Poll Question:

Given that Bryan Singer is the "Executive Producer" for FOX's X-Men: First Class currently being directed by Matthew Vaughn, what is the likely hood that a genuinely entertaining movie will be the result ?
Zero ... Singer never actually cared for the franchise, bolting when the first opportunity presented itself in the form of the crippled Superman juggernaut over at Warner Bros.
50 Votes (45.05%)
Matthew Vaughn can succesfully enforce his "views" and "creative" style with the moderate success and rising cult status of Kick-Ass.
25 Votes (22.52%)
The blending of Singer's "sensitive" approach and Vaughn's "Meat-n-Potatoes" work ethic could be just what the doctor ordered.
22 Votes (19.82%)
Who cares as long as the superhero gravy train keeps on rolling.
14 Votes (12.61%)

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