Sensational Spider-man Part V

Sensational Spider-man Part V

The action heats up in Part V!

By Wadey09 - May 18, 2010 10:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Hey guys! This is the exciting part for me. Finally, emotions are running high, people are dying, but why am I ranting about it when you could just read it?

For those of you who have missed out on Parts I-IV, here's the recap:
Part I- Spidey kicks the crap out of Rhino at the Bank of Manhattan and runs late for class.

Part II- Peter shows up at the end of Doctor Curtis Connors' lecture where he introduced John Jameson to the class. Jameson unveiled a moon rock with an alien specimen inside. To pass the class, Peter gets to assist Connors with studying the alien. And he also manages to blow off Gwen Stacy who obviously likes him.
Elsewhere, Captain George Stacy tries to get Rhino to talk about his employer. He won't budge. But they record Rhino's phone call with a filtered voice that apparently has connections to get Rhino released.

Part III- Peter arrives at his Aunt's house only to be driven into a conversation about the Web Slinger. After shouting at her, he apologizes and makes peace with her by consuming mass amounts of her cake.
We also see how Peter and Harry first met. In a car accident. And how these two outcasts became the best of friends.
Four months later they go to a science exhibit hosted by the famed Otto Octavius. Octavius shows prototypes of his mechanical arms and begins to showcase his new device which converts any light into energy. A spider passes through the energy bolt causing it to malfunction. The spider followed a fly which had landed on Peter. The spider then bit the over achiever. Which is how Spider-man first came to be.
In the present, an elite mercenary squad broke into police lockup and freed the Rhino. Captain Stacy got the call at 2 in the morning. His daughter, Gwen, heard the shouting and crept down to see what was up. After her dad left, Gwen tried calling Peter. After that didn't work, she called Harry. He gave her a bit of advice on how to wait on Peter.

Part IV- A family of four, the Everetts, "borrow" a Stark Prototype yacht for Spring Break. Rhino is briefed by his mysterious employer who tells him to go and capture the remaining symbiote pieces at ESU. Peter mishandles a conversation with Gwen and she storms off. Peter then gets underpaid by Jameson again. And because of the bank heist a few days ago, he can't withdraw any money for rent. Then Peter had extra credit with Doctor Curtis Connors. He learns that the symbiote had been in the US for two years, not two months. And that NASA is pulling Connors off the project for fear that he is growing too close to the symbiote. This makes Connors manic and Peter uncomfortable. So Peter leaves Connors alone in his lab.

And now for in scenes 14-18 my Spider-man epic!

The dawn rose with its usual majesty. Of course most of New York’s population failed the notice the glory of the orange and gold sphere that signaled the start of a new day. But the Everetts were wide awake for the spectacle.
“Daddy this is so cool!” Joan exclaimed.
“Isn’t it?”
Calvin on the other hand, was less than enthused, “I thought you were supposed to sleep in on vacations.”
Being a teen, Cal was not what you would call a morning person. But Jason was adamant about getting an early start. The yacht docked in the harbor so that Jason could pick up a newspaper. He got his two favorites: the Daily Globe and the Daily Bugle. After grabbing a frappe chino, he went back to the yacht and told SHELI to go back on course. He set the newspapers down on the dining room table and laid back down for a nap.
Ironically, the only person who couldn’t go back to sleep was Cal. He figured reading would tire out his eyes. He took the lift to the galley where his dad left the papers. He picked up The Globe which had a photo of a man in his mid-thirties with a smile that did not reach his eyes on the cover page. The headline read:
“Boring,” thought Cal.
So he picked up the Bugle and immediately his interest was peaked. On the cover was a photo of Spider-man on top of some kind of armored rhinoceros. The Bank of Manhattan sign was visible in the background amid all of the wreckage. This headline was just as accusatory as the Globe’s:
Cal didn’t believe a word of the headline though. And as he read the editorial by J. Jonah Jameson, he grew more and more disgusted.
‘Spider-man for the past four years has managed to strangle much of what this great city stands for. And most especially what it means to be a hero. Kids look up to him. But how can we as a community, trust anyone who hides behind
a mask?
The answer: We Cannot! This latest rampage proves that even if the Wall Crawler
isn’t working with this “Rhino,” I have come to realize that wherever Spider-man is,
another insane psycho in a costume will always be around to challenge him!
That is why I am calling out to all New Yorkers! To help bring the vigilantes in our fair
city to justice. Regardless of their intentions, they are breaking the law!
And I believe any who break the law is a criminal. Especially that creepy crawler SPIDER-MAN!’
Cal couldn’t read anymore. How could that Jameson condemn a hero? He walked back up to his room and laod back down hoping to get some sleep.
No matter what anyone else said, Cal would always think of Spider-man as a hero.

