Synopsis: A more serious reboot of the Batman franchise after an 8-year hiatus from the big screen. As a young boy, Bruce Wayne watched in horror as his millionaire parents were slain in front of him. Obsessed with revenge, young Bruce flees to the Far East, where he seeks counsel and training from the dangerous but honorable ninja cult leader known as Ra's Al-Ghul.
A 25-year-old Bruce returns to Gotham City to find that his family's business, Wayne Enterprises, has been taken over by shareholders, and the company's chief inventor, Lucius Fox, has been fired. Discovering a cave under his mansion, along with a prototype armored suit, leads him to assume a new persona, one which will strike fear into the hearts of men. Wayne enlists Fox to help him create the Batman alter ego when a villain named Scarecrow unleashes a plot to poison the city.
Release Date: June 17, 2005 - Warner Bros.
Director: Christopher Nolan
Cast: Christian Bale - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Michael Caine - Alfred Pennyworth, Liam Neeson - Ducard, Morgan Freeman
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