Username: TMW1987ProudProWrestlingFan
Member Since: 12/23/2012
Contact TMW1987ProudProWrestlingFan
I am a huge fan of wrestling and have been since the age of 2. Wrestled myself for 13 years.
My favourite Wrestlers are Rob Van Dam, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Sting, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Christian, Bret Hart, Samoa Joe, A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, C.M. Punk, Low Ki, KENTA, Bryan Danielson, Nigel McGuinness, Austin Aries, Davey Richards, Homicide & Tyler Black.
My favourite Countries are America, Canada, Japan, Mexico & Brazil.
Avid fan & reader of comic books & superheroes & love superhero movies & TV Shows.
I'm more Marvel than D.C. but that doesn't mean I'm going to bash one or the other & I will give fair criticism of both whether that be about the comics or the movies, both have their pros & cons & neither is better than the other in my opinion & both offer characters or stories that I like & can get into. I will however quite often bash Bryan Singer, Shane Black, Fox, Sony & Warner Brothers for stupid ideas & decisions & the exact same goes for Marvel Studios except they don't make AS many mistakes in my opinion & I'll always give valid reasons or points for the bashing & not just do it for the sake of it. You've been warned so expect some debates with me in threads & topics.
Also love my console gaming (Sorry, just can't get into or find enjoyment in playing games on a PC).