
CBM Username: robiwi2
Member Since: 1/23/2015
CBM Posts: 6

Contact robiwi2 William Robinson has been a comic book fan for over 30 years. Having written in other media and having ground level experience with self-publishing, script-writing experience with the comic book market, he has pulled unsuspecting friends and family into the world of comic books, and has written entertainment and feature articles for various media. He is also the father of two a 19 year old Whovian at Texas A&M, and a 11 year old Lynda Carter Wonder Woman fan. He is also, a current writer for
Flash's Dad comes to his first Con
Jesse L. Martin headliner at Houston's Fan Fair September 19th & 20th, 2015
Aug 24, 2015 12:08 PM
Flash's Dad comes to his first Con
Jesse L. Martin headliner at Houston's Fan Fair September 19th & 20th, 2015
Aug 24, 2015 12:08 PM
Why older nerds have problems with reboots, how Mission:Impossible is a good test case, and why franchise shifts matter to all fans, no matter the age
May 05, 2015 06:05 PM
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