Peter actually made it into Connors’ class on time. The fact that he wasn’t out of breath was nothing short of a small miracle. That suicide attempt definitely didn’t care about making a certain Web Head late for class. And the jerk wasn’t going to save himself. So Peter of course had to step in.
“Y’know what really irritates about you jumpers?” Spidey had asked the struggling “victim” as he swung back down to the street, “Is that you actually believe that offin’ yourselves is a good thing! I mean COME ON! Some of you don’t want to cause anymore problems. But don’t you realize the man hours that go into cleaning the streets?”
By this time, they had reached the ground but Spider-man hadn’t let go yet, “And another thing! You honestly couldn’t be serious about suicide if you flung yourself off a building in THIS town! Honestly, how many heroes work here? I’ve lost count. Not even the least bit original!” he handed over the jumper to the cop, “I leave him in your capable custody Officer.”
After Spider-man leapt away, he checked his watch, “With just enough time to make it over to Biology! Thank you Lord!”
Throughout the lecture, Connors seemed more reserved than usual. He snapped harshly at those who interrupted his lecture. And almost cruelly called out anyone who didn’t get the molecular structures. Something had unnerved the good doctor, of that Peter was dead certain.
“Mr. Thompson, when you applied for this university, did you have to bribe your way in? or did you manage to seduce some flimsy receptionist?” Doctor Connors sneered.
“Because even my twelve year old son could connect THESE dots!”
Peter caught Gwen and Harry’s eyes and mouthed them to wait for him after class. When Connors had dismissed the class, Peter walked over to him.
“Doctor Connors…… Are you alright?”
Connors put on a fake smile, “Of course Peter, why wouldn’t I be?”
Choosing his words carefully, “It’s just that you seem a little…….. sensitive today.”
Doctor Connors dropped his shoulders as well as his perky demeanor, “Well, now that you mention it, my wife and I are having problems. It’s nothing serious, but it has put me off a little.”
Peter, who has seen but never met Connors’ wife, was a little shocked. She always had a ready smile and couldn’t imagine what they could possibly argue about that would jeopardize their marriage.
“She says that I’ve been spending too much time working instead of spending time with her and Billy. I’ve missed two of his birthdays already. But she just doesn’t understand! I’ve almost cracked the right sequence in the specimen!”
Peter’s common sense clicked on, “Waitaminute Doc. How long have you been studying that moon rock?”
Connors pulled at his collar as sweat started to build on his brow, “That’s thing. It’s not a moon rock.”
“That’s the cover story. We and the people at NASA,” his voice tensed as he said NASA,” can’t figure out where it came from. That rock,” he gestured towards the lab, “is a meteor fragment that crashed on an oil rig out in the Gulf of Mexico two and half years ago. When the oil company couldn’t gain contact with the rig, the Coast Guard investigated. They could find no sign of the crew. Only a crater from a meteor that punched through the first three floors of the rig. The Coast Guard figured NASA would like a look at the rock. The oil rig was covered up as drill malfunction.”
This was a lot of info to take in. I just thought it was an alien found on the moon!
But although it was a lot to chew on, Peter was adamant to find out more. “Hold on, you said something about cracking a sequence. What kind of sequence?”
“Peter,” Connors said in his “lecture” tone, “The applications for the- Lets call it a symbiote. The applications for the symbiote are almost limitless! Take my arm for example! If I could crack the correct DNA sequence, I should be able to combine the symbiote’s DNA with that of a reptile’s. The correct combination could ACTUALLY grow back my arm!”
Peter could tell that this was Connors’ obsession.
“And now NASA is pulling the plug. They are saying that I’m growing too close to the project.”
“Well, Doctor Connors, even I’ve noticed how close you gotten. I may not exactly agree with them, but I think that you might need some space from the symbiot.”
“SYMBIOTE! It’s called a symbiote!” Connors slammed a fist down on the desk.
Peter knowing that there was no way to comfort Connors left him alone on his classroom.
When Peter met up with Harry and Gwen, he told them a condensed and very edited version of the events that just transpired. Gwen was shocked and Harry seemed indifferent.
“Doc Connors appears to be really upset about all of this!”
Peter replied sarcastically, “I just thought that he was suffering from delusions of grandeur!”
While Gwen glared over at Peter, Harry piped up. “So what? The Man is relieving the good doctor of his addiction. Problem solved.”
Peter wasn’t convinced, “Maybe…..”
“Well, now that’s settled,” Harry said, “We have a more important matter to discuss.”
“What?” Gwen asked.
“THE TWO OF YOU!!!! I’m tired of giving You” he stuck a finger out at Peter, “advice which you so subtly ignore and YOU” moving his finger to Gwen “calling at FREAKING THREE O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING SO I CAN PLAY FREAKING DOCTOR PHIL!!!!!!! This needs to be settled right now!”
Gwen and Peter shifted on their feet as if they were being reprimanded for jumping over pews during a church service.
“You two need to stop playing these games because they ruining my life!”
By the time that Peter got back to his Aunt’s house forty-five minutes later, he gave his aunt May a big kiss on the cheeks and almost skipped up to his room to pick out something to wear. He had a date tonight!!!

