
Username: ShaunAvery
Member Since: 4/21/2014
Contact ShaunAvery

Hi, its ME!

Comic book fan, decorated athlete, musician, activist, practioner of Muay Thai and other dark arts and wizardry.
Philanthropist, luddite, archer, lover... these are but a few of my many titles. Call me as you will, names cannot hurt us- only elbows and front kicks to the face can truly cause us any harm.

Let me ask a favour of you, my brother or sister. If you are a fan of comic books then you choose to idealise the role of hero as protector, as do I. So let us adopt the philosophies of our 2D counterparts: stand tall against injustice, be kind to your fellow people- and NEVER turn a blind eye to the plight of another.
We may never fly, shoot lasers from our eyes or drive a batmobile, but we can live everyday as heros simply by adhering to basic moral principles and offering more to our immiediate surroundings.

Lets be careful out there

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