GOTHAM KNIGHTS Showrunner Confirms Kevin Conroy Was Being Lined Up For One-Off Appearance As Batman

GOTHAM KNIGHTS Showrunner Confirms Kevin Conroy Was Being Lined Up For One-Off Appearance As Batman

GOTHAM KNIGHTS Finally Introduces Two-Face In Series Finale - See Harvey Dent's Transformation Here!
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GOTHAM KNIGHTS Finally Introduces Two-Face In Series Finale - See Harvey Dent's Transformation Here!

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Nightwing1015 - 2/20/2019, 7:07 AM
Really happy that Gotham got the extra episodes they needed to do this. That means the only villains they never really did were Two-Face and Killer Croc
Doomsday8888 - 2/20/2019, 7:17 AM
Yeah, but i still wish we got a full season tho.
dracula - 2/20/2019, 9:42 AM
@Nightwing1015 - Yeah, dont see how they would be able to fit Two Face's origin into No Man's Land
bcom - 2/20/2019, 12:16 PM
@Nightwing1015 - Yeah, it is good that they used a wider variety of lesser known villains. Remind me, did htey do Clayface as well? I can't remember.
Nightwing1015 - 2/20/2019, 12:23 PM
@bcom - They did. It wasn't really a full story though. They had him make a few cameos here and there. Usually serving others villains.
L0RDbuckethead - 2/20/2019, 7:14 AM
webheaded - 2/20/2019, 8:18 AM
@L0RDbuckethead - ok but please tell me why your profile pic is Kendrick's head as an orange
L0RDbuckethead - 2/20/2019, 8:22 AM
@webheaded - Because Kung Fu Kenny is the shit.

webheaded - 2/21/2019, 6:56 AM
@L0RDbuckethead - yessir. TPAB is my favorite album of all time. The guy has mastered the art of self expression
IronGenesis - 2/20/2019, 7:23 AM
Oh wow. Looks great.

Speaking of Ventriloquist.

John Malkovich please Mr. Reeves.
Matador - 2/20/2019, 7:25 AM
KWilly - 2/20/2019, 7:26 AM
Lowkey one of my favorite Batman villains. Besides Joker and Professor Pyg, he's definitely the most unhinged villain Batman has. The dude honestly believes his puppter is alive and his boss. That's crazy,
NinnesMBC - 2/20/2019, 7:32 AM
That is a very good design for both, well done Gotham make up department.
Fritzthecat - 2/20/2019, 7:43 AM
Cool. Looking forward to it!
WaffeX - 2/20/2019, 7:50 AM
Ventriloquist and Scarface are one of my favorite villains in the animated series, but I don't like Gotham
WaffeX - 2/20/2019, 7:53 AM
I would love to see them in a live action movie... Ventriloquist/Scarface and Clayface
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 2/20/2019, 8:55 AM
Awesome. God, I love the look of this show so much. I'm going to miss it.
MrCamw1 - 2/20/2019, 9:05 AM
Ever since the Arkham Games I wante dto see Ventriloquist and Scarface in live action. Especially the cut scene in Asylum where Joker was conteolling him and Scarafce called him a silly clown or.something like that and I always wondered to myself "Did the Joker make him say that or did the puppet itself say that?" Creepy stuff. Also would have liked to see Ratcatcher. If you read the mini stories in City you know the waynot ends for him is kinda sad.
rabid - 2/20/2019, 10:48 AM
This week's episode had some great twists and turns. Is Walker going to be Killer Moth?
Stinkor1 - 2/20/2019, 12:21 PM
I loved how in the old Lego Batman games when you played as them and would shoot, Ventriloquist would hold up Scarface and Scarface would hold up HIS arm and shoot the gun. It’s the little things....
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