When Parker had left the classroom, Doctor Curtis Connors dashed towards the lab. He took out the symbiote and extricated a sample. After that, he moved to where he kept his test subjects. The subjects were animals with similar characteristics: they all had the ability to grow back parts of their anatomy. As he was about to to make a grab for one of the animals, the phone in his office rang. Pocketing the sample of the alien and slightly annoyed at the timing, he picked up.
“Doctor Connors’ office.” He was instantly regretting not hiring a assistant.
“Martha? What is it?”
“Curt, I need to talk to you.”
“About what?”
“Our marriage.”
Now? Thought Connors. “Now?”
“Yes Curt. Now.”
“Look, Martha, can we talk about this tonight when I get home?”
“”When are you home?! You’re NEVER home!! How many nights have I stayed up in an empty bed? How promises have you made to Billy, only to break them the following day?”
“Sweetpea, I can’t wait to have this talk when I get home tonight at 9:30.”
Curt could just imagine the sarcastic look Martha’s elegant face, “Yeah, like I’ve never heard that before.”
“Martha, this time I will be home for a cold dinner.” Curt grinned, hoping that she could hear his comforting smile.
“If you don’t show up tonight, I’ll make sure that a divorce would feel like a blessing for you.”
“Martha, please. You have absolutely NOTHING to worry about. I’ll be there.”
After the “I love yous,” Connors went back to his task as if nothing had happened. When the phone rang a second time, Connors did not try to hide the irritation.
“Honey I said I’d be there-“
“Doctor Connors?”
“Oh, sorry Jenny. Thought you were my wife.”
“If only,” the reception wryly relied, “I have representatives from NASA and Osborn Industries here. They say they are here to pick up a package?”
“Oh,” Connors started, “Send them up please.”
“Will do Doctor.”
Once Connors put down the receiver, he went into a blind panic.
“CRAP!!!!!” Connors went over to his computers, transferring his data off of his computer and onto his flashdrives. He had only minutes. Curtis placed the animals over in a storage closet away from the lab. He made sure the sample he had was secure in his pocket before he sat down at his desk. When the guests walked in the doors, Connors acted as if he was expecting them.
“Ah, gentlemen, welcome to my humble class.”
One of the officials though was shocked to see Connors here at all, “Doctor Connors,” the man, Jenkins, tried to keep his composure. “We unaware that you spent such late nights at work.”
Indicating a stack of papers, “Grading never rests for the teachers. At least, the good ones.”
“Oh, c’mon Curtis,” a new voice said, “Don’t try and bamboozle us. Your….. obsession with the specimen has grown to dangerous levels.”
“Norman,” Connors spat out the name as if it were poison.
“Ah, so you remember your old pal?”
Norman Osborn stepped out from behind Jenkins. In a tailored suit designed by some fashionista in Italy. His auburn hair swept smoothly back with the only signs of age being a bit of grey growing at the temples. But it was his eyes that caught your attention. One look into his eyes gave you instant respect and fear. Yet there was a haunted look to his eyes that would almost make you pity him. Until he opened his lips.
“I would hope that after funding your little research program that you might feel a little more gracious. You now get to spend more time with your wife and son.”
“They will be relieved I assure you.”
After watching uneasily as these two great minds have a stare down, Jenkins spoke up.
“Where is the specimen?”
Connors finally broke eye contact, “In the lab. The symbiote is stored in one of my more secure containment units. I’ll show you.”
He led them into the lab and up to a heavily secured steel crate. After Connors keyed in the code to the crate, he pulled out the stainless steel suitcase containing the symbiote.
“There you go,” Connors handed the case to Jenkins but was intercepted by Osborn.
“You see, that’s what I don’t get about you Curt.” He grabbed the case, “Why do you attach yourself to something you know you are going to lose?”
“Because Ozzy,” Connors didn’t let go, “I live by a code of ethics and morals. You wouldn’t know anything about that.” Connors then released his grip.
Jenkins, always the mediator, “Well that about does it.” He motioned to Osborn, “Shall we?”
“Yes M. Jenkins, I guess we should.” He winked at Connors, “Always a pleasure Curt.”
Curtis though wanted to see this through, “Wait. I’ll walk you down.”
“That’s kind of you Curt,” Norman slapped Curtis on the back, “But I think we won’t get lost like you.”
“I insist.”
Anymore objections would have been suspicious, so Norman allowed Connors to “escort” them to the entrance to the entrance of the university. Once outside, Connors saw the security that was provided for the package. Two SUVs flanked a military issue Hummer with two American flags decorating the hoods of the convoy.
“Quite an escort you have there Norman. Expecting trouble?”
As Norman climbed into the backseat of the Humvee case in hand he called over his shoulder, “You never know what to expect these days Curtis. But I assure you Doctor, that your pet project will come to no harm.” And with a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame, shut the door.
Connors watched them drive off, fingering the beaker in his pocket that held all of his hopes and dreams.

