Marvel: The Heroic Age Wallpaper

jusme6 - 1/29/2010, 2:39 PM
who made this wallpaper? I dunno about how I feel about Bucky-Cap replacing Steve for the "Heroic Age"
NateBest - 1/29/2010, 6:46 PM
It's actually from Marvel, I just cropped it to work for wallpaper... It was done during their announcement for 2010.
crazyish - 1/29/2010, 7:04 PM
loving the new ironman suit
breakUbatman - 2/2/2010, 7:37 AM
I'm all for the Extremis armour but Jim Cheung makes the new one look cool (Even though Iron Man looks like he's wearing sneakers)
AlexF6388 - 2/2/2010, 10:47 AM
I don't know...there's something up with Hawkeye. See how one arm is bare to the forearm while the other is completely covered up...and has a look of segmented a certain sidekick-turned-Cap we all know and love? This might just be a guess, but maybe, JUST MAYBE, the new Hawkeye might be Bucky Barnes! Which would suck most hardcore.
nikolavuk - 5/18/2010, 2:46 PM
This wallpaper is so cool.that is my favorite hero hawkeye.
Ejobson - 1/2/2013, 5:42 AM
Thor has got me going
riffster - 5/20/2013, 2:20 AM
This the art of Stuart Immonen I think..
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