Synopsis: Tank Girl is a British comic created by Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin. The eponymous character Tank Girl drives a tank, which is also her home. She undertakes a series of missions for a nebulous organization before making a serious mistake and being declared an outlaw for her sexual inclinations and her substance abuse. The comic centres on her misadventures with her boyfriend, Booga, a mutant kangaroo. The comic's style was heavily influenced by punk visual art, and strips were frequently deeply disorganized, anarchic, absurdist, and psychedelic. The comic was also adapted into a critically and financially unsuccessful film, albeit with a considerable cult following. Martin and Hewlett are known for speaking poorly of the experience, with Martin calling it "a bit of a sore point" for them. Despite its critics, the film did however undeniably broaden the comics' fanbase from a relatively modest cult following to an international audience.
Release Date: March 31, 1995
Director: Rachel Talalay
Cast: Lori Petty, Ice-T, Naomi Watts, Malcolm McDowell
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