Gwen stared at her watch. Again. It read 7:45. Peter was running late. But he had called as soon as he had left his house, telling Gwen that he was going to be a little delayed. At least he had the decency to call. But the wait was going to be the end of her. Like the fall off of a tall building. It wasn’t the fall that killed you. It was the inertia.
Peter had picked out this nice little Chinese buffet to eat at. It wasn’t exactly kosher but at Peter’s budget, the buffet was like eating at Red Lobster.
When the door opened after the umpteenth time, Gwen didn’t even bother to look up. But when Peter slumped into his seat, she could have sworn in court that he had run all the way FROM Queens.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” he wheezed, “Sorry I’m late.”
Gwen reached over and grabbed his hand, “It’s fine. This means that we can put in a late night.”
Peter, always the gentleman, “Not too late. You do have an exam tomorrow.”
“You could help me study for it,” she purred.
“Well,” he appeared to think about it, “I could…..”

Dillon checked his timer. Four minutes to go until the target crossed the border. And his team’s path. That would make the time about 7:56 pm. He motioned for his team to take their positions. Ramirez, a big Latino, loaded his favorite RPG and moved closest to the border. Schultz climbed the cell tower with his sniper rifle slung on his back. Mendes, the little guy, hid behind a barrel on the side of the highway. Ming hid in plain sight. He laid down in the center of the road. He always loved playing possum. The last of Dillon’s team, Tarantino, took out his machine gun and lay down in the car that they had parked with flashers on. Dillon then took position at the base of the cell tower armed with his customized .45 caliber pistols and auto shotgun. But his favorite weapon was one that wasn’t really required. His tasers which he kept just over his wrists that are activated by clenching his fists. He loved watching people spasm as thousands of volts of electricity coursed through people’s bodies.
He looked down at his watch again, three minutes to go.

The Everetts were dead tired. Even Jason had tore himself away from his notebook so that he could spend time with his wife and kids. Since after lunch, there had been nothing but fun and games. Cal slaughtered his dad in basketball. Then Joan got them to play some tennis which she had never played before. And now was the piece d resistance.: dinner & a movie. Cal wanted to watch the eighth Rambo, which Susan quickly denied him. Joan wanted to watch Spongebob III: The Search for the Golden Clam. This made everyone else groan. But they agreed on a film FINALLY: 2012.
“Jason,” SHELI asked, “Before you begin to view the film 2012, would you like to go ahead and give me your orders?”
“Why not? What do you want?” he said looking around.
