After appearing in Ultimate Spider-Man in his Marvel Cinematic version along with the Destroyer, Loki and the suit of armor are both appearing in the 10th episode of Avengers Assemble titled "Doomstroyer" where it is rumored to have Loki allying with the Avengers against Doctor Doom who takes command of the Destroyer.
It seems that after the phase 1 movies Thor and The Avengers, Marvel Animators just can't seem to get enough of the characters from the films. Just like villains Red Skull, MODOK, and Doctor Doom, they always got their obsessions using those villains more frequently than other villains like the Mandarin, Malekith, Crossbones or many other villains that have hardly had a chance to appear on the small screen which is also incase, animated television.
Anyway when the norse god of Mischief makes his debut, will he cooperate with the team against Doom or will he as always take advantage of situations like this for his own sinister schemes? But sure enough with Loki known for his deception and with him and the Destroyer debuting in the new Avengers series we all know for sure on how this is gonna go down.
Destroyer has made recently four appearances in the media so far since he classic Marvel Super Heroes, Thor, Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Ultimate Spider-Man, and now with Avengers Assemble as it's 5th onscreen appearance.
To find out how this upcoming episode will turn out, stay tuned for more updates.