This isn't news to me or anything, I even joked to my buddy before posting that it was going to get negative responses. Like most people on here, I've read and posted on multiple forums like AICN and SSH. Also, I have been running a facebook Avengers page for the last two years (ever since The Incredible Hulk) so I knew what I was walking into when I made that post.
Back to my point, most of the out cry was over the fact that women didn't serve as soldiers during World War II and how dare I make such a historically inaccurate suggestion. First of all, yes, I am fully aware that women didn't serve in WWII, but we're not talking about THAT World War, we're talking about a fictional war LOOSELY based on the one that inspired Captain America. If you want historical accuracy, watch Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan because you're going to be sorely [frick]ing mistaken when you find out even Hitler won't even be in the movie. I realize he's a fan favourite for some of you.
Why couldn't it be plausable to have a few women who obtained superpowers much like their male counter parts? This is a comic book movie is it not? If I'm going to suspend disbelief to buy into Norse Gods, android human torches, Atlantean Royalty and Super Soldier Serum, I think I could stretch my imagination enough to see a woman serving her country in a fictional 1940's.
Yes, I've read some of the early Captain America comics (I'm a Brubaker man, myself) and no, I wouldn't expect to see Miss America is he bulky, pink, star-spangled costume or Whizzer's yellow spandex from head to toe. I'm saying, have at least a few nods to those characters who were popular back in the day. Make them first run S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with powers or something. Marvel doesn't have to cover the origins of every character they have!
Another thing that's bugged me since Daredevil is the stink people put up when regarding a race change and they usually always start off with "I'm not racist, but... (and then continues to ramble on about what if they made Blade white)" Guess what? You probably are racist. Michael Clarke Duncan was an awesome Kingpin, it's just too bad they had a hack director and a sh*tty studio behind it. I do hope that with Tom Rothman out of the picture, that Fox will successfully pull it's head out of it's ass. Probably not though. Sorry, I felt like I had to throw that in.
Most comic book fans had known about 8 years before Iron Man that Samuel L. Jackson was likely going to be the movie version of Nick Fury, so I don't understand how some people can still be up in arms about this. It's not a big deal. He's playing the exact same character from the comics. Nothing has really changed other than that one arbitrary thing. He is Nick Fury! Granted, I will say that Nick Fury in Iron Man 2 didn't blow me away but in all honesty, it's easy to criticize when we haven't seen him in action yet.
But no matter what colour Nick Fury is, it's still unfathomable as to why he would be given a gun. The man's lack of depth perception should automatically disqualify him from active duty, let alone leading an entire squad. Forget the fact that he's black the mother[frick]er has ONE EYE!
I guess the point was to say, in this universe anybody can do anything. It just needs to look plausable when they do it. There is nothing reality-based about these movies, people should not take everything so seriously and calm the [frick] down when it comes to changes in comic book movies. Especially before anything is even announced, let alone filmed.