“Can I have a cheeseburger?” piped Joan.
“How about a chili cheese dog?” Cal asked.
“That is one cheeseburger and one chili cheese dog,” SHELI repeated. “And what would you two like to eat?”
“I’ll have…..” Susan started. She looked at Jason, “What are you eating honey?”

At Empire State University, Doctor Connors was close to making a breakthrough. He squinted through the microscope as he implanted a small dose of the symbiote into the DNA combination of several reptiles: a crocodile, chameleon, komodo dragon, and a small lizard. The effect was immediate. The ever-shifting dose instantly warped and melded with the DNA samples.
“Yes!” He checked his watch, 7:59. “I’m gonna make it honey.”
He then took the dose and walked over to one of the test subject: a rabbit. Thankfully, PETA had absolutely no knowledge of the experiment he was about to commence. Connors took a hypodermic needle and then injected a concentrated dose into the rabbit. He took out a small knife and raised his arm, aiming for the rodent’s paw.

Dillon’s earpiece buzzed right on time.
“Yes sir?”
“The convoy is almost on top of you. Start the jamming sequence.” The modulated voice commanded.
“Yes sir” gladly Dillon made the call.
Several miles away, the Rhino was slumped on the roof of the building right next to ESU.
“Yeah?” Rhino asked when his piece buzzed.
“Jam the satellite feed.”
“Sure thing Dillon.”
Rhino then activated a device on his armor. The device sent of stream of data which blocked all incoming information from reaching any satellite nestled over New York. Most New Yorkers noticed that their phones and satellite TVs weren’t working. And the lights flickered for about two seconds. Otherwise, all was quiet on the Eastern Front.

Peter and Gwen were having a great time. They talked, ate, and made fun of certain psychotic professors. Peter didn’t notice the TV in the corner by the bar flicker. But he noticed the hand that was on his shoulder.
“Peter Parker!” John Jameson said, “How’s it going?”
“Not bad, kinda on a date.”
“Me too,” he motioned for his date to come over, “Peter this is Jennifer Walters.”
The woman who approached them was stunning. She was dressed in a business suit that pushed the limits of whether or not it would be appropriate for work.
“Hi, Peter,” she said shaking his hand.
“Hi,” and then as if she were an afterthought, “Oh! And this is Gwen.”
Gwen wasn’t even mildly offended at all. She remembered Jameson from the lecture two days ago.
“So Peter,” John said, “I was wondering when you’d like to get together to work on you paper?”
“The paper?”
Gwen kneed him, “Your mid-term paper Pete.”
“Oh crap! That paper!” he was in shock! How could he have forgotten? “I dunno. When would be best for you?”
“Friday at 4:30 is good for me.”
“Say ‘Yes’ Peter,” Gwen nudged.
“Of course, yeah. Friday’s fine!”

