots
We also don't hear him say a word after he is pulled in...and the Reverse Flash begins talking to others freely again...
Again you can also read this as if he is using his power to create mimicking after images
Reverse Flash then kills all of Eddies men...but not Eddie...and then stares Eddie down...Why doesn't he kill Eddie? Because if Eddie dies...his ancestor...there is no Reverse Flash...No Wells...Then he speeds off and a battle ensues, but not before OPENLY responding/speaking to Joe...something he couldn't do before...and the few shots of Wells' body we DO see...he is unmoving...no moans...no speaking...no twitching...and his body is fairly hidden throughout and NEVER leaves the platform...
*Take notice that he never leaves the platform and that RF is significantly more blurred in these scenes*
Wells stops moving...
Wells still unmoving the background...no movement no talking
RF confronts Joe
Wells still hasn't moved...
Again you can also read this as if he is using his power to create mimicking after images
But the ending seems to confirm it was Wells/Eobard who stole the tachyon device...and that he is Reverse Flash....TACHYON particles are moreover associated with time travel…it would make sense that after killing Barry’s mother, Wells lost SOME of his speed and was simply unable to time travel…hence the need for tachyons.

NOTE: The ring is a REVERSE FLASH LOGO AND it has clasps

Wells and the suit...
The tachyon machine "charging the suit"
ONCE AGAIN...Tachyons are moreover associated with Time Travel and getting UP to a certain speed to do so...not with speed alone
The scene then concludes with Wells' face healing, something that an experienced user of the negative speed force could control the time of... he then looks into the camera and says "Merry Christmas" and the scene concludes
Some fans claim that his face only heals after the tachyon device is placed on to his suit...which would support the first opinion (above)... BUT ... 
A) That is not the purpose of tachyons 
B) The device doesn't actually come into contact with Wells'
C) Watch the scene again...there is not other place where is face could have healed and he could have said "Merry Christmas" that would have carried as much weight
If your confused about point C...just imagine the scene differently...imagine that... Wells' turns to the camera and says "Merry Christmas" and his face begins to heal... the emotion is high and then...he takes 1-2 minutes to put the tachyon device on and THEN the episode ends
Wells' healed face


The 2024 Paper:
Up until now people have been looking at this paper as a sign of what is to come…Crisis on Infinite Earths, and while I don’t deny that is what the paper literally suggests I believe this is where many people have gone wrong in their analysis. To pull of Crisis on Infinite Earths you would need a lot more than what we have now, plus there are some huge key players missing…I am not saying that they couldn’t introduce the characters between now and 2024…but it is unlikely there are…again…a lot…and they have already alluded to another BIG and much more feasible (without the change in reality) storyline, FlashpointNow…What is the 2024 paper then?...What purpose does it serve?... In the comics Eobard Thawne’s initial motivation to be his time’s version of the Flash, and his reasoning for loving the Flash stemmed from a book he had, The Life Story of the Flash, this is a detail long forgotten by many comic fans, and could easily be what this paper represents. Despite being born in the 25thcentury, and the paper being from 2024…this paper would (as it suggests Barry Allen’s death prior to Flash: Rebirth) serve as the apt time for Barry to become a legend…and if this is what allowed Barry to become a legend, then it could easily be what inspired a young, solemn, secluded Eobard Thawne to love the Flash. This would explain his reasoning and NEED to have this paper cover return in the episode Power Outage, because had it not been for this paper, or its cover more specifically, the Flash would have not become the legend he was in the 25th century. 

The unravelling of Eobard's time as Barry Allen...and The Life Story of the Flash

There is also the fact that Wells/Eobard needs a positive speed force in the future that is strong enough to create his own negative version...hence him pushing Barry NOT to be a hero...but simply to be FASTER.
Wells’ Motivations:
In terms of motivations I continue to see people cite this quote as proof that he is Hunter Zolomon because according to them Wells’ is trying to make Barry a better hero:
“My name is Hunter Zolomon. Despite what the public believes, I am 
the fastest man alive. I am Zoom. But I am not a Rogue. Far from it. I
 have taken the name and colors from Eobard Thawne -- the time traveler
 know as Professor Zoom -- in order to terrorize my friend. Wally West
The Flash. I suffered through tragedy. I lost my family to it. I understand
 the depths it will drag one down to. And only by surviving it does one
 become stronger. I will recreate myself to help my friend and in turn –
 the world. I will do anything to make the Flash a better hero.”
The constant citation of this quote as “proof he is Zolomon” makes me question if people are actually watching the show. Not only is this not what Wells does on the show… but in the comics, Zolomon subjects Wally to painful experiences to make the goal above become true…on the show, Wells/Eobard does something completely different…every “goal” he has set for Barry has been speed based…because if Barry doesn’t reach his top speeds, then the occurrence that inspired a young Eobard Thawne (Wells) to become what he is…would never occur. Wells’ himself says it… his goal is to “keep the man in the red mask SAFE”… he isn’t trying to improve him in any way…nor does he subject him to any tests that help him grow. Eobard began loving Barry Allen when he was initially introduced…but as time passed he did grow to hate him due to his insanity and the belief (for a time) that he was Barry Allen…as time passed (in the real world) and he was reintroduced in The Flash: Rebirth his feelings seemed to be similar…he disliked Barry Allen BUT he recognized he wouldn’t be who he was without him…and to some end acknowledged and lives/lived with that fact.

