Ryan Reynolds To Reprise DEADPOOL Role In LOGAN Alongside Hugh Jackman

Ryan Reynolds To Reprise DEADPOOL Role In LOGAN Alongside Hugh Jackman

THOR Star Chris Hemsworth In Talks For Lead Role In Paramount's TRANSFORMERS/G.I. JOE Crossover Movie
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THOR Star Chris Hemsworth In Talks For Lead Role In Paramount's TRANSFORMERS/G.I. JOE Crossover Movie

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JonAwesome - 11/26/2016, 8:32 PM
Ok. I'm tired of these teaser images! Fox you already got my money after watching that beautiful trailer! I want to watch the movie Now!
BlackStar25 - 11/26/2016, 8:34 PM
What kinda....

Quicker - 11/26/2016, 8:35 PM
Latest Black & White LOGAN Image Offers Up A Look At Some Sinister Equipment

LOGAN Image Offers Up Sinister Equipment

Sinister Equipment


Darkknight2149 - 11/26/2016, 9:00 PM
Very sinister indeed, Mr. Wilding.
MrAisA - 11/26/2016, 10:00 PM
I wish this movie was in color.
parkerray - 11/26/2016, 10:34 PM
Those look less like cloning supplies, more like supplies for Uncle Barney's meth shed.
SonOfAGif - 11/26/2016, 11:00 PM
So I'll be the one to say it. I think this movie is going to suck. For starters Fox is ignoring arguably the best Marvel rivalry of all time. Deadpool and Wolverine. Fox has rebooted the timeline so many times the average moviegoer are just as confused as anyone else as to what is going on.

Fox tied up loose ends and fixed the X-Men by altering the timeline and bringing back to life the original cast only to have them dead again and disbanded?

Fox had so many different stories to go with. Old Man Logan should have been the final X-Men film period.
Yaf - 11/26/2016, 11:45 PM
@SonOfAGif - I feel as if you've said this before.
StormXmen123 - 11/27/2016, 2:18 AM
@SonOfAGif - They have literally only rebooted the timeline once.

I agree Logan should be the final film in this series of films, followed by a hard reboot. Its the perfect ending being Jackmans final film +
likely Xaviers death.

Deadpool can exist in the new reboot (he only every refrences the other films in 4th wall breaks) nothing is tied to the other films. And from what we are hearing from the New Mutants, it does sound like it fits in with the more serious grounded tones of the other X-men films, hence could also be part of the hard reboot.

All in all, a hard X-men reboot would be great.

RuPaul for Storm!!!!
Ryguy88 - 11/27/2016, 8:06 AM
@StormXmen123 - I think that all works but there is one thing that will always plague the Xmen and continue to get worse as time goes on if not dealt with using a clever plot device: Magneto's origin being tied directly to a real life event that takes place in the 40's, locking his age in and making him in his 80's currently.
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