The Everetts were asleep when it happened. But when Rhino had jammed the satellites, he also jammed SHELI. SHELI operates by sending and receiving data bouncing off of several Stark Industries Satellites. That is how she navigates. When Rhino killed that feed, SHELI went haywire.
“WARNING! WARNING! Navigation malfunction!” SHELI blared on the bridge.
But the Everetts were not on the bridge and did not hear the distraught system.

The knife flashed as it sliced through the air and through the rabbit’s paw. Essentially a clean cut. The rabbit was going into shock. It’s other limbs flailed wildly as the rodent tried to right itself. But then, the impossible occurred.
Connors looked on in delight as the rabbit’s leg began to heal. It wasn’t quick. But the bones extended, muscled sewed itself onto the bone, and flesh grew over the muscle sprouting fur.
“YES!!!!!!!!!” Connors leapt with joy.
He still had many more tests to do, but it appeared as if his hard work was finally starting to pay off.
How wrong he was.

The Stark prototype yacht was beyond haywire. This magnificent vessel had capabilities that would make the Navy drool with envy. It’s most engaging feature was it’s submersible upgrade. SHELI would seal off the decks making them air tight. Then she would allow the yacht to “sink” into the water. But when Rhino jammed the satellite feed, SHELI malfunctioned in a BIG way.
The advanced system that controlled every aspect of the yacht, lost most if not all of it’s control. SHELI was rendered blind and deaf. And with all blind/deaf people, you tend to trip. Which explains why in less than three minutes, the multi-million dollar yacht disappeared beneath the waves.
Thankfully, SHELI may have been deaf and blind, but she managed to send an SOS using shortwave frequencies.

Jenkins watched the road nervously as the convoy sped down the freeway. They couldn’t risk using an airport. Too public. Too great a chance that the specimen could get lost in the shuffle of the everyday chaos that occurred at the airport. So Osborn had come up with the brilliant idea of transferring the specimen by road. The only downside: it was taking forever! But Jenkins, Osborn, McGaven, and the security force that tagged along had to suffer the eighty-six hour ride from Manhattan to Central Florida. Osborn was talking some big business deal when the reception died.

