While Iron Man 3 may have seemed like a film that frustrated most fans and had little to no Easter eggs to hint at future marvel films, we should all remember Kevin Feige’s comments on the film having Easter eggs “because we are in Phase Two and we're heading towards another 'Avengers' movie, there's certainly a road that's being paved — you just might not notice it […]While you're driving on the road, not knowing where it's going, you might not realize that there are road signs and signals and lane changes that we're setting up now — they might not be readily apparent the first time you see the movie.” After Watching Iron Man 3 a few more times I believe that I have found these hints to the future! So, as I said in the teaser, this article
DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS! So if you don’t want to be spoiled stop reading now!
UPDATED with corrections! Sorry if I confused most of you...
Hello! If you decided to stay sit back and enjoy! The first easter eggs that I believed to have found was the scene were Aldrich Killian had his meeting with pepper about Extremis.
Before Killian showed pepper “his brian” he seemed to have made a mistake and showed her the universe. Why would Aldrich Killian be interested in the universe? He’s commented on Thor while having a conversation with Tony Stark who was being held captive by saying “Ever since that big guy with the hammer fell out of the sky, subtlety's kinda had its day.” He obviously know that there are other things out in the universe from the chatari invasion in New York. This may have left Killian curioused and amazed on how a portal could be created from earth to visit other dimensions. After getting some info on how the portal was created (The Tesseract) and the loction of the Tesseract now (Asgard), Killian may use A.I.M to create a Tesseract!

What I’m saying is nothing new, in old and new Avengers comics A.I.M and/or the Government created a Tesseract for earth which always turned out bad. This leads me into the second Easter egg I believed I have found and that is, The Government. Iron Man 3 showed that it was even people in Government who could not be trusted. If we can all play back the scene in Iron Man 3 were Tony and Rhodey were on the lovely speedboat and called the vice president to warn him that the president was about to be kidnapped and that Rhodey was not in the Iron Patriot armor, the Vice President hung up the phone with no urgency to call and warn the president with what he has just heard. Instead he went over to his daughter, whose leg had been amputated, hinting that he was working with Killian and A.I.M. At the end of the film the Vice President was shown being arrested for his betrayal on the Government.
That was just showing the beginning of what I believe is the start of how
Extremis will infiltrate the Government. Lastly the third Easter egg I believed to have found was how extremis soldiers could regenerate and not die. So while Stark may have believed he’s extinguished all the Extremis soldiers, he may be in for something in the future. For Example, when injected with Extremis, the victim is put under immense pain. If the victim accepts Extremis, they will be enhanced with incredible abilities. However, if the victim's body rejects it, they heat up and explode in an explosion of 3000°C. As seen in the film Eric Savin, Ellen Brandt and Jack Taggart rejected Extremis their first time being tested and they were throughout the film. Extremis’ healing abilities are also shown in greater depth, to the point that those injected with Extremis can regenerate damaged limbs, with the original soldiers re-growing limbs lost in combat prior to being 'infected' with Extremis and Killian regenerating his left hand after Tony cuts it off during a fight.

