This bit of stalker info is courtesy of industry mag Production Weekly.
While re-shoots are common, this news poses the question "What needs to be fixed?" Obviously, Fox needs to put a polish on the movie so the fanboys and girls will not be disappointed.
There are high hopes and HUGE interest in the continuation of an X-franchise under the "Origins" name, and on the flipside, disastrous potential for failure.
If X-fans come to see the final cut as avidly as they have been drooling over the theatrical trailer--just released on Monday, we're sure to see big box office bucks.
Here are just a few comments on the first trailer from an excited target audience, as posted in our reviews section:
"This is just the beginning for the origins series! It will bring a new generation into the comic book movie family. A lot of the younger generation do not know where all of the superhero's got started. And this movie will let them find out what we older comic book fans already knew. Thanks Marvel!"
"This looks soooooo cool! I wish Deadpool was wearing his mask though."
"Hugh Jackman is RIPPED! This is gonna be an awesome addition to the X-Films, and it should definitely guarantee an X-Men Origins: Magneto movie."
"Looks sick!!!! I can't wait to see Gambit on the big screen! The movie may not beat The Dark Knight but looks like it could easily be its closest competitor."