Right on schedule, thought Dillon as the convoy came down the road. And as predicted, the lead SUV swerved and screeched to halt just inches away from Ming. The mercs didn’t act yet. It wasn’t time. One of the convoy’s “security personnel” cautiously stepped out of the SUV and approached what he thought was a dead body.
Dillon grabbed his shortwave radio, “Alright Ramirez. Light ‘em up.”
“With pleasure” rumbled the buffalo of a man.
Ramirez sprang up onto his feet and leveled the RPG and fired before the convoy could react. The last vehicle leapt into the air as if it was going to try to go into orbit. It instead crashed upside down right next to the hummer, blocking the right doors from opening. The guard who had decided to investigate Ming drew his Glock and whirled around only to have a five round burst from Ming’s SMG tear right through the back of his skull.
The front SUV could have taken off before Ramirez could reload. They could have run over Ming and live to tell the tale. But either their arrogance, their need for a paycheck, or their loyalty to their employers made the rest of the guards roll down the windows and try to fight back.
If they were dealing with just Ming and Ramirez, the guard might have actually succeeded. But when they rolled the windows, Schultz got three clean shots. Three dead bodies slumped in the SUV which would be both their hears and their tomb as Dillon tossed a grenade into the back seat.
After the explosion, Dillon passed the twisted frame and approached the driver’s side door of the hummer.
“Knock knock.” He pulled open the door.
The guard in this hummer was at least competent enough to know that this was a crappy situation. He did what any smart man would do. He laid down his weapon and with Dillon leveling his guns at him, stepped out of the vehicle. But this man didn’t risk his life for home and country to give up now.
The former Marine knocked the guns out of Dillon’s hands before he could blink. This fight just became personal. The guard, whose name was Johnson, summoned all of his training to do one thing: take out this mercenary. Every punch, kick, and block actually seem to wear out Dillon.
Dillon, who was getting tired of this petty fight, popped his tasers loose. Johnson had been tasered before. It happens when you have too much to drink and drive a little crazy. But the tasers Dillon was using were most definitely contraband.
The first strike froze Johnson where he stood. He would have grimaced if had been able to. But as soon as the taser made contact, his muscles seized. He was lucky to be able to grunt. As soon as Dillon was sure that Johnson couldn’t move, he started to pummel him as hard and as fast as he could.
With each new strike, Johnson spasmed. The rest of the team watched as Dillon turned Johnson’s face into a bloody pulp. After two minutes Schultz had had enough.
“Dillon,” Schultz tried to pull him off the battered guard, “He’s dead!”
Dillon wasn’t having any of it, “Hey do I tell you how to load your rifle?! Get off me Herman!”
Now Schultz was getting agitated, “I told you that name in confidence.”
Dillon got up, “And I confidently told you that I would remember your name.”
Realizing that the job was not yet done, Dillon noticed the SUV with their objective, “Come on.”
The mercs approached the now defenseless SUV with nothing short than a swagger. Dillon approached the driver’s side back door and slowly opened it. Inside was a frightened Jenkins clutching the case with the symbiote inside. Next to him was a grim faced Norman Osborn.
“Hello there,” Dillon said as if he were out for a stroll, “What’s in the case?”

I hope you enjoyed this part in Sensational Spider-man.
If you haven't read the other parts or any other of my casts, check them out below!

Spider-man Part I
Spider-man Part II
Spider-man Part III
Spider-man Part IV
Secret War
The Initiative
Doctor Strange

Batman 3

You know the drill: Comments are just below!

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Kaedus - 5/18/2010, 11:35 AM
I like.

It's quite funny because I've been writing down like a Spiderman redo which includes Rhino, Shocker, and Electro aswell lol.

Awesome stuff :)
LEEE777 - 5/18/2010, 2:39 PM
WADEY @ Dude, ya gotta PIMP a little, to get 'em in!!!

; D

Will be back in a bit to read this baby, looks great man kudos!
Wadey09 - 5/18/2010, 3:17 PM
what do you mean by pimp?

lc - 5/18/2010, 4:43 PM
he means like put it on other ppl things on here
that way more ppl will know you have this up
just put the link up as much as you can
like the rest of them .:)

well done on this
Wadey09 - 5/18/2010, 4:50 PM
mesa get it now!
LEEE777 - 5/19/2010, 8:07 AM
WADEY @ I gotta admit dude this was very entertaining!

I like, kudos on putting a bit of STARK stuff in it too!

Great read man and thumbs up!

Now PIMP this baby!!!!

OriginalPhysco - 5/20/2010, 12:07 PM
This was so awesome. I was reading like I was viewing a movie. This was so [frick]ing awsome dude and the emotions just... Damn I can explain but you did so much of a good job
Wadey09 - 5/20/2010, 12:59 PM
thanks man! i tell you this was one of the hardest parts to write just because i have little to no experience writing action sequences. but this just sort of popped into my head and i ran with it.

but the sequence technically speaking is not done.
i still have to deal with Rhino, Doc Connors, the Everetts' yacht, AND Peter's date with Gwen.

believe me, i can't wait to read what you have to say abour Part VI!

