With many fans considering "X2: X-Men United," as their favorite in the trilogy, the well known writer who penned the script has recently been signed to pen the sequel to this years "X-Men Origins: Wolverine." This could potentially be the main reason bring Singer into the director's seat.
Why do you ask? Well, for starters, Bryan has been attached to directing the sequel for the 2006 "Superman Returns" film. With the future of the character now in limbo due to the legal battle between the creators' families and Warner Bros, the film may never see the light of day. As reported earlier, the film must be in production by 2011. With Singer now attached to "Battlestar Galactica," chances are he won't have time to begin production in 2011 for the “Boy Scout” of comic book, we all know as Superman. What he will have time for is a film that won't hit theaters until 2012 (Wolverine 2).
The question is, if this does happen, how would you guys feel about Singer directing the sequel to "X-Men Origins: Wolverine?" Would you rush to theaters to see another X-Men interpretation by Singer?