Was That Really 'Adam Warlock's' Cocoon Glimpsed In GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY?
Many have assumed that the cocoon showcased in The Collector's collection was a reference to Adam Warlock and a hint the character would be introduced later, but James Gunn may suggest otherwise
Given it was glimpsed during the mid-credits tag for Thor: The Dark World, Adam Warlock's cocoon was the first of many Easter eggs spotted in The Collector's museum from Guardians of the Galaxy; or so we thought. Cinema Blend spoke with James Gunn during the DVD/Blu-ray press event yesterday and asked the director whether or not the set piece was a reference to the character, who in the comics was born in a cocoon and could spin one at will. "Yeah, there’s a cocoon that’s exactly like Adam Warlock’s," admitted James Gunn. "I wasn’t really thinking that much when I put that in. That was my idea to put that in there. They’re like, 'What should we put in?' So I went in the Marvel handbook and like just picked cool things that looked neat to put into the boxes." Gunn then discussed the cocoon appearing bursted open during the post-credits scene of Guardians of the Galaxy, and whether or not that could mean Adam Warlock is no longer in hibernation. "It looked like Adam’s Warlock cocoon, so now everyone thinks he’s out of there and you know… I don’t know," said the director, without denying the possibility of the character being properly introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. "There’s a lot of stuff in there and there’s also a lot of things that people think they see that I don’t think is in there – unless the visual effects guys were pulling tricks on me… which they could have!" Hmmm. It's rather interesting that James Gunn is now implying the cocoon may not be a reference to Adam Warlock considering he confirmed so during Empire's spoiler podcast back in August. Very interesting indeed. What do you think?