btw, how's your story coming along?
OriginalPhysco - 5/20/2010, 1:14 PM
Yea, my story is coming along amazingly. It jus I keep rewriting parts because they dont seem right or too early. Im mixing up different universes to make up an outstanding universe and having to do the past marvel events that occurred in the past movies. having to research info and rewatch movies so I wont make mistakes. Do you think I should post the half right now?
Wadey09 - 5/20/2010, 1:23 PM
i know what you mean about creating a cohesive universe.
i wrote most of this before i saw Iron Man 2 and assumed Hammer would get indicted. here's hoping!

as for your story, if you feel confident in your work, that you have done everything you can to make the best possible story no matter what anyone else thinks....
then i say POST IT MAN!!!!!!!

also there is the fact that posting too much can be taxing on the reader which is why i'm only doing two to five scenes at a time.

whatever your decision, I cannnot wait to read it!
OriginalPhysco - 5/20/2010, 3:02 PM
I posted it. Click Here to read it
ecksmanfan - 5/20/2010, 7:22 PM
Nice work! Some great references to other story arcs and characters. Great job!
Wadey09 - 5/20/2010, 7:31 PM
thanks man!
have look at the other parts if you haven't already!
superotherside - 5/21/2010, 10:23 AM
wadey: i love this story only one thing couldn't u put more small villains in? like vulture, electro, shocker, i know u made references to them in their other ids but still i want them trying to take out spiderman also love how u made it in continuity to the cinematic universe only who r the everetts? r they in the comics?
Wadey09 - 5/21/2010, 11:16 AM
i'm building up to the characters becoming major villains. i wanted to go ahead and make them an identifiable threat. i also didn't want to overcrowd the film with too many villains. (Spider-man 3 comes to mind.).
i want them to WANT to make Spider-man hurt. but i also realize that is not the onlt part of their psyche.

as for the Everetts, they are characters of my own design. i wanted a regular everyday family. seeing as how every character in the comics is not regular or everyday, i decided to create a family.
though on the flipside, there is a character that they corresponded with in one of the earlier parts by the name of Eddie March.
this is an associate of Tony Stark.
i can't wait to see the look on Eddie's face when he sees what has happened to Tony's yacht.
TANKGIRL - 5/21/2010, 2:26 PM
nice to read this talent writer you should make your own comic story
Wadey09 - 5/21/2010, 2:58 PM
i wish.
but who's gonna hire a dude with no work experience and a grade average that should be better left alone?
besides, i have absolutley no idea how to get a hold of Marvel!
ah well......
maybe they'll get some ideas from this and then i could get maybe a commision?
i can always dream.
OriginalPhysco - 5/21/2010, 5:06 PM
Right now all we can do is dream
Wadey09 - 5/21/2010, 8:45 PM
hey dreaming is fine with me!
i love to dream!
especially in my sleep.
i can never seem to get enough of that!
AverageCitizen99 - 5/21/2010, 9:51 PM
This is some pretty good stuff. I like that you took the liberty to create some original characters for the story. I especially like the 'Iron Man 2' reference.


Check out my new editorial right here:
Wadey09 - 5/21/2010, 10:29 PM
thanks and will do!
JoshWilding - 5/23/2010, 12:16 PM
Excellent work Wadey09! :) I love the references you've included in the story and the whole thing makes for a really fun read! You need to turn pro with writing as good as this..!
Wadey09 - 5/23/2010, 1:06 PM
thanks! you have no idea how much guesswork was needed to predict the outcome of Iron Man 2 several weeks before the film came out. then seeing as how this is the first draft, there are bound to be changes. after i finish writing the first draft and finish posting it, i'm gonna post like a Special Collector's Box Edition with new material.
and if you could point me in the right direction, i would be more than happy to turn pro!
DetectiveCinema - 5/24/2010, 1:28 AM
Wadey09 I haven't read it yet but I will very soon...just leaving a comment in advance. Maybe in the next 2 or 3 days, yeah?
Wadey09 - 5/26/2010, 2:49 PM
its okay, i've been away from the internet so yeah we're good.
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