A scene from Rebirth that depicts how Eobard played a hand Barry's return Post Crisis
I will be updating this with minor facts that I left out accidentally here and there as time goes on, but in closing I would like to restate my theory that the facts seem to support:
Eddie = Malcolm Thawne aka Cobalt Blue, BUT with some Zolomon traits...rather than being a janitor at the station...he is the top cop...like Zolomon was...among other things
Wells = Eobard Thawne aka Professor Zoom, BUT with some Zolomon traits...being confined to a wheelchair, the time when he snapped his fingers (Zolomon fans will get this)...among other things
Also…if your wondering why I think The Flash: Rebirth is a heavy influence (or carries some weight) this photo…a screenshot from a VERY RECENT holiday video shot in Tom Cavanaugh’s trailer should give you a hint:

If you haven't seen the video by the way...it's hilarious
This is the end…unless you would like to read why other theories on who Wells is don’t seem to make much sense…If you enjoyed this write up…and want me to do a similar one on Eddie Thawne *cough* Malcolm Thawne *cough* just comment below that you would be interested…it’s something I would love to/most likely will do


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TheRockmore - 1/11/2015, 3:01 PM
I did take out the section analyzing why Wells was NOT the numerous people he was rumored to be...because Cavanugh confirmed it
tokens - 1/11/2015, 3:17 PM
I honestly read like 10 sentences, but,
dood. this is one of the best made editorials ive seen.
TheRockmore - 1/11/2015, 3:27 PM
@cinnamon haha best .gif ever!
TheEpicJuicebox - 1/11/2015, 3:36 PM
Very in depth I still don't understand why people think reverse flash is someone else
TheRockmore - 1/11/2015, 3:42 PM
@ComicFan509 I am so sorry...I just assumed that since it was on main..sorry bud...I'lll fix it

@TheEpicJuicebox this was more of a clarification of WHICH RF he is
TheEpicJuicebox - 1/11/2015, 4:03 PM
@ArrowVerse I was talking about how people thought reverse flash was a future barry or even Barry's dad
TheRockmore - 1/11/2015, 4:17 PM
@TheEpicJuicebox Oh i know haha....did you see the theory that it was....Joe...
TheEpicJuicebox - 1/11/2015, 4:36 PM
@Arrowverse I did actually Hahahaha I even heard it was IRIS I'm starting to think these people know nothing of the flash
TheRockmore - 1/11/2015, 4:46 PM
TheEpicJuicebox agreed
InhumanArrow - 1/12/2015, 5:57 AM
I think wells might b the future version of eddie thawn. Guess we'll find out in episode 17.
TheRockmore - 1/12/2015, 7:36 AM
@InhumanArrow They have been characterized in completely different ways....and clearly Wells' is from a time in the future much farther ahead than 2024 considering the technology he has....on top of that....that would imply (if you sit with the time travel theory) that there were 3 "Wells'" in the room at once....thats an enormous time paradox....no repercussion despite such a large paradox that has occurred on multiple occasions? Seems very unlikely....
McGee - 1/12/2015, 9:08 AM
McGee - 1/12/2015, 9:13 AM
Spock0Clock made that graphic for me....so if he ever kills anybody, I have to help him get rid of the body.
InhumanArrow - 1/12/2015, 9:30 AM
@arrowverse yeah that makes sense. I just wanna know what's up with wells. He said in the interview hes the man in the uellow suit but that episode 17 will show what happened that night from the RF POV but said its not from Wells POV. Time travel is so confusing lol
TheRockmore - 1/12/2015, 10:34 AM
@InhumanArrow .... my honest opinion...its all misdirection...yes it isn't from "Wells" POV its from EObards.....despite them being the same person....that won't be revealed yet
Trickwil - 1/12/2015, 1:12 PM
I'm realizing I must have missed an episode in there...
TheRockmore - 1/12/2015, 3:20 PM
@Trickwil haha really?
Trickwil - 1/12/2015, 5:07 PM
I predicted that Eddie was Zoom I think I must have missed the last episode of Flash and only thought I'd watched it because you are bringing stuff up that make no sense to me.
MrMovieNerd - 1/12/2015, 8:38 PM
um stupid question, but how do we post gifs?
Markymark89 - 1/20/2015, 9:32 PM
I thought the mid season finale had Professor Zoom and Zoom meeting Barry? First reverse Flash in the begging episode was Thawne the reverse flash of Barry and Zolomon(misspelled?) in the end because he didn't know anything about Barry's parents? Please reply!
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