Ahead of the Machinima and Hasbro animated series, Transformers: Combiner Wars, the first episode in the 4-part digital motion comic book prelude series has premiered on YouTube. The prelude episodes are designed to inform viewers that are unfamiliar with Transformers lore about the historical context for precisely when the animated series occurs. Transformers: Combiner Wars is the first part of a planned trilogy that chronicles the Generations Prime Wars. The second part of the trilogy will tackle the Titans Return storyline. This cross media storyline spans across the animated series, IDW comics, a toyline and video games.
The show is also available to watch on go90 at http://bit.ly/Transformers_CW.
To check out some new images from the animated series, head over to our sister site, AnimeMojo.com.
Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars Episode Breakdown:
Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars – Optimus Prime: June 28: The former leader of the Autobots, reflects on the great war andhow it finally ended with a duel between him and the mighty Megatron.
Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars – Victorion: July 5: A Combiner born from the magic of the 'Enigma of Combination', describes her anger with this new state of affairs and proclaims her intention to save theTransformers galaxy from the chaos created in the aftermath of disbanding the Autobots and Decepticons.
Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars – Starscream: July 12: No longer the villain we once knew him as, is now a member of a great 'Council'along with The Mistress of Flame from the planet Caminus and Rodimus Prime. The burden of responsibility is heavy on the three due to the destruction andloss of life from the ongoing Combiner Wars.
Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars – Windblade: July 19: Once an official 'City Speaker' to the gigantic 'Titans' is tired of the bureaucratic non-action of the Council, who seem to sit idly while her people and her cities on Caminus perish. She decides that the only way to end the Combiner Wars is to take matters into her own vengeful hands.