So while Pepper may have seemed really violent in shooting Killian with a repulsor ray and sending him crashing into some rubble, we must remember that Extremis is really powerful so expect to see some Extremis characters returning from Iron Man 3. That is what I believe is to be the biggest plot for Phase 2,
It seems as though a lot of important people are in on Extremis as well. The Government, The Roxxon Oil Company and Former soldiers in the Army who want more power. Wait a minute, those three things have something in common. Let me reference to the comics to help you understand…
Meet Aleksander Lukin:
Good strong name, good strong job. Alexander here is the Owner of the Roxxon Oil Corporation. I’m pretty sure he’s a pretty good guy… NOT! Lukin as a child lived on a village which is used by the Red Skull as a base of operations during the Second World War. Soviet troops attempt to retake the town, assisted by the Western Allies' superhero team the Invaders (including Captain America and Bucky). Lukin's mother is killed in the course of the battle. The leader of the Soviet forces, Vasily Karpov, takes the orphaned Lukin under his wing. In the ensuing decades, Lukin became an important figure in the Soviet military and the KGB, rising to the rank of general. When his mentor, Karpov, passes away, Lukin is left in custody of a large cache of special projects developed over the decades, including
the Winter Soldier. He sells some of these devices to the highest bidders to raise funds. In one instance, he sells weapons to the Red Skull himself, but refuses to part with the Winter Soldier for anything less than the reality-altering Cosmic Cube (which the Skull was not in possession of, and would not give up in any case).
Why did I tell you that bit of information? Well during the end credits of Iron man 3 Trevor Slattery was seen shaking hand with the man he supposedly had shot in the head, Thomas Gordan, the accountant for the
Roxxon Oil Corporation.
This means that Roxxon and A.I.M are working together. Wait, since Aleksander Lukin, the head of Roxxon, affiliated in the creation of the Winter Soldier (who has a form of a replicated Super Soldier serum) and Roxxon are working with A.I.M (the company that has tried to replicate the Super Soldier serum and created Extremis).
Could The Winter Soldier be…
AN EXTREMIS SOLDIER?!? Let’s think about it Captain America 2 is going to be a
political thriller, Bucky is a past soldier in the Army and the Roxxon Oil Company obviously has a presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Like I said before Extremis may be the plot for Phase 2.
But what about Thor: The Dark World? I believe that Thor 2 may be a standalone film as well but, this is how it may play into Phase 2. Let us remember the ending, alternative ending and after credit scene for Thor (2011). In the Original ending for Thor, Heimdall informs Thor that Jane Foster was trying to find a way to reach him. In The Alternative ending, Jane had gotten as far as creating a portal similar to the power of the Tesseract but it was too weak to do anything with.

In the After credit scene of Thor when Selvig had met with Nick Fury, Selvig referred to Jane’s work as the “Foster Theory.” Now to go back to Thor 2, While Thor and Jane are on Asgard and Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) and Eric Selvig are in London (it seems they were there in the trailer), A.I.M could be infiltrating information and tech from Fosters laboratory and using it to create their Tesseract. Also whoever this great threat is in the film I believe that the Ultimate Sacrifice that Thor would have to make is something in the context where he would have to Sacrifice becoming King of Asgard and stay on Midgard to protect it from future threats. This way he would find out that Jane’s info had been stolen and promise her that he will get the people responsible for this. Anyway the last Marvel Flick before the Avengers 2 is Guardians of the Galaxy. Now I’ll admit I’ve never heard of the GOTG until Marvel’s SDCC announcement last year. But from information I have gathered here’s what I would like to see:
-Film set in present day
-Rhomann Dey and Nova Corps is in contact with S.H.I.E.L.D.
-Ronan the Accuser is said to be the main villain for the film and Thanos is to play a big part in the movie. (What I got out of that is that Marvel might use elements from both the 616 and the 1610 version of Ronan. In particularly Ronan being the son of Thanos.)
-The Inhumans and Kang The Conqueror Easter eggs.
Did I just say Kang the Conqueror? Yes, you read that right but he may only have an Easter egg to set up for the Avengers 2. But how would Aldrich Killian, A.I.M and Extremis going to intertwine with Kang? This is where the evil deeds of A.I.M’s Tesseract will take place. Let’s remember Thanos and The Other will now challenge the unruly human of Midgard to court death. Kang the Conqueror may be part of Court death but before this happen Killian may come in contact with Thanos through his (A.I.M’s) Tesseract and learn of Thanos' plans and be in it and in turn give the Mad Titan the earth’s Tesseract for world domination. The Avengers 2 might feature the Avengers old foes as well as Kang the Conqueror.
Well I guess to end this off, tie it up with a bow or whatever. If you enjoyed this article, look forward to my Fan-Fic article telling my version of The Avengers 2 outline! Well like